In the last part of 2023, the Monastery of the Sisters of Cloister of the Visitation of Treviso experienced moments of great spiritual intensity.
In mid-October there was the first religious profession of Sister Rosa Maria de Guadalupe, and on December 27 the solemn liturgy of the jubilee of the 350 years of the Revelation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to Sister Margherita Maria Alacoque, who later became a saint. The revelation, in particular, concerns the pious practice of the first nine Fridays of the month.
In the famous revelations of Paray le Monial, the Lord asked St. Margaret that the knowledge and love of her heart spread throughout the world, like a divine flame, to rekindle the charity that languished in the hearts of many. Once the Lord, showing her his heart and complaining about the ingratitude of men, asked her that in reparation for her she should attend Holy Communion, especially on the first Friday of each month.
“And to all those who, for nine consecutive months, will receive Holy Communion on the first Friday of each month, I promise the grace of final perseverance: they will not die in my disgrace, but will receive the Holy Sacraments (if necessary) and my Heart it will be their safe asylum in that extreme moment.”
It will be her spiritual father, the Jesuit Claude de la Colombière, who recognizes in her the charisma of the Saints and orders her to recount her mystical experiences in what will become her autobiography, which has come down to us. At first she resists, then out of obedience she agrees, but while she writes she remains convinced that she is doing it only for herself, she does not realize the value of what she is telling in those pages.
From 1673 Margherita Maria also began to receive visits from Jesus who asked her to have particular devotion to his Sacred Heart, which appeared to her “radiant like a sun, with the adorable wound, surrounded by thorns and surmounted by a cross, lying on a throne of thorns.” From her story will come the iconography we know today, and from her commitment the institution of the liturgical feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, set on the eighth day after Corpus Christi .
The liturgy on the day of St. John the Evangelist was presided over by Monsignor Michele Tomasi, bishop of Treviso; concelebrated by Msgr. Stefano Chioatto, episcopal delegate for the Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, Don Rodolfo Budini and Don Marco Carletto.
The liturgy saw the participation of a large group of young students in memory of their classmate Carlotta De Rossi who died two years ago in a tragic car accident.
Monsignor Tomasi helped the assembly to meditate on the theme of the life lived alongside Jesus by the apostles, in particular Saint John, who saw and believed. Behold, the apostles lived together with Jesus along the roads of Galilee and Judea, they touched him, they spoke to him. Thus, Margaret Mary also placed her head on the heart of Jesus and accepted the passage on this earth, from life towards eternity. (Gianfranco Trabuio)
Source: https://www.diocesitv.it/monastero-della-visitazione-festeggiati-con-il-vescovo-i-350-della-rivelazione-del-sacro-cuore-a-suor-margherita-maria-alacoque/