“Jesus Christ, my sweet Master, presented himself to me, all radiant with glory with his five wounds, shining like five suns, and from this sacred Humanity came flames from all sides, but especially from his adorable breast, which resembled a furnace; and having opened, revealed to me her all-loving and lovable Heart, which was the living source of these flames. It was then that he revealed to me the inexplicable wonders of his pure love, and to what excess he had carried it to love men, from whom he received nothing but ingratitude and ignorance. “What is much more sensible to me,” he said to me, “than all that I have suffered in my Passion, all the more so because if they were to return to me some return of love, I would have little esteem for all that I have done for them, and would like, if it were possible, to do even more; but they have nothing but coldness and rejection for all my eagerness to do them good. But, at least, give me the pleasure of making up for their ingratitude as much as you can be able.” Story
of the second great apparition of the Sacred Heart to Saint Margaret Mary, on the first Friday of June 1674, 350 years ago