St. Francis says that saying prayers in Latin can lead to greater devotion. How/why is this? And why is it still important to understand the translation of those prayers?What are the four ends of man?St. Francis says that sung canticles should be done “as though you meant them.” Why is this so important?Our bodies require food and sustenance, so why are we told that fasting is good for us? Isn’t it just neglect? And why would it have any spiritual benefit?St. Francis says that “We must act on the minds of o
Feb 8, 6:09 AM
SrSusan (Guest): “We must act on the minds of others as far as possible as the angels do, graciously and without coercion.” If we want to help others draw close to God, how can this be carried out with our own children or grandchildren, or with neighbors or those at work? What can we do in our relationships so that this kind of evangelization is more effective?St. Francis says that the one girl (Françoise) should freely discern religious life, but not be coerced or conditioned into wanting it, allowing God to work. How mig
SrSusan (Guest): How might today’s vocation promotion violate this principle? How can we advertise and encourage vocations without artificially leading people to choose priesthood/religious life because of a need for an increase therein?
Feb 8, 6:10 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat Feb 11 730-830pm est
Feb 8, 6:10 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat

Newsletter for Sunday chat Feb. 11 | Visitation Spirit
Feb 11, 4:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Paula!
Feb 11, 4:27 PM
Paula (Guest): Hi Mother! How are things in NY?
Feb 11, 4:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): NY is ok
4:41 PMSrSusan (Guest): q 1 St. Francis says that saying prayers in Latin can lead to greater devotion. How/why is this?
eb 11, 4:43 PMDawn (Guest): Latin. would it be it is ancient language never changing ? and it is beautiful
b 11, 4:43 PMRhodylyn (Guest): Latin is the language of the church.
b 11, 4:44 PM
Elena (Guest): It’s the ancient language of the Church… I consider that all the saints up until modern times prayed in Latin, the Mass was in Latin, and that helps me feel more connected to them. It’s the language of the universal church.
Feb 11, 4:44 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Indeed so beautiful.
Feb 11, 4:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): a sacred language now reserved for holy things, unfortunately not used by all
Feb 11, 4:44 PM
Elena (Guest): I agree, Rhodylyn
eb 11, 4:44 PMPaula (Guest): Plus it is clearer in meaning back to the original Bible translations
b 11, 4:45 PMSrSusan (Guest): When I was a child I had a Latin-English missal because we did not learn the Latin in elementary school
Feb 11, 4:46 PM
Dawn (Guest): I recall those , one side latin, the other english
Feb 11, 4:46 PM
Simone (Guest): I just bought the writings from St. Gertrud – left page is Latin – right page is German. that helps me to freshen up my Latin
Feb 11, 4:46 PM
Elena (Guest): Many classical Catholic schools these days are teaching Latin. I have a couple of those Missals, Sister.
Feb 11, 4:46 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): My friends told me the same thing too.
Feb 11, 4:46 PM
Paula (Guest): that’s why I went back to a Douay Rheims translation
eb 11, 4:47 PM
Paula (Guest): Whole different means to things
eb 11, 4:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I also like when the Greek is explained – in a homily for instance always sheds new light
b 11, 4:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I also like when the Greek is explained – in a homily for instance always sheds new light
Feb 11, 4:48 PM
Paula (Guest): not German….Douay Rheims goes back to St. Jeromes translation
Feb 11, 4:48 PM
Simone (Guest): you would like Peter’s homilies
Feb 11, 4:48 PM
Dawn (Guest): just an example
Feb 11, 4:48 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Study Bibles give meaning of Greek and Hebrew words that make English translations inaccurate
Feb 11, 4:49 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Sometimes there is not a real word for word translation
b 11, 4:49 PM
Dawn (Guest): it is helpful when someone knowledgable translates as they are reading scripture. saying…the orginialmeaning in Greek
Feb 11, 4:49 PM
Paula (Guest): for example…in the gospels….Jesus tells the disciples to take nothing for the journey…not even scripts
Feb 11, 4:49 PM
b 11, 4:51 PM
Paula (Guest): scripts…..are the written gospel or Jewish writings….
Feb 11, 4:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes and no Dawn
Feb 11, 4:51 PM
Ruth (Guest): Somewhere I heard or read about a missionary going to great trouble to translate prayers into the native language, but the people complained they wanted to pray in the language the priest did (Latin) because it just didn’t seem right to address God in the same language that they cursed in and did business in.
