pr 18, 1:28 AM
VisSR (Guest): Why do we so often treat prayer as if it is getting in the way of our other activities/duties? How can we embrace it more fully?Discuss the paradox that we are supposed to grow in holiness without being preoccupied about growing in holiness.What does it mean that “we must first of all serve him in lowly offices before being drawn into the inner sanctuary”?How can we better mirror the life of Our Lady?How can we focus more on our interior conversation with God amidst the noise and busy nature of our society?
Apr 18, 1:28 AM
VisSR (Guest): Sun chat April21 730-830est
Apr 18, 1:30 AM
VisSR (Guest): newsletter for chat

Newsletter for chat April 21 | Visitation Spirit
Apr 21, 4:27 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Everyone!
Apr 21, 4:27 PM
Olga (Guest): hello
Apr 21, 4:28 PM
Paula (Guest): Hello all!
Apr 21, 4:28 PM
Victoria_br: Hello
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
Apr 21, 4:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi to all!
Apr 21, 4:29 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Sr Susan! Are you in Rockville?
Apr 21, 4:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): no I am back in Brooklyn Got back yesterday eve
r 21, 4:32 PM
Olga (Guest): Megan and I are glad you are back ! where can I see pictures?
Apr 21, 4:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Its the year of prayer now, so first q : Why do we so often treat prayer as if it is getting in the way of our other activities/duties?
Apr 21, 4:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): on facebook or I can e mail you
Apr 21, 4:34 PMCarol (Guest): Sometimes people think of prayer as a passive activity.
Apr 21, 4:35 PMSrSusan (Guest): it is so engaging though but I think people think prayer is boring sometimes
Apr 21, 4:35 PM
Paula (Guest): i disagree
Apr 21, 4:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): They dont think so sometimes?
pr 21, 4:36 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Hi All… glad to be with you… really loved this reading… to take care of small virtues in our vocation to be faithful I. These is what God wants
Apr 21, 4:36 PM
Paula (Guest): i think prayer is an enjoyable activity and I put it off as a fun thing
Apr 21, 4:36 PM
Paula (Guest): i must get my chores done first
Apr 21, 4:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): aha!
Apr 21, 4:37 PMPaula (Guest): and at times i don’t get to it as i like too
pr 21, 4:37 PM
Carol (Guest): I can see that too. Prayer is an active activity though. You have to be actively engaged in it
Apr 21, 4:37 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): St Frances said to look on prayer time as not our time but Hid’s time…
pr 21, 4:37 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): God
pr 21, 4:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): How can we embrace prayer more fully?
Apr 21, 4:39 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Make time for it and be faithful to this time every day
Apr 21, 4:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Rhodylyn, Anna Marie Kimberly
Apr 21, 4:40 PM
Kimbberlyy: Hi everyone
pr 21, 4:40 PM
Paula (Guest): make it a priority like a doctor appt and block out the distractions
Apr 21, 4:40 PM
Paula (Guest): ie electronics
Apr 21, 4:40 PM
Kimbberlyy: hope my WiFi holds up , storming here
Apr 21, 4:41 PM
Carol (Guest): Sometimes electronics are useful for Catholic sites
Apr 21, 4:41 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Hi everyone. For me we can be at unceasing prayer when we do everything with Him and for Him.
pr 21, 4:41 PMRhodylyn (Guest): So prayer doesn’t really get in the way of anything
pr 21, 4:42 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): So many forms of prayer… heart to heart… best for me
Apr 21, 4:42 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, Msr Rosetti in his book on mysticism says that unceasing prayer is not oral,prayer but always having you heart tuned to God, listening
Apr 21, 4:42 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Happy to see your picture at Monte Maria Sister.
pr 21, 4:42 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Great visit!
Apr 21, 4:42 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Listening is a true art
Apr 21, 4:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): whether to God or each other
Apr 21, 4:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Discuss the paradox that we are supposed to grow in holiness without being preoccupied about growing in holiness.
Apr 21, 4:43 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): It is… our blessed Mother had the gift
Apr 21, 4:43 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): We must empty ourselves and let Him fill us up.
Apr 21, 4:43 PM
Paula (Guest): I think the best form of prayer is when you can simultaneously work and pray at the same time
pr 21, 4:44 PM
Carol (Guest): If we are preoccupied, we might think we can control it
Apr 21, 4:44 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): It is in practicing the little virtues.
pr 21, 4:45 PM
Paula (Guest): we have to be focused on always becoming holy but not focused so much that we develop anxiety from doing so
Apr 21, 4:45 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Take care of everyday duties of vocation, being faithful in small things… growing… giving of self.. doing God’s will.. universal call to holiness
Apr 21, 4:45 PM
SrSusan (Guest): To ceelbrate the year of prayer we are inviting folks to our Chapel every Sunday 4-530p for 3 forms of prayer, adoration, vocal and liturgical
Apr 21, 4:46 PM
Paula (Guest): or becoming scrupulous
pr 21, 4:46 PM
Carol (Guest): That sounds like fun
Apr 21, 4:46 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Where is your Chapel Sister Susan ?
