Pope Francis is preparing to publish a document on devotion to the Sacred Heart next September on the occasion of the Jubilee of the 350th anniversary of the Apparitions in Paray-le-Monial! Thank you, Most Holy Father, for “reproposing today to the whole Church this worship full of spiritual beauty”. What joy! What gratitude! What responsibility also for our sanctuary, for our diocese, for France!
Let us join with the Sisters of the Visitation who wrote this short prayer intention to respond to the Pope’s call to pray for him: “Lord Jesus, we pray that you inspire our Holy Father Pope Francis so that he can make known the love of your Sacred Heart. Enlighten him in the writing of the document that he is preparing for the whole Church.”
The feasts of the Sacred Heart were centered on the theme of Consecration. In the grace of this Jubilee, they were extraordinary. Cardinal Aveline shared with us the experience of Marseille, the first city in the world to be consecrated in 1720.
On this occasion, the sanctuary launched a campaign to prepare for consecration to the Sacred Heart in preparation for June 27, 2025, by offering a course accessible to all and free of charge. May each of us, our families, our parishes, our communities and our dioceses mobilize, train and organize themselves to live this beautiful spiritual process widely. Christians must offer a spiritual response that meets the multiple challenges that our society faces, by profoundly renewing the offering of themselves to the Lord.
In a word, by returning love for love.
Fr. Etienne Kern
Consecration to the Sacred Heart
“Return love for love”
1st stage: Presentation of the 350th anniversary jubilee and the preparation process for consecration
1. Presentation of the 350-year jubilee and the consecration journey
2. Ten good reasons to consecrate yourself to the Heart of Jesus
I. Paray’s message
3. The message of Paray (I). God loved the world so much4. The message of Paray (II). Return love for love
II. What is consecration?
5. Through baptism, Jesus brings us into his consecration6. Renew your baptism by consecrating yourself to the Heart of Jesus
III. How to dedicate yourself?
7. A simple consecration process8. Commentary on the Jubilee Prayer9. Family and community dimensions of consecration
IV. How to live your consecration?
10. The enthronement of the image of the Sacred Heart in homes11. The Pope’s Honor Guard and Prayer Network
12. Conclusion: a Eucharistic and missionary life

The 350th anniversary
From December 27, 2023 to June 27, 2025, the Jubilee of the 350th anniversary of the apparitions of the Heart of Jesus to Saint Margaret Mary in Paray-le-Monial is taking place. It is an exceptional event with, in particular, the Opening of the Jubilee Door on December 27, 2023 by the Apostolic Nuncio in France, Mgr Migliore. On that day, the sanctuary officially joined the Pope’s worldwide prayer network. We will talk about it again.
The theme is Return love for love , that is to say, welcoming the personal love of Jesus for each of us, repairing the lack of love from which he suffers and entering into the compassion of his Heart for those who so need consolation.
The sanctuary participates in a vast movement of consecration or renewal of the consecration to the Sacred Heart, in a dynamic which begins on the feast of the Sacred Heart 2024 and culminates a year later, on the feast of the Sacred Heart 2025. J I addressed a petition to the Pope during the audience granted to the participants of the conference organized by the sanctuary in Rome in May on the theme of Spiritual Reparation. I asked him to consecrate the Church and the world this June 27, 2025, the anniversary of the great apparition of the Sacred Heart to Marguerite-Marie and the conclusion of the jubilee.
Whatever the pope’s response, this approach from the Holy Father only makes sense if it joins a mobilization of the entire Church. May the hearts of each person, families, parishes, dioceses, congregations and pastors be animated by the desire to consecrate themselves.
This is the purpose of this present journey: to offer preparation by explaining what devotion to the Sacred Heart is, what consecration is, how to consecrate ourselves and how to implement it concretely in our personal and family life. and ecclesial with a view to the mission. Isn’t the main thing that the world knows the love of the Heart of Jesus?
Presentation of the course
Four parts will mark our journey:
- we will see in the first part what is the message of the Apparitions of the Sacred Heart in Paray. These will be steps 3 and 4.
- In a second step, we will address what Consecration is, in steps 5 and 6.
- A third part will explain how to dedicate yourself, with steps 7, 8 and 9
- the fourth and final part will give some indications on the concrete means to live consecration to the Heart of Jesus, in steps 10 and 11.
- finally, the conclusion – step 12 – will show how the consecration is in view of the mission.
In addition: an in-depth course
The objective of this course is to be a basic, accessible and nourishing course to better understand what consecration is, to say how to live it and put it into practice in one’s daily life.
