How is life much like being on a ship in the middle of the sea?How even more is living a life of faith like being on a ship in the middle of the sea?What does it mean to be resigned to God’s will? What exactly is acquiescence?Does being pushed to the point of a soul “sorrowful even unto death” make God cruel?The point of the analogy in this story is about trusting being on a ship with no known destination, content to be with the King. However, it does miss the fact that we actually do know our destination (
(heaven), and faith is about trusting God’s path along the way. How can we always keep our eyes on this end goal?It’s one thing to give in to things beyond our control, and accept them as God’s permissive will. But what is our responsibility to stand up for something in a situation when God’s will is being thwarted?
May 16, 7:23 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat May 19 730pm est
May 16, 7:23 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat

Sunday Chat May 19 NEWSLETTER | Visitation Spirit
ay 19, 4:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Blessed Pentecost!
May 19, 4:32 PM
Dawn (Guest): I am well. and last week I fell asleep and missed chat. How are you doing? Hi Carol!
May 19, 4:33 PM
Carol (Guest): It is a marvelous Pentecost
May 19, 4:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I am just out of 3 days of Pentecost retreat so I am doing ok right now
May 19, 4:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I hope you are both refreshed in the Spirit
May 19, 4:34 PM
SrSusan (Guest): It is one of my favorite Feasts
May 19, 4:35 PM
Dawn (Guest): Yes, Come Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of those who do not know you and enkindle in them the fire of your Divine Love!
May 19, 4:35 PM
Dawn (Guest): wonderful to be on retreat Sr!
May 19, 4:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes may His Divine Love touch every heart today
May 19, 4:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): We get 4 little retreats each year before major holy days
May 19, 4:37 PMSrSusan (Guest): Shall we begin? This first q reminds me of the Baltimore ship accident and the crew still on that ship-How is life much like being on a ship in the middle of the sea?
May 19, 4:38 PM
Dawn (Guest): wonderful, you are refreshed in a retreat Sr.
May 19, 4:38 PM
Carol (Guest): We sail along, mostly in control–until we’re not
May 19, 4:38 PM
Dawn (Guest): Carol are you also on retreat?
ay 19, 4:39 PM
Dawn (Guest): it is warming up in the flatlands..
May 19, 4:40 PM
SrSusan (Guest): On a ocean voyage someone else controls the ship so as a passenger one rests as if in one’s mothers arms
ay 19, 4:39 PM
Dawn (Guest): it is warming up in the flatlands..
May 19, 4:40 PM
SrSusan (Guest): On a ocean voyage someone else controls the ship so as a passenger one rests as if in one’s mothers arms
May 19, 4:41 PM
Dawn (Guest): I was on a Naval Ship for 9 days crossing the ocean from HI to San diego. there were no storms but one night big swells. It was beautiful being in the middle of the Pacific Ocean,,,,!
May 19, 4:41 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Oh I have never had that experience. Sounds wonderful
ay 19, 4:42 PM
Dawn (Guest): this is right Sr, the Captian and crew take care of everything
May 19, 4:42 PM
SrSusan (Guest): does it help prayer to be in a seagoing vessel?
May 19, 4:42 PM
Dawn (Guest): good anology
May 19, 4:42 PM
Carol (Guest): That would be fun
May 19, 4:43 PM
Dawn (Guest): at the time, mid 1990’s , Jesus had not fully called me
May 19, 4:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q How even more is living a life of faith like being on a ship in the middle of the sea?
May 19, 4:44 PM
Dawn (Guest): it is beautiful moving across the deep blue ocean!
May 19, 4:44 PM
Carol (Guest): It sure gets stormy sometimes
May 19, 4:45 PMDawn (Guest): ok, yes! it is calm, then huge swells come. it is like a life of faith. joy and pain!
May 19, 4:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Faith has its ups and downs like the swells of the ocean
May 19, 4:47 PM
Carol (Guest): And the pilot needs to be in control of the helm. Im the one hiding in ypthr lifeboat
May 19, 4:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Ready to abandon ship?
May 19, 4:47 PMDawn (Guest): its a paradox, Cross and Resurrection
ay 19, 4:48 PM
Carol (Guest): No, just hiding. The pilot has to get in there too when the ship starts to sink
May 19, 4:48 PM
Dawn (Guest): very much like this Sr
May 19, 4:48 PM
Dawn (Guest): why are you hiding Carol? come back!
May 19, 4:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): oh I understand!
May 19, 4:50 PMSrSusan (Guest): q What does it mean to be resigned to God’s wil
ay 19, 4:50 PMDawn (Guest): Surrender to his Holy will
May 19, 4:51 PM
Carol (Guest): To give up your own idea of how things should go
May 19, 4:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): one needs to do that on a ship too in a way
May 19, 4:52 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes. these are good statements to remember
May 19, 4:52 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What exactly is acquiescence?
May 19, 4:53 PMDawn (Guest): is it a surrender?
May 19, 4:53 PM
Carol (Guest): To me it is one step short of full surrender. You’re agreeing to what the pilot says even though you may still,have other ideas
May 19, 4:53 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I guess you can call it that but I think it is less than a surrender, not as full
May 19, 4:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I have used that word in some verse I wrote and it came to me because I was not completely in tune with God’s will yet
May 19, 4:56 PMSrSusan (Guest): q Does being pushed to the point of a soul “sorrowful even unto death” make God cruel?
May 19, 4:56 PMCarol (Guest): No
May 19, 4:57 PMSrSusan (Guest): Was it Our Lord Himself and His Mother who experienced that?
