May 13, 1920: Canonization of St. Margaret Mary (mystical nun of the monastery of the Visitation of Paray-le-Monial, confidante of the Sacred Heart of Jesus) by Pope Benedict XV.
May 13, 1933: Venerable Sister Marie-Marguerite Bogner is born in Heaven at the Visitation of Erd, at the age of 27. She was the 1st Visitandine of Hungary.
May 15, 1956: Pope Pius XII publishes Hauriteis Aquas, his encyclical letter on the Sacred Heart of Our Lord.
May 31, 1992: Canonization of St. Claude la Colombière (Jesuit, first great propagator of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and spiritual director of St. Margaret Mary) by St. John Paul II.
31 May: Solemnity of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary, patronal feast of our Order.
May 25: Feast of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart,
celestial patroness of the Guard of Honor.