St. Francis points out that God has no need of us (as if God lacks something), instead He created us to share in His goodness. However, after the resurrection, Jesus tells his disciples to spread the gospel, almost as if God is allowing Himself to “need” us. How do we reconcile these two realities?How can looking at this idea of being created for goodness help in trying to grow in holiness? Instead of looking at life as avoiding sin, we can look at it as trying to cling to the good, to follow the good.St. F
Jun 13, 10:57 AM
SrSusan (Guest): St. Francis encourages us to reflect that we were not made to seek wealth and other worldly matters. Let’s connect this to what Our Lord says in Matthew 6, in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus tells us to not pursue the things of the world, since God knows what we need. Instead, He tell us to “seek first his kingdom.” What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God?Why is it important to continue to renounce a former way of life that was not lived with God? Isn’t it enough to just focus on and embrace our n
Jun 14, 3:06 AM
SrSusan (Guest): St. Francis points out that God has no need of us (as if God lacks something), instead He created us to share in His goodness. However, after the resurrection, Jesus tells his disciples to spread the gospel, almost as if God is allowing Himself to “need” us. How do we reconcile these two realities?How can looking at this idea of being created for goodness help in trying to grow in holiness? Instead of looking at life as avoiding sin, we can look at it as trying to cling to the good, to follow the good.St. F
Jun 14, 3:07 AM
SrSusan (Guest): St. Francis encourages us to reflect that we were not made to seek wealth and other worldly matters. Let’s connect this to what Our Lord says in Matthew 6, in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus tells us to not pursue the things of the world, since God knows what we need. Instead, He tell us to “seek first his kingdom.” What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God?Why is it important to continue to renounce a former way of life that was not lived with God? Isn’t it enough to just focus on and embrace our n
Jun 14, 3:07 AM
SrSusan (Guest): embrace our new life in Christ?What are some modern “frivolities and amusements” that we should be cautious of? When are they sinful or occasions of sin? When are times of relaxation or a vacation a good thing?
Jun 14, 3:07 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat June 16 730-830pm est
Jun 14, 3:07 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newletter for chat

Newsletter for Sun chat June 16 | Visitation Spirit
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using an
Jun 16, 4:34 PMSt. Francis points out that God has no need of us (as if God lacks something), instead He created us to share in His goodness. However, after the resurrection, Jesus tells his disciples to spread the gospel, almost as if God is allowing Himself to “need” us. How do we reconcile these two realities
Ruth (Guest): God does not need us, it all people, to be truly happy need the Good N ews, and to live by it.
Jun 16, 4:34 PM
SrSusan (Guest): re the q, God allows us to participate in spreading the Gospel for His reasons but He does not need us in the way we mean by need He could have chosen another way
n 16, 4:35 PM
Carol (Guest): In a sense, we are creating with Him–we don’t make something oitmof nothing, but we can make,His plans happen
Jun 16, 4:35 PM
Ruth (Guest): But not it.
un 16, 4:35 PMCarol (Guest): Something out of nothing
Jun 16, 4:35 PM
Dawn (Guest): I understand this as he gathers to fullfill his plans. he leads with love not an emotional need
Jun 16, 4:35 PM
Simone (Guest): I had the same thought Carol.. we are creating with HIM.. but in some sense also THROUGH him.. it is not a separated effort
un 16, 4:36 PM
Carol (Guest): Or He through us
Jun 16, 4:36 PM
Simone (Guest): that’s exactly what I meant
Jun 16, 4:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes His Love is all encompassing He is not “needy” but totally self giving
Jun 16, 4:36 PMRuth (Guest): Second question of the Baltimore Catechism.
un 16, 4:37 PMSrSusan (Guest): q How can looking at this idea of being created for goodness help in trying to grow in holiness?
Jun 16, 4:38 PMCarol (Guest): We spend so much time trying to find the good in ourselves withoutmrealizing that its already there
Jun 16, 4:39 PMRuth (Guest): #3 We can gain the happiness of heaven (for which he made us) by knowing, loving and serving God.
