Sacred Heart- Divine Mercy
Saint Margaret Mary and Saint Faustina – they are separated by time and space. Saint Margaret lived in France in the 17th century, during the Thirty Years’ War, but also during the full flowering of Cartesian culture and rationalism, while Saint Faustyna lived in Poland. She was born in the period partitions, but witnessed regaining freedom after years of captivity.
The differences between the two saints seem enormous: different geographical, historical and cultural environments, and probably different experiences religiously. However, what both saints have in common is much greater than that differences between them. They are united by the same love of Christ, even commissioned by God’s mission to the world. Both became in God’s hand, as Lord of history, His instrument. Saint Margaret reminded the people 17th century, marked by moral rigorism and pessimism, that God has a Heart and loves man. Faustina, in turn – – was an apostle of the “message of God’s mercy that gave birth to as if on the eve of the terrible cataclysm of World War II.
Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque received great revelations of the Heart of Jesus. Similarly, we can talk about the great revelations of Divine Mercy that Saint Faustina received.
Reading the spiritual diary of St. Margaret Mary and the Diary of St. Faustyna allows us to conclude that there is much in their lives very similar events. And so both of our saints received the command of writing down their spiritual experiences. Saint Margaret confesses: “Out of love for You alone, O my God, out of obedience, I undertake to write (…). Grant, for my highest good, that I write everything only for Your greater glory”. And Saint Faustina says: “I have to write about You, about your incomprehensible mercy towards my poor soul… I have this command by the One who replaces You, O God, here on earth” Both of them confess that this task is beyond their strength.
Both Sts Margaret and Faustina emphasize that they felt the vocation to religious life from an early age. Saint Faustina writes: “When I was seven years old, I heard God’s voice in my soul for the first time, that is, an invitation to spiritual life…”
Both saints admit that they were attracted to the world. “By nature,” writes St. Margaret – I had a passion for fun and entertainment.” And then she adds: “My Savior appeared to me scourged and reproached me: ‘Would you like to have fun?In turn, Saint Faustyna confesses: “In a certain way moment I was at a ball with one of my sisters… the moment I started dancing, I suddenly saw Jesus next to me. Jesus tortured, stripped of robe, covered with wounds, who said to me: ‘Where are you going? I will suffer, how long will you deceive me?”. When finally came the long-awaited day of entering the monastery, St. Margaret writes: “When I entered the conversation room and heard the words internally: ‘This is where I want to be have you”. At the same moment Faustina hears: “I accept you, you are in my Heart”
Both saints prayed for a permanent confessor. Saint Margaret writes: “My supreme Master promised me when Him
I made a sacrifice that he would send me his servant. Then our Lord sent here Father Colombiére. When this holy man came here (…) I heard (…) these words: “This is the one I am sending to you”. In turn, when Saint Faustina saw Fr. Sopoćko, she heard the words in her soul: “Here there is help visible for you on earth. He will help you fulfill will mine on earth”54.
And finally, the most important thing – both holy mystics received a special mission from Christ to convey His message to the Church.
Source: From a Polish symposium on these 2 Saints Święta Małgorzata Maria Alacoque i święta Faustyna. Duchowość i posłannictwo | Semantic Scholar