Feb 11, 4:52 PM
Dawn (Guest): interesting, Ruth
Feb 11, 4:52 PM
Paula (Guest): the Sacred Heart of Jesus lives in each church
eb 11, 4:53 PM
, 4:51 PM
Ruth (Guest): Somewhere I heard or read about a missionary going to great trouble to translate prayers into the native language, but the people complained they wanted to pray in the language the priest did (Latin) because it just didn’t seem right to address God in the same language that they cursed in and did business in.
Feb 11, 4:52 PM
Feb 11, 4:52 PM
Dawn (Guest): interesting, Ruth
Feb 11, 4:52 PM
Feb 11, 4:52 PM
Paula (Guest): the Sacred Heart of Jesus lives in each church
Feb 11, 4:53 PM
Feb 11, 4:53 PM
Dawn (Guest): Do many in neighborhood attend Mass at your Chapel?
Feb 11, 4:53 PM
Lisa C (Guest): It is very hard to explain how we can feel Him in our Chapel
Feb 11, 4:53 PM
Paula (Guest): in each Tabernacle until the end of time
Feb 11, 4:54 PM
SrSusan (Guest): weekedays 5-8 sometimes less but Sundays 40 to 50, more before Covisd, maybe up to 70
Feb 11, 4:54 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Very special Chapel, yes
Feb 11, 4:54 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Jesus will guide this process and we need to be praying and accepting sacrifice and whatever suffering comes
Feb 11, 4:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q And why is it still important to understand the translation of those prayers?
Feb 11, 4:55 PM
Elena (Guest): I’m sorry, I’m a little behind the times. Sister, can you give me an idea what is going on? Is your beloved monastery going to close??
Feb 11, 4:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes Elena
10 online
b 11, 4:59 PMSrSusan (Guest): q What are the four ends of man
eb 11, 5:00 PMDawn (Guest): death judgement heaven hell
eb 11, 5:02 PMSrSusan (Guest): St. Francis says that sung canticles should be done “as though you meant them.” Why is this so important?
Feb 11, 5:02 PMRhodylyn (Guest): When you mean them, your prayers reach the Heavens.
b 11, 5:02 PM
Paula (Guest): He who sings prays twice
Feb 11, 5:02 PM
Elena (Guest): I love singing/chanting the psalms.. I think canticles and psalms really express the fullness of human emotion and experience… and they invite God into that experience that is personal and sometimes agonizing.
Feb 11, 5:02 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Mother, were the Visitation chants written for Brooklyn or for all the Visitations? If it was only Brooklyn, what will happen?
b 11, 5:02 PM
Elena (Guest): I love singing/chanting the psalms.. I think canticles and psalms really express the fullness of human emotion and experience… and they invite God into that experience that is personal and sometimes agonizing.
Feb 11, 5:02 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Mother, were the Visitation chants written for Brooklyn or for all the Visitations? If it was only Brooklyn, what will happen?
Feb 11, 5:03 PM
SrSusan (Guest): no for the USA Monasteries
Feb 11, 5:03 PM
Paula (Guest): all of the Monasteries chant
Feb 11, 5:03 PM
Lisa C (Guest): Oh, good
eb 11, 5:04 PM
SrSusan (Guest): written by a Benedictine monk
Feb 11, 5:04 PM
Paula (Guest): Yep and I have then down pat
eb 11, 5:04 PMSrSusan (Guest): before that it was a simple 3 tone chant but that was before my time
11, 5:06 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): I got that one. There is one with the Sisters though.
Feb 11, 5:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): How far back?
Feb 11, 5:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Maybe 400th anniversary one
Feb 11, 5:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Probably only a Monastery has that one
Feb 11, 5:07 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Yes that’s the one.
Feb 11, 5:07 PM
Lisa C (Guest): The thing about the Monastery being with the School is that the Nuns always prayed for the students and their families. Who will do that now?
Feb 11, 5:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I do not think it was for sale but you can try Embraced by God, De sales Resources and Ministries
Feb 11, 5:07 PM
Lisa C (Guest): and for the Diocese
Feb 11, 5:08 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think we will pray for Brooklyn no matter where we are
Feb 11, 5:08 PM
Paula (Guest): if the Monastery goes….so will the school
Feb 11, 5:08 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and for the future we will see I mean distant future- maybe something will be arranged
Feb 11, 5:09 PM
Lisa C (Guest): The new Nuns would be added on forever, but now there are no new Nuns
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
Feb 11, 5:09 PM
SrSusan (Guest):

11, 5:06 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): I got that one. There is one with the Sisters though.
