Why was it important that Jesus experienced temptation?Is Jesus’ experience of temptation an unfair comparison to our experience of temptation since we are subject to a fallen nature and concupiscence?How can we be better prepared for times of temptation, especially if we shouldn’t willingly expose ourselves to temptations?How do we dwell in the aid of God, the Most High? What does this even mean?How is truth a good aid against temptation?Can you think of a prayer or action to be made at the time of temptation
to be made at the time of temptation?
Feb 22, 10:24 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat 730-830pm est
Feb 22, 10:24 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat https://visitationspirit.org/2024/02/newsletter-for-chat-sunday-feb-25/

Newsletter for chat Sunday Feb 25 | Visitation Spirit
Why was it important that Jesus experienced temptation
Feb 25, 4:36 PMJennifer (Guest): It was interesting to read that no one is exempt. It was important so that he could show us how to resist it.
eb 25, 4:37 PMDawn (Guest): I believe to show us to fast and pray
eb 25, 4:37 PMSrSusan (Guest): Yes and He would know what we experiene
Feb 25, 4:38 PMSrSusan (Guest): and also to show us that He is one with us
Is Jesus’ experience of temptation an unfair comparison to our experience of temptation since we are subject to a fallen nature and concupiscence?
Feb 25, 4:39 PMDawn (Guest): StF says to show us how we ought to resist it.
ennifer (Guest): I don’t see it as unfair. It helps me focus on the human aspect of Jesus and as mentioned, how to resist temptation.
eb 25, 4:42 PMSrSusan (Guest): Not unfair but some might think His temptation was different as He had more inner strength
b 25, 4:45 PM
Ruth (Guest): More inner strength, but even that had to be acquired, like other human beings; hunger can make a person weak.
Feb 25, 4:45 PM
Jennifer (Guest): I didn’t think of it that way but a helpful idea.
b 25, 4:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q How can we be better prepared for times of temptation, especially if we shouldn’t willingly expose ourselves to temptations?
eb 25, 4:48 PM
Susan (Guest): to live in the state of grace
Feb 25, 4:48 PM
Dawn (Guest): to begin our day with prayer
eb 25, 4:50 PM
SrSusan (Guest): keeping watchful
Feb 25, 4:50 PM
Jennifer (Guest): Welcome Susan
Feb 25, 4:50 PM
Dawn (Guest): love ” rise from your bed indolent one, for it is time”
Feb 25, 4:51 PMRuth (Guest): I once fasted on just water for two whole days while active — walking to the Carmel in Dachau from the train station and back. I really needed God’s help! He gave me the graces I asked for but I was so weepy at the end of the second day I decided “never again so radically” (unless of course God leads me to do so again).
eb 25, 4:51 PM
Ruth (Guest): I think it can help to just put yourself in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament.
Feb 25, 4:52 PM
Susan (Guest): to walk through life gently and in step with the Lord
Feb 25, 4:52 PM
Dawn (Guest): that was couragous, Ruth
Feb 25, 4:52 PM
Susan (Guest): yes very brave of you Ruth
eb 25, 4:53 PM
Dawn (Guest): I agree, keeping watchful is even more important now.
Feb 25, 4:54 PM
Ruth (Guest): A mater of life and death, after a BAD retreat experience.
eb 25, 4:55 PMSrSusan (Guest): expect temptation and dont get upset when it comes
eb 25, 4:57 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q How do we dwell in the aid of God, the Most High?
Feb 25, 4:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): right and helpeful counsel, Sr Susan.
eb 25, 4:58 PM
Susan (Guest): to trust implicity in God?
Feb 25, 4:58 PM
Dawn (Guest): to let us trust in God , who is our “Father Almighty”
eb 25, 4:59 PM
Susan (Guest): ‘cultivate a lifestyle of prayer’
Feb 25, 4:59 PM
Dawn (Guest): Where is Ruth?
eb 25, 5:00 PMSusan (Guest): to be aware of God in every moment, person, and thing
25, 5:00 PM
Dawn (Guest): Today, I mean during these times, I see many occasions to be tempted.
Feb 25, 5:00 PM
Susan (Guest): Thank you Sr. Susan Marie. This is a wonderful service you offer
Feb 25, 5:00 PM
SrSusan (Guest): You are welcomeeb 25, 5:01 PM
1 PMJennifer (Guest): I think it refers to those who are believers.
eb 25, 5:05 PMSusan (Guest): I had to look that up: What does dwell mean spiritually?
To dwell is to be fully present in a place or with a person. God has dwelled among his people throughout the Bible, from the beginning of Genesis to the end of Revelation. Dwell can also mean to “settle in” or “engage with” someone other than oneself. Christians usually use this word to describe two situations.
Feb 25, 5:06 PMruth (Guest): Pray,pray, pray. And fill ourselves so much with Sacred Scripture that the right verses are recalled when needed.