Jun 16, 4:39 PMSimone (Guest): in a wa by opening ourselves to growth in holiness – we are just re-inforcing what is already there – in a way the most natural way of being truly alive
Jun 16, 4:40 PMSimone (Guest): the Principal and Foundation from Ignatius of Loyola reads very similar. Human beings are created to love, serve and revere GOD – and by doing this to save their soul
Jun 16, 4:42 PMDawn (Guest): helpful Simone, thanks . actually everyones replies are helpful
Jun 16, 4:42 PMSrSusan (Guest): q St. Francis encourages us to reflect that we were not made to seek wealth and other worldly matters. Let’s connect this to what Our Lord says in Matthew 6, in the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus tells us to not pursue the things of the world, since God knows what we need. Instead, He tell us to “seek first his kingdom.” What does it mean to seek first the kingdom of God?
un 16, 4:43 PM
Simone (Guest): to align our values and and our efforts to what pleases God most?
Jun 16, 4:44 PM
Carol (Guest): To not think about ourselves because we know aHe is
un 16, 4:44 PM
Ruth (Guest): I did not particularly enjoy memorizing questions and answers of Baltimore Catechism, but it contained a pithy way of expressing truths others have also expressed.
Jun 16, 4:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Jesus reflects the Kingdom perfectly so I guess being as close to Him and letting His life flow in us
Jun 16, 4:45 PM
Simone (Guest): again – a passage in the Principal and Foundation reads like this – and could be interpreted as a consequence of seeking the kingdom first
Jun 16, 4:45 PM
Ruth (Guest): And when life seemed hopeless it kept me hopeful and alive.
Jun 16, 4:45 PM
Simone (Guest): To attain this it is necessary to make ourselves indifferent to all created things, in regard to everything which is left to our free will and is not forbidden. Consequently, on our own part we ought not to seek health rather than sickness, wealth rather than poverty, honor rather than dishonor, a long life rather than a short one, and so on in all other matters.
Jun 16, 4:45 PM
SrSusan (Guest): what was the 2nd question Ruth in the catechism
un 16, 4:46 PM
Simone (Guest): I love it Ruth.. that you are witness how God’s truth can bring consolation – even when life suggests otherwise
Jun 16, 4:46 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes Simone accepting God’s good pleasure in all things
Jun 16, 4:46 PM
Dawn (Guest): receiving Jesus in the Eurcharist is certainly a way to experience his kingdom
Jun 16, 4:46 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes He is in us then
Jun 16, 4:46 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, it is, she agreesSmiljng
Jun 16, 4:48 PMSimone (Guest): and seeking his kingdom in the Eucharist.. means, that I make time to be with Him in the Eucharist.. that I seek that time more than otherwise spent
un 16, 4:49 PM
Carol (Guest): Also in spiritual reading and jn lectio divina
Jun 16, 4:49 PM
Simone (Guest): absolutely
Jun 16, 4:49 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Perfect way of being alive being with Jesus
un 16, 4:49 PM
Ruth (Guest): Sr. Susan, #2 Why did God make us? He made auto show forth his goodness and to share with us his everlasting happiness in heaven.
Jun 16, 4:49 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Thanks now I remember!
Jun 16, 4:49 PM
Ruth (Guest): OT auto but us to.
Jun 16, 4:50 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I had the catechism as a child every day we memorized something
Jun 16, 4:50 PM
Carol (Guest): I have memories of that from the mid60’s
Jun 16, 4:51 PM
Dawn (Guest): Im inspired to get a copy of Baltimore now
Jun 16, 4:51 PM
Simone (Guest): that’s the one thing I regret now.. that I did not support Peter more when he wanted Victoria to memorize the bible more. It was , because in his family it was lived so legalistically I found.. and I did not want that for Victoria. but now I regret it to be honest
n 16, 4:52 PMSrSusan (Guest): q Why is it important to continue to renounce a former way of life that was not lived with God?
Jun 16, 4:52 PM
Carol (Guest): Because it is so easy to backslide
Jun 16, 4:53 PM
Simone (Guest): no foothole for the enemy
un 16, 4:53 PM
Dawn (Guest): we do not want to go backwards. Pray for the grace to detest whatever is past or not from God
Jun 16, 4:53 PM
Simone (Guest): reclaiming the lost years for his blessing.. which can reach into the past
Jun 16, 4:53 PM
Ruth (Guest): I remember on my fortieth birthday questioning God, “Where were you when . . .?
Jun 16, 4:54 PMCarol (Guest): I asked that too. He replied, right here!