Feb 11, 5:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): How far back?
Feb 11, 5:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Maybe 400th anniversary one
Feb 11, 5:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Probably only a Monastery has that one
Feb 11, 5:07 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Yes that’s the one.
Feb 11, 5:07 PM
Feb 11, 5:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I do not think it was for sale but you can try Embraced by God, De sales Resources and Ministries
Feb 11, 5:07 PM
Feb 11, 5:08 PM
Feb 11, 5:08 PM
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
Feb 11, 5:09 PM
SrSusan (Guest):

Feb 11, 5:09 PM
Feb 11, 5:10 PM
Paula (Guest): you know…..what is a big loss….is this forum
Feb 11, 5:10 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Not enough at present but remember Brooklyn Carmel- they left, came back, and just left again
Feb 11, 5:10 PM
Simone (Guest): Sister, I am absolutely willing to do what it takes to continue this forum
Feb 11, 5:10 PM
Dawn (Guest): Thank you for link!
Feb 11, 5:11 PM
Elena (Guest): I agree with Simone… we can carry on if needed, in the hopes that you will be permitted to continue/rejoin this community and ministry.
Feb 11, 5:11 PM
SrSusan (Guest): WE pay monthly to keep up website If the new admin wants the website then all you have to do is run the chat
Feb 11, 5:11 PM
Paula (Guest): so many people want and need to know the Salesian Spirituality
b 11, 5:16 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Our bodies require food and sustenance, so why are we told that fasting is good for us?
eb 11, 5:17 PM
Elena (Guest): Fasting is a clarification, a clearing out, such that our soul might be clarified. This is how I see it.
SrSusan (Guest): Lent is coming!
Feb 11, 5:17 PM
Paula (Guest): to develop discipline obedience
Feb 11, 5:18 PM
Elena (Guest): Jesus said prayer and fasting were needed – there is a connection between body and soul because we are composite spirit and matter.
eb 11, 5:18 PMRhodylyn (Guest): To fight against temptation of the flesh.
eb 11, 5:18 PM
Dawn (Guest): fasting prepares us for prayer and to hear God. I began fasting two days ago not a plan really, it just began
Feb 11, 5:18 PM
Simone (Guest): to experience our dependance on Him.. and help us to seek our strength in Him mostly
Feb 11, 5:18 PM
Paula (Guest): you can control the horse by controlling the bit as St. Francis would say
b 11, 5:19 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): The soul doesn’t recognize hunger for food. Only of God.
b 11, 5:20 PMSrSusan (Guest): And why would it have any spiritual benefit
11, 5:20 PM
Lisa C (Guest): sacrifice can be united with the sacrifice of Jesus for souls
Feb 11, 5:20 PM
Simone (Guest): All my real tasting has been accidental in my life – but all brought on great spiritual insights and conversions.
Feb 11, 5:20 PM
Simone (Guest): not tastings.. Fastings!
Feb 11, 5:21 PM
Paula (Guest): if you can control the mouth…you can control the whole horse
b 11, 5:21 PM
Paula (Guest): not only the eating but the saying
Feb 11, 5:21 PM
Simone (Guest): I just thought the same..
Feb 11, 5:21 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes there are other kinds of fasting
Feb 11, 5:21 PM
Dawn (Guest): it does. less digestive process …its interesting I experience it but can not explain.
Feb 11, 5:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): somewhat feeing?
Feb 11, 5:22 PM
Paula (Guest): fasting the eyes
Feb 11, 5:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): freeing
eb 11, 5:22 PM
Paula (Guest): covering of the statues during Lent
Feb 11, 5:23 PM
Simone (Guest): I have started part time fasting for medical reasons a while ago. And my spiritual life has changed already. A very practical thing is.. less time spent on groceries and cooking = more time for prayer
Feb 11, 5:23 PM
Paula (Guest): helps you to focus on God
eb 11, 5:23 PMSrSusan (Guest): “We must act on the minds of others as far as possible as the angels do, graciously and without coercion.” If we want to help others draw close to God, how can this be carried out with our own children or grandchildren, or with neighbors or those at work?
eb 11, 5:23 PM
Feb 11, 5:24 PM
Lisa C (Guest): gentle loving example
Feb 11, 5:24 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): We must allow the Hily Spirit to work in them as God wills it.