For a deeper course, I refer to the Heart of Jesus Course produced by Father Martin Pradère at the request and with the assistance of the Association Civilisation de l’Amour . After having deepened the message of Paray le Monial, Father Pradère approaches that of divine mercy. A broad biblical course puts us in the school of all Scripture, in particular the Song of Songs, the Gospel of John and the apostolic mysticism of the Heart of Jesus, with Saint Paul. Finally, the last teachings make the link between the spirituality of the Sacred Heart and the sacramental, moral and spiritual life.
On the website courscoeurdejesus.fr , the podcasts and videos of these 8 lessons, as well as the participant’s booklet, are freely accessible and downloadable.
From now on, let us invoke the Holy Spirit, so that he may bring us into the mystery of the Heart of Jesus, open our hearts and our minds: send your Spirit, Lord and everything will be created, and you will renew the face of the earth .
In the second step of this introduction, I will explain the reasons for consecrating oneself to the Heart of Jesus.
Call for donations
This podcast is brought to you by the Sanctuary of the Sacred Heart of Paray-le-Monial. We need you to support our mission of spreading by all possible means the beauty and topicality of the spirituality of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thank you for your generosity ! You will find all the information on our website: https://don.sacrecoeur-paray.org/jedonne
2. Ten good reasons to devote oneself to the Heart of Jesus
The dynamic of consecration that we propose is experienced in a double ascending and descending movement: on the one hand, personal and family consecrations prepare for the consecration of a parish (ascending movement); on the other, as the consecration of a parish encourages personal and family consecrations (descending movement). In a similar way, the consecrations of dioceses and episcopal conferences prepare for the consecration of the Church, which is an incentive to these consecrations of the different episcopal conferences.
The objective of this second stage is therefore to show the challenges of personal consecration, but also family, parish, etc. so that all the faithful, lay people and priests, mobilize in view of June 27, 2025.
What are the reasons for consecrating myself to the Heart of Jesus? Why consecrate my family, my parish, my diocese?
- Discover what the spirituality of the Sacred Heart is
To (re)discover the treasures of the spirituality of the Heart of Jesus. We will see it in this journey, we have here a real treasure… forgotten or little known. The 350-year jubilee and this journey help us to see its relevance and beauty for us.
- To be renewed in my baptism
To renew in depth my baptismal consecration, the promises of my baptism.
- Welcoming God’s love for me
To experience the Lord’s love for me, listen to the beating of his Heart and welcome divine mercy more into my life.
- The mission
To make known to the men of our time this incredible message of love and hope that the Heart of Jesus offered to the world through Saint Marguerite-Marie. Diving into the Heart of Jesus fuels my missionary desire intended to make his Love known. The spirituality of the Sacred Heart is accessible to all, it is a popular devotion and a gateway to the Church.
- A contagion
To lead other people in this consecration to the Heart of Jesus: my family, my parish or my diocese
- Communion with the whole world
The jubilee of the 350 years of the apparitions of the Heart of Jesus to Saint Marguerite-Marie Alacoque at the Visitation of Paray le Monial offers a unique opportunity to live together, in communion with the whole world which will enter into the same movement of consecration to the Sacred Heart on June 27, 2025.
- Fruits for the family
Consecration also refers to the consecration linked to the sacrament of marriage, and the fact that the family is the “domestic Church”, the first Church in a certain way. It shows in Jesus the true shepherd of our families, the “King of hearts”, the One who watches over all our affairs (family, professional, social) as soon as we give him first place in our heart and our home.
- The Renewal of the Church
To participate in the renewal of the parish and the diocese. Devotion to the Sacred Heart fosters a new Eucharistic fervor (celebration, adoration), which is the source of ecclesial communion and therefore of evangelization by contagion (“See how they love one another”).
- Fruits for society
For the fruits of peace and social justice, as Pope Francis recalled in Ecuador on July 8, 2015: ” I think I must share this with you as a message from Jesus: all the wealth you have, spiritual wealth, devotion, depth, comes from having had the courage – because these were very difficult times – the courage to consecrate the Nation to the Heart of Christ, this divine and human Heart that loves us so much. “
- To return love for love
Rather than despairing in the face of our personal mediocrities, our family difficulties, the state of the Church, of our country and of the world, let us offer ourselves to the Lord, let us give ourselves to him without return, totally, “for the glory of God and the salvation of the world »
After this two-step introduction, explaining the reasons for consecrating ourselves to the Heart of Jesus on the occasion of the Jubilee of the 350 years of the Sacred Heart, we will enter the first phase of our preparation journey: discover the message of Paray- le-Monial.