Apr 21, 4:46 PM
SrSusan (Guest): In our Monastery in Brooklyn
Apr 21, 4:47 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Would love to go there someday… I live in Canada in province of NL
Apr 21, 4:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): NL?
pr 21, 4:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Ruth
Apr 21, 4:48 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Yes, in a town called Paradise
Apr 21, 4:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): That’s a great name of a town!
Apr 21, 4:49 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think the less aware we are of our own state of “holiness” the more we are being filled with HIS Holiness
Apr 21, 4:50 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hi Sister and chat sisters!
Apr 21, 4:50 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Yes especially when we are dealing with our neighbors and able to treat them with gentleness.
pr 21, 4:50 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): Do you mean humility
pr 21, 4:51 PMSrSusan (Guest): we certainly need humility I think it goes with holiness
pr 21, 4:51 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): I was thinking more of the little virtue of having a gentle voice.
Apr 21, 4:52 PM
SrSusan (Guest): oh yes that too
Apr 21, 4:52 PM
Ruth (Guest): I am just back from an Easter retreat with the SSJ and the Coordinator of Evagelization for the Diocese of Ogdensburg.
Apr 21, 4:52 PM
SrSusan (Guest): how was it
Apr 21, 4:52 PMRhodylyn (Guest): My thought is when people become disagreeable and we can speak still in an agreeable manner.
pr 21, 4:52 PM
SrSusan (Guest): not easy
Apr 21, 4:53 PM
Carol (Guest): We must. It’s counter cultural now as we are expected to verbally hit back
Apr 21, 4:53 PM
Paula (Guest): charity trumps all virtues….if we have but charity we master all the virtues
Apr 21, 4:54 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Sister still pondering how when we don’t think of our goal towards holiness we are filled with HIS holiness?
Apr 21, 4:54 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): I was in this position recently as I am dealing with contractors doing repair in my house.
Apr 21, 4:54 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hi Carol
Apr 21, 4:54 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Not focusing on ourselves- the Lord can work better when we are not self centered
Apr 21, 4:55 PMRhodylyn (Guest): Most days I am doing great but one day failed miserably. Had to go to confession for it!
Apr 21, 4:55 PM
Paula (Guest): As Mother Aviat said…forget yourself entirely
Apr 21, 4:55 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Oh yes I see now… thank you
Apr 21, 4:56 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Ruth, long time no chat!
Apr 21, 4:56 PM
Ruth (Guest): Rhodylyn, that can be sooooo stressful
Apr 21, 4:57 PM
Kimbberlyy: Storming here, why it has to be today
Apr 21, 4:57 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Yes Ruth. I had to apologize and bought them lunch.
Apr 21, 4:57 PM
Paula (Guest): if no matter what happens we have charity towards others we can conquer anything
Apr 21, 4:57 PM
Carol (Guest): Then if you make a mistake, you have to let it go and not think about it rndlessly
pr 21, 4:58 PMRhodylyn (Guest): Yes, forgive yourself as God forgives.
Apr 21, 4:58 PMPaula (Guest): yes…don’t stop to the level of uncharitable that was shown to you by others
pr 21, 4:59 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): I had a beautiful experience with surrender… praying for loved one.. grave matter… and truly placing trust in God… I was filled with peace
Apr 21, 4:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What does it mean that “we must first of all serve him in lowly offices before being drawn into the inner sanctuary”?
Apr 21, 5:00 PMPaula (Guest): God loves humuility
Apr 21, 5:00 PM
Carol (Guest): We have to learn how to be with Him
Apr 21, 5:00 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Take care of what gives us and not be concerned what gifts he gives to others… be faithful in virtues concerning our vocation
Apr 21, 5:00 PMRhodylyn (Guest): Whatever state of life we are in we must embrace what God has willed for us and not aspire what he does not will.
pr 21, 5:01 PMPaula (Guest): if we humble ourselves the more He will give to us and entrust to us
pr 21, 5:01 PMRuth (Guest): Yes, Rhodylyn.
pr 21, 5:02 PMPaula (Guest): we must also be grateful for what we are first give
pr 21, 5:02 PM
Paula (Guest): and be responsible about taken care of that
Apr 21, 5:02 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Being grateful for what God gives us…
Apr 21, 5:02 PM
Olga (Guest): everything is God gift? His plan for us (me)?
pr 21, 5:03 PM
Paula (Guest): we must be grateful for our state of life
Apr 21, 5:03 PM
Ruth (Guest): Sometimes it takes some input from others to help in the discernment, though.
Apr 21, 5:03 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Wherever we are or whatever we do now or in the future is God’s Will.
Apr 21, 5:04 PM
Paula (Guest): who we are, what we are responsible for
Apr 21, 5:04 PM
Carol (Guest): Close long time friends can help, as well as spiritual directors
Apr 21, 5:04 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Yes Ruth, it is a great gift to ha a spiritual director
Apr 21, 5:05 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): To have I mean
Apr 21, 5:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): a lowly office is like a simple prayer life, or vocal prayer, inner sanctuary is like contemplation
Apr 21, 5:05 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Even if you ate mot discerning religious life.