Feb 11, 5:24 PM
Simone (Guest): I think there is a HUGE difference in evangelizing your own family and those you just know.
Feb 11, 5:25 PM
Dawn (Guest): God calls us
Feb 11, 5:25 PM
Paula (Guest): be non judgemental
eb 11, 5:25 PM
Paula (Guest): listen more than talk
Feb 11, 5:26 PM
Simone (Guest): I think – us lovingly choose God in small and big things – makes others around us turn their heart easier to God too
Feb 11, 5:26 PMLisa C (Guest): never give up praying for them
eb 11, 5:27 PM
Paula (Guest): small things make a difference Simone
Feb 11, 5:27 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes Lisa, important part.
eb 11, 5:27 PMElena (Guest): I most definitely believe that we are to pray for those we love who could draw closer to God. St. Monica is my model, as is my own mother who prayed for me, in regards to my nephew and his family (especially my grandniece Erin).
b 11, 5:27 PM
Elena (Guest): I most definitely believe that we are to pray for those we love who could draw closer to God. St. Monica is my model, as is my own mother who prayed for me, in regards to my nephew and his family (especially my grandniece Erin).
Feb 11, 5:27 PM
Simone (Guest): I once remember – teaching in Austria – ( adult students at university).. I was asked if I would offer extra tutoring time after the lecture.. I said.. I am ok offering tutoring.. but not Sunday..that’s when I go to church. One person was so surprised that someone like me would take God so seriously – that she asked me – where I go.. the rest is history.. she is now a missionary
Feb 11, 5:28 PM
Paula (Guest): pray for everyone….even the ones who seem lost
Feb 11, 5:28 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): My mother prayed for years for my sister’s conversion. Her prayers were answered.
Feb 11, 5:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): Come Holy Spirit, enkindle in____ the fire of your Divine Love
Feb 11, 5:28 PM
Simone (Guest): a true Mother Monica Rhodylyn
Feb 11, 5:28 PM
Elena (Guest): God be praised, Rhodylyn!
Feb 11, 5:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes!
Feb 11, 5:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): last q What can we do in our relationships so that this kind of evangelization is more effective?St. Francis says that the one girl (Françoise) should freely discern religious life, but not be coerced or conditioned into wanting it, allowing God to work. How migSrSusan (Guest): How might today’s vocation promotion violate this principle? How can we advertise and encourage vocations without artificially leading people to choose priesthood/religious life because of a need for an increase therein?
eb 11, 5:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): Wonderful testimony !
Feb 11, 5:29 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Yes Sister. She converted then after a few years she passed.
eb 11, 5:30 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I do not think that advertising for vocations will convince someone who has no calling to become a priest of religious
Feb 11, 5:30 PM
Simone (Guest): I have a little picture.. which I copied from the internet – and made into a card.. it shows a little lamb running into the woods.. the lamb is dirty and clearly looks lost. and behind the lamb – you see blurry.. Jesus running behind the lamb. That’s the card I use when I pray for those who have left the church
Feb 11, 5:30 PM
Lisa C (Guest): or
Feb 11, 5:30 PM
Paula (Guest): Let them come and visit and work in a Monastery
Feb 11, 5:30 PM
Dawn (Guest): How was this done long ago?
Feb 11, 5:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I pray each of you have a holy start to Lent. I have to sign off now. God be praised!
Feb 11, 5:30 PM
Lisa C (Guest): I do not think that advertising for vocations will convince someone who has no calling to become a priest of religious
Feb 11, 5:30 PM
Feb 11, 5:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I pray each of you have a holy start to Lent. I have to sign off now. God be praised!
Feb 11, 5:31 PM
Elena (Guest): God bless you, Sister. Be assured of my prayers. <3
Feb 11, 5:31 PM
Lisa C (Guest): God be praised!
Feb 11, 5:31 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Have a good lenten season every one.
Feb 11, 5:32 PM
Paula (Guest): God Bless everyone with a good week!
Feb 11, 5:32 PM
Dawn (Guest): Prayers all around, and for the Sisters especially. thank everyone for being here. God bless
Feb 11, 5:33 PM
Dawn (Guest): Simone, I like the idea of your little card.
Feb 11, 5:34 PM
Dawn (Guest): Goodnight all~