Feb 25, 5:06 PM
Susan (Guest): Psalm 90:1 (NETS (Primary Texts)): He who lives by the help of the Most High, in a shelter of the God of the sky he will lodge.
Psalm 90:1 (LES2): The one dwelling in the support of the Most High, in the protection of the God of the heavens, that one will find lodging
Feb 25, 5:06 PM
Dawn (Guest): Yes
Feb 25, 5:08 PMSusan (Guest): to live in the presence of the Lord: “For in the time of trouble he shall hide me in his pavilion: in the secret of his tabernacle shall he hide me; he shall set me up upon a rock” (Psalm 27:5
eb 25, 5:09 PMruth (Guest): HE pitched his tent among us! HE came to us.
eb 25, 5:09 PMruth (Guest): HE pitched his tent among us! HE came to us.
eb 25, 5:10 PM
ruth (Guest): I like that, Sister.
Feb 25, 5:10 PM
Susan (Guest): I must admit I googled some of this b/c I had not heard that terminology b/f. I am feeling/thinking it means to ‘dwell in the house of the Lord”
eb 25, 5:11 PMruth (Guest): I also love the the prayer: I love you Jesus my love. I repent of ever having offended you. Grant that I may love you always, then do with me whatever you will.
b 25, 5:13 PMDawn (Guest): A bit off topic. Last week we discussed heaven. as suggested I went into Intro to The Devout Life. such a treasure of spiritual counsel and wisdom, added are the questions asked during that time I copied , and notes. thank you for mentioning
Feb 25, 5:14 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q ?How is truth a good aid against temptation?
Feb 25, 5:14 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you for prayer Ruth
Feb 25, 5:14 PMSusan (Guest): Great question Sr. Susan especially in the present day filled with “alternative facts” and outright lies/distortions.
Feb 25, 5:15 PM
SrSusan (Guest): truth will set us free
Feb 25, 5:15 PM
Dawn (Guest): Jesus spoke truth/scripture to the temptations
Feb 25, 5:15 PM
SrSusan (Guest): from evil
Feb 25, 5:15 PMDawn (Guest): ah!
Feb 25, 5:16 PMSusan (Guest): I think the Lord gave us a brain for a reason and that was to use it. Yes, truth will set us free. I have a question for you: what do you do when you confront a lie, alternative fact, distortion. WWJD?
eb 25, 5:17 PMruth (Guest): Truth, and remembering what Jesus did so that we can LIVE. My conscious journey to Faith started with seeking THE TRUTH.
Feb 25, 5:17 PMSusan (Guest): Great point. Personally, I think this concept truth/falsehoods is a growing problem and the root of a lot of evil in 2024.
eb 25, 5:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): I agree Susan. it is the evil day
Feb 25, 5:18 PM
SrSusan (Guest): problem is people dont believe there is a Truth
Feb 25, 5:18 PM
SrSusan (Guest): just opinions
eb 25, 5:19 PM
Dawn (Guest): right. I was told ( when I presented truth) ah, that is your truth and I have mine. relativeness, or ism
Feb 25, 5:19 PM
Susan (Guest): I also, personally, don’t think that all “Christians” speak the truth these days and hide behind their church and the cross and present lies/alternative facts. But, maybe that is not where you want to go in this chat. I think we need to equip children to understand truth versus lies.
Feb 25, 5:19 PM
ruth (Guest): It’s relativism, “your truth”/ “my truth”. a
eb 25, 5:20 PMruth (Guest): A lot of people do not even believe that there is such a thing as truth
b 25, 5:20 PMDawn (Guest): excatly.
Feb 25, 5:21 PMDawn (Guest): I agree Susan. We need to equip children with the truth that is Jesu Christ.
b 25, 5:24 PM
SrSusan (Guest): How is truth a good aid against temptation?
Feb 25, 5:24 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Can you think of a prayer or action to be made at the time of temptation
eb 25, 5:25 PM
Susan (Guest): “Since the foundation of all temptations is based on lies, the truth you know and speak out will set you free from those lies.”
Feb 25, 5:25 PM
Dawn (Guest): This would be the Spirit of Truth.
Feb 25, 5:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): a quick prayer may be… Hail Mary!
Feb 25, 5:26 PM
Susan (Guest): Just pray the Our Father or a prayer that comes easily to you…or just call on the Lord to come into your heart
eb 25, 5:26 PM
Susan (Guest): Please protect me
Feb 25, 5:27 PM
Susan (Guest): In the presence of a lie/liar I’d probably pray: give me patience, give me strength! (smile)
Feb 25, 5:27 PMDawn (Guest): just simple…please protect me.
Feb 25, 5:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): a quick ejaculatory prayer…most of time I say, Lord have mercy!
Feb 25, 5:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you Sr Susan. and all here. good night~
Feb 25, 5:29 PM
Susan (Guest): Good night everyone. God bless and prootect this world
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Feb 25, 4:48 PM
Feb 25, 4:39 PM