Apr 21, 5:05 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Are not.
pr 21, 5:06 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Priest at our parish do that for anyone who wants spiritual direction.
Apr 21, 5:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): like the mansions maybe in St Thersa of Avila’s writings
Apr 21, 5:07 PM
Carol (Guest): We all have a vocation, a station in life. And sometimes we are called to change
Apr 21, 5:07 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Is it the soul? Inner sanctuary?
Apr 21, 5:08 PM
SrSusan (Guest): One could look at it like that
pr 21, 5:08 PMPaula (Guest): it can also be a state of life….St. Sr. Faustine was a lowly cook/porter and yet she spoke to Jesus about His Divine Mercy
pr 21, 5:10 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q How can we better mirror the life of Our Lady?
pr 21, 5:10 PMRuth2 nd sign in (Guest): We are always called to conversion, to deeper surrender to God today’s speaker pointed out.
pr 21, 5:11 PM
Ruth2 nd sign in (Guest): Holy Communion and Eucharistic Adoration helps us to become a tabernacle of Christ as she was.
Apr 21, 5:11 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Imitation…Ponder more… with humility.. embracing the virtues and asking for her intercession to be more like her
Apr 21, 5:11 PM
Paula (Guest): ponder in humble service
Apr 21, 5:12 PM
Carol (Guest): Ask Mary and the saints for help too
Apr 21, 5:12 PM
SrSusan (Guest): silence in soul
Apr 21, 5:12 PM
Ruth2 nd sign in (Guest): Yes, Carol!
Apr 21, 5:12 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Glorify the Lord both in prosperity and adversity just as Mary has shown Her life with Jesus and StcJoseph.
pr 21, 5:13 PMSrSusan (Guest): steadiness under duress is another quality I think Mary had
pr 21, 5:14 PMSrSusan (Guest): last q How can we focus more on our interior conversation with God amidst the noise and busy nature of our society?
pr 21, 5:15 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): She was born with original sin… wonder what that would be like?
Apr 21, 5:15 PM
SrSusan (Guest): no original sin for Mary
Apr 21, 5:15 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Yes Sister, I imagine her joys raising Jesus and Her pains during His passion.
pr 21, 5:16 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): I meant to say no original sin..
Apr 21, 5:16 PM
SrSusan (Guest): ah- what was her being like, being so pure?
Apr 21, 5:16 PM
Carol (Guest): By finding a place of quiet. Even though i have no music or tv it is not quiet. The neighbors have music in their backyard
Apr 21, 5:16 PM
Paula (Guest): I think Mary was like my GodMother….Surrender to Divine Providence and God is in charge was her mottos
Apr 21, 5:18 PMAnna-Marie (Guest): Yes that sets her apart from us
pr 21, 5:18 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): I try to really create silence in my life. God recently opened an Adoration Chapel at a nearby church here opened from 8am to 8pm daily, the Church of St Frances de Sales!
Apr 21, 5:18 PM
SrSusan (Guest): if I was not in the Monastery I would be very distracted
Apr 21, 5:19 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that is such good news Rhodylyn
Apr 21, 5:19 PM
Carol (Guest): Always so much going on all the time
pr 21, 5:19 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Yes Sister. I spent two weeks in Monte Maria and I am longing for that silence.
Apr 21, 5:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): will you go back?
Apr 21, 5:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): will you go back?
Apr 21, 5:20 PM
Anna-Marie (Guest): Sister… I loved what advice St. Frances gave to widows this week… some might think harsh .. but I think it was helpful
Apr 21, 5:20 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, monasteries are the best. I would lime to live in one!
pr 21, 5:21 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): I am preparing to transition. That is why I am selling my house.
Apr 21, 5:21 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Prayers for you!
Apr 21, 5:21 PM
Ruth2 nd sign in (Guest): It is in the contemporary culture as if being busy all the time is a badge of honor. We need to carve out time to pray and reflect, especially with Sacred Scripture
Apr 21, 5:22 PM
Carol (Guest): We were not made to multi task, but it is a prized trait in the business world
Apr 21, 5:22 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Yes Sister please storm the heavens with prayers. My spiritual director is continuously seeing me while I transition.
Apr 21, 5:22 PM
Paula (Guest): no 2 month stay?
Apr 21, 5:22 PM
Ruth2 nd sign in (Guest): Sometimes I think it helps to meet other people who already mirror Mary.
pr 21, 5:23 PM
Paula (Guest): i thought that a two month stay is always required
Apr 21, 5:23 PM
Carol (Guest): Me too
pr 21, 5:24 PMSrSusan (Guest): I think each community has its own rules
Apr 21, 5:24 PMRhodylyn (Guest): Paula I think it is case to case basis.
Apr 21, 5:26 PM
Paula (Guest): Well i would suggest it…from experience
pr 21, 5:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I hope it goes well for you and let’s continue to pray for each other!
Apr 21, 5:28 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I need to leave now- have a blessed week!
Apr 21, 5:28 PM
Rhodylyn (Guest): Yes Sister. Thank you.
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