Jun 16, 4:55 PM
Simone (Guest): these are powerful questions Ruth… I did that too .. with specifically one incident.. I could see Jesus there – with me in the room.. but somehow it did not fully console me.. At an adoration time later in life.. I brought the same question to God again.. and then I saw Jesus and Mary there.. and for the first time I experienced the situation painfree in my heart.
Jun 16, 4:56 PM
Dawn (Guest): I think of this, not sure it is theologically correct? but as God is beyond time I have prayed for grace on something or someone in the past.
Jun 16, 4:56 PM
Carol (Guest): He will,often use the same incident over and over to bring deeper nealing
Jun 16, 4:56 PMSimone (Guest): I agree Carol.. also.. this situation was specifically related to a failing of a female relative … so I wonder.. if Mary’s presence redeemed that failing for me perfectly
un 16, 4:57 PM
Carol (Guest): That could be. And also that Mary knew you needed her too
Jun 16, 4:57 PM
Simone (Guest): <3
Jun 16, 4:57 PM
Ruth (Guest): His reply; Ich war DA. I was there? From my baptism on,whether I knew it or not, he was there with me. I think I I,gained that I had sought him and found him, but all the while he was speaking to reveal himself to me, even in the unbelievably hard things.
Jun 16, 4:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): wow. the supernatural graces
Jun 16, 4:58 PM
Carol (Guest): Thats it !
Jun 16, 4:58 PM
Simone (Guest): How wonderful Ruth! Did you hear it in German really? That would be amazing
Jun 16, 4:59 PMSimone (Guest): Dawn.. as for praying for blessings on things and people from the past. That would be a great topic on its own one day I find.
Jun 16, 5:00 PM
Carol (Guest): We could. I wonder how many of the saints write about this
Jun 16, 5:00 PM
SrSusan (Guest): hold onto to it
un 16, 5:00 PM
Dawn (Guest): lets do. Maybe Sr Susan, could you lead with some readings on this. Im interested
Jun 16, 5:01 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Only if we still have chat and the new Pres wants me to continue otherwise we need to develop something else
un 16, 5:04 PMSimone (Guest): wow.. Zachariah came to my mind.. at the right time His voice came fully back.. and the words that came out – are forever now in every Catholic’s prayer on a daily base
un 16, 5:05 PM
Simone (Guest): the Lord is really putting a full silence over you — as this decision is approaching
Jun 16, 5:05 PM
Dawn (Guest): my first thought here…God is in on this Sister. there are no coincidences
Jun 16, 5:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
Jun 16, 5:05 PM
Simone (Guest): Your silence might be more powerful, than the words would have been
Jun 16, 5:06 PM
Simone (Guest): and your presence can still speak
Jun 16, 5:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): hope so!
Jun 16, 5:06 PM
Carol (Guest): He is definitely preparing you
Jun 16, 5:06 PM
Ruth (Guest): I was in Germany at the time, crossing through a long, narrow cemetery. Startled I heard: “Steig ab. Ich moechte mit dir sprechen. Vierzig Jahre bin Ich mit dir gegangen.” I could account for the last 25 years but not the first fifteen.
un 16, 5:07 PM
Simone (Guest): WOW Ruth. – that does sound like GOD to me
Jun 16, 5:07 PM
Simone (Guest): it means” come down. I want to talk to you. 40 years I walked with you”
Jun 16, 5:08 PM
Carol (Guest): Like Zaccheus is the sycamore
Jun 16, 5:08 PM
Simone (Guest): oh my goodness.. so true Carol!
Jun 16, 5:09 PM
Carol (Guest): Zaccheus is a hero of mine
un 16, 5:09 PMSimone (Guest): why is that Carol?
un 16, 5:09 PMCarol (Guest): Because he came down. Because Jesus wanted him when no one else did
Jun 16, 5:10 PMRuth (Guest): Simone I was riding my Ike,in the rain.
un 16, 5:11 PM
Simone (Guest): oh I see.. so GOD wanted you to stop.. step down from the bike.. not ” come down”
Jun 16, 5:11 PM
Ruth (Guest): Lids ountl
Jun 16, 5:11 PM
Ruth (Guest): O! this changes everything I write until I repeat it at least three times!
un 16, 5:12 PM
Ruth (Guest): “Dismount” get off your bike.