Sun Mar 3
Source: Une soif – Association Saint François de Sales (saint-francois-de-sales.com)
Come, let us shout for joy for the Lord, let us acclaim our Rock, our salvation! (Ps 94, 1)
O God! we speak of the Friend of friends, whose advice is more exquisite than honey: the Friend is the Savior; and his counsels are for our salvation. (TLG VIII, 9)
I will read the texts of the day before going to mass to immerse myself in them in order to welcome them and lovingly experience this Sunday Eucharist.
Mon Mar 4
My soul thirsts for God, the living God; When will I be able to come forward, appear before God? (Ps 42:3)
Express your thirst for God often, Philothea, through brief but ardent impulses of the heart. Admire his beauty, invoke his help […] adore his goodness, give him your soul a thousand times a day. […] Strike your heart in a thousand ways and bring forth from it a tender and passionate love for your divine Spouse. (IDL II, 13)
I will go to a person who, in the face of trial, is unable to turn to God, to rely on his will. And do I accept that God allows evil?
Tue Mar 5
But, with our broken hearts, our humbled spirits, receive us. (Dan 3:39)
O my soul, so beautiful, you can see God, you can hear him: you can claim eternity, why waste your time on what is less? (IDL V, 10)
I will seek, each day, a time and a calm place allowing me to put myself in the presence of God to rest on his heart, without desire other than to rest there
Wed Mar 6
But take care: be careful never to forget what your eyes have seen; don’t let it leave your heart for a single day. Teach it to your sons, and to your sons’ sons. (Deut 4:9)
And turning to you, O Jesus, King of happiness and eternal glory […] I adore you with all my heart, I choose you for my King, now and forever. I want my loyalty to be unwavering. (IDL I, 18)
So that my faith is constantly enriched, I will read the life and advice of a saint.
Thur Mar 7
He who is not with me is against me; he who does not gather with me scatters. (Lk 11:23)
We have the freedom to do good or evil. But choosing evil is not using our freedom, it is abusing it. Let us therefore renounce this miserable freedom. May it forever be at the service of love. Let us be the slaves of love. (TLG XII, 10)
I will take the time to reread chapter XI of St Luke
Fri Mar 8
To love him with all your heart, with all your intelligence, with all your strength, and to love your neighbor as yourself, is better than any offering of burnt offerings and sacrifices. (Mk 12:33)
Charity… makes us love God more than anything and our neighbor as ourselves with a non-sensual, non-natural, non-interested love, but with a pure, solid and invariable love, which has its foundation in God. (To Mother de Blonay, Letter MCXCVII April-May 1616)
If it is possible I will offer my services to anyone who needs them even at the risk that this person abuses my kindness.
Sat Mar 9
Bless the Lord, O my soul, bless his most holy name, my whole being! (Ps 103, 1)
Pray often for souls who have strayed from the true faith, and often bless God for the grace with which he has kept you there. (To a Lady from Paris, September 4, 1619)
I will take a time to praise everything that the Lord offers us every day: the beauty of his creation, fraternal encounters… and his patience with myself.