Listen to the Holy Spirit
During our existence, at different periods depending on the stages of our life, we must take a multitude of paths, each more varied than the last. If we only have ourselves as our guide, we are likely to lose our way and deviate.
Now the Holy Spirit is constantly employed by a discreet, but very real, action on us. to guide. He intervenes supernaturally in the work of our perfection. So often we invoke Jesus, we more rarely make the Holy Spirit our advisor and our guide in the ways of salvation.
Yet every soul anxious to arrive at perfection must put itself to the school of this divine Spirit. He is a patient, suave and strong at the same time, which shapes the soul of each one. It is He who formed all the saints without exception. It is to the heart that He speaks, it is there that, without a sound of speech, He us instructs, straightens us and directs, consoles us and fortified. His anointing us teaches all things. It is a balm that is poured into the soul and softens all the springs.
We must listen to the voice from within and to do this, learn to silence “I I will lead you into the desert and I will speak to your heart.” The interior guidance of the Holy Spirit never fails us when we have the sincere and deep desire to put ourselves to his listen ! (Sr Marie of the Sacred Heart Bernaud)