July 2024
Peace of the heart
Peace of the intellect, peace of the
conscience determine the peace of the heart.
To see God by faith, to obey Him with the
delicacy of a conscience ready for all sacrifices, is already to love Him. The measure
of love then gives the measure of the peace of the heart.
This poor human heart throws itself
often into all kinds of agitations, sometimes sinks into despair, or
into various pains, when instead of attaching itself to God, supreme beauty and
wisdom, it lets itself be enslaved by the spirit of the world which seduces it, draws it away,
but which in the end never fills it.
How much better inspired our heart would be if it resolutely turned towards God.
However, it knows instinctively that God alone can fill us with peace and that He is the
only place of rest. A heart anchored in God can face trials of all
kinds: illness, poverty, humiliation, even death, nothing can shake it.
Love is its peace, it abandons itself to divine love in absolute trust. It
follows the path that opens before it, whatever it may be, straight or winding, smooth or
stony, bordered with flowers or cluttered with thorns. A heart that loves is a heart
at peace that nothing in the world can disturb.
To do this, we must rediscover an interior life, seek Jesus. He alone purifies,
attracts, elevates the soul that He wants to introduce into His intimacy, but He does not do so
without our own consent. He solicits us many times through graces that He wants to
offer us. It is up to us to seize them and to have this holy desire to live as close as possible to the
Heart of Jesus, the source of all Peace. (Comments on the zealous posts of Sr Marie Bernaud)