March 9, 2024
8:00 AM – 12:45 PM
Bishop Ireton Catholic High School, Alexandria, VA
Live Jesus! Virginia is a half-day Lenten morning of reflection sponsored by the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales. The spirituality developed by St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal is nothing if not practical, crafted for everyday, ordinary people with both feet planted firmly in the real world dealing with real problems. We will explore the common sense and uncommon challenges that both St. Francis de Sales and St. Jane de Chantal experienced in living the life of Christian disciple. How can their wisdom ground us to live well in the places and spaces we find ourselves everyday?
“Bloom Where You Are Planted,” is this year’s theme. Saint Francis de Sales tells us, “Inside each of us is a beautiful garden. We need to cultivate and prune it in order to give glory to God and be of service to others.
The program will be drawn from the perspectives of both Oblate and family life, with opportunities for participants to reflect on ways one can bloom in God’s garden.
8:00 AM Registration / Continental Breakfast/Salesian Marketplace
8:45 AM Salesian Pearls of Wisdom Slideshow (optional)
9:00 AM Morning Prayer: Bro. Dan Wisniewski, OSFS, Assistant
Provincial, Director of Oblate Education
9:15 AM Session I: Life in God’s Garden
Keynote Speaker – Fr. Kevin Nadolski, OSFS, Vice President
For Mission, DeSales University, Center Valley, PA
10:00 AM Hospitality Break/Salesian Marketplace
10:30 AM Session II: Salesian Blooming: Here and Now
Fr. Matt Hillyard, OSFS, Pastor,
Our Lady of Good Counsel, Vienna, VA
11:00 AM Session III: Repotting to Bloom
Kathleen McNutt, Bishop Ireton Head of School
Alexandria, VA
11:15 AM Transition to Mass
11:30 AM Celebration of the Eucharist
Very Rev. Jack Kolodziej, OSFS, Provincial, Presider
12:45 PM Departure/ Salesian Marketplace (closes at 1:00 PM)