Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud particularly loved St Joseph in whom she had unlimited confidence! Protector of the Guard of Honor, we can invoke him with this same confidence, assured that his paternal heart will allow himself to be touched by our prayers! We can also ask him to walk with us during all Lent so that with him and through him we may have beautiful offerings to offer to Jesus!

St Joseph, model of inner souls
Inner souls are souls who do not seek to appear outside but who live in a relationship with God, remaining united to Him, and finding in this union a happiness which the good things of the earth can not give them! It is this conduct that Saint Joseph held throughout his life. Honored by the visit of the angels and the most important divine communications, he remained in the part which Providence had assigned him, concealing the great things which were accomplished in his house. He had every concern to fulfill the will of God. When he came to Bethlehem, by exile himself to Egypt, or by working at Nazareth, he was always united to this holy will. The looks of others mattered little to him.
His life was spent in an intimate exchange with Jesus and Mary. He had constantly before his eyes these two mirrors of perfection, so his holiness progressed every day. He saw the humility of his wife and repeated this act of submission by climbing the degrees of holiness after her. He contemplated the virgin purity of Mary and walked to the odor of her perfumes. He contemplated in the Infant Jesus that same purity, whose brilliance shone on his brow, and made mankind shine. Joseph was enraptured and still ascended the steps of the mysterious ladder of holiness. We understand then that his charity grew every day. What must have been the ardor of Saint Joseph who saw Jesus at all times and could press him to his heart!
However, the world does not understand the beauties of the inner life. Many Christians allow themselves to be absorbed by external works, forget the meditation on the things of God, and have only one superficial religion. Blessed therefore are those truly inner souls who, bearing in themselves the object of their contemplation and love, pass into the midst of the world without attaching themselves to it. Blessed are those who love hidden life, who appear only out of duty, and who maintain the holiness of action by assiduous contemplation. St Joseph is the discreet protector of the Guard of Honor, so let us penetrate his spirit, pray and imitate him! (Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)