May 19, 4:58 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes
May 19, 4:58 PM
Dawn (Guest): no not cruel. Yes I believe they both experienced this
May 19, 4:58 PMSrSusan (Guest): It is deep pain though
May 19, 4:59 PMDawn (Guest): we can learn from Mother Mary how to suffer, I ponder this often
May 19, 4:59 PMDawn (Guest): deep pain suffering
May 19, 5:00 PMDawn (Guest): and I pray more and deeper.
May 19, 5:00 PMCarol (Guest): And certainly more surrenderDawn (Guest): yes
May 19, 5:01 PMSrSusan (Guest): q The point of the analogy in this story is about trusting being on a ship with no known destination, content to be with the King. However, it does miss the fact that we actually do know our destination (
(heaven), and faith is about trusting God’s path along the way. How can we always keep our eyes on this end goal?
May 19, 5:02 PMCarol (Guest): The end goal makes it possible
May 19, 5:03 PMSrSusan (Guest): the worse the world seems to get, in some ways the easier to want heaven, our goal
May 19, 5:03 PMDawn (Guest): faith, is Gods grace onto us
May 19, 5:04 PMDawn (Guest): it is easier
May 19, 5:05 PM
Carol (Guest): There is an old hymn, In The Breaking of the Bread, that seems to fit here
May 19, 5:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): which lines?
May 19, 5:06 PMCarol (Guest): The original version had a stanza about there not being a pain or suffering that He did not know, but it’s ok because He is Victor and friend
May 19, 5:07 PM
Carol (Guest): That verse was rewritten because it was deemed too Debbie Downer
May 19, 5:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): who is she?
May 19, 5:08 PM
Carol (Guest): It’s a nickname for any person who makes others depressed
May 19, 5:08 PM
SrSusan (Guest): oH! I am out of touch for sure!
May 19, 5:09 PM
Carol (Guest): It’s a very old joke
May 19, 5:10 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I am older than the joke I guess!!
May 19, 5:10 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q It’s one thing to give in to things beyond our control, and accept them as God’s permissive will. But what is our responsibility to stand up for something in a situation when God’s will is being thwarted?
May 19, 5:10 PM
Dawn (Guest): haha
May 19, 5:11 PMDawn (Guest): In this situation I believe we have an obligation ( according to our ability) to follw Gods will
May 19, 5:11 PMCarol (Guest): And to not let any one stopmus
May 19, 5:12 PMDawn (Guest): to trust in him, have courage. yes Carol
May 19, 5:12 PMSrSusan (Guest): God’s will gets thwarted all the time with sin
May 19, 5:13 PMDawn (Guest): these situations are becoming more frequent. and we are faced with doing his will and being persecuted by the world
May 19, 5:14 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Thats why we need the Holy Spirit and His manygifts
May 19, 5:14 PM
Carol (Guest): And sometimes each other
ay 19, 5:14 PM
Dawn (Guest): I just thought of the older women being ut in prison for praying outside abortion clinics.
May 19, 5:14 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes that just happened again
ay 19, 5:15 PMDawn (Guest): we could not do these things without him
May 19, 5:15 PMCarol (Guest): It will keep happening as they want to intimidate us jntomsilence
May 19, 5:16 PMDawn (Guest): keep happening and worse even.
19, 5:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): We need to keep our eyes and hearts fixed on the Sacred Heart
May 19, 5:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Our novena begins May 30
May 19, 5:18 PM
Dawn (Guest): Amen….your Novena, will it be posted on your website?
May 19, 5:18 PM
SrSusan (Guest): no I dont think so only during covid we had someone do that, but from a parish, not our chapel
May 19, 5:19 PM
Dawn (Guest): Novena to the Sacred Heart?
May 19, 5:19 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes 9 nights of Masses before the Feast of the Sacred heart, 9 different priests
May 19, 5:19 PM
Carol (Guest): Are you still in Brooklyn?
May 19, 5:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes, probably thru 2024
May 19, 5:20 PM
Dawn (Guest): Praise be to Jesus!
May 19, 5:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): but June 26 my role as Federation P. ends and thus I do not know the status of this website and chat
May 19, 5:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I am going to ask for it to continue
ay 19, 5:21 PMCarol (Guest): Oh, i hope we can!
May 19, 5:21 PM
Dawn (Guest): will there be a fee?
May 19, 5:21 PM
SrSusan (Guest): fee for the website?
ay 19, 5:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Just keep it in prayer if you will
May 19, 5:22 PM
Dawn (Guest): to keep the site and chat up and running…oh you mean your website will be gone?will end
May 19, 5:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): It could happen, yes but we have it as a proposal in the Assembly to keep it
May 19, 5:23 PM
Dawn (Guest): so lets pray for a positive outcome!
May 19, 5:23 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes thank you!
May 19, 5:23 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Someone else may run it though
May 19, 5:23 PM
Carol (Guest): I hope so, once they realize how we’ve come to depend on it
May 19, 5:24 PMSrSusan (Guest): Once I leave Brooklyn, dont know what life will be for me yet
ay 19, 5:25 PMSrSusan (Guest): But I will let you know when I know!
May 19, 5:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): May the Holy Spirit continue to fill you both in “Ordinary Time”
May 19, 5:26 PM
Carol (Guest): So much change
May 19, 5:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes
May 19, 5:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sr, so you are about to embark on an adventure. I hope we can stay connected
May 19, 5:26 PM
Carol (Guest): You too Sr!
May 19, 5:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): That I will do!
ay 19, 5:26 PMSrSusan (Guest): Have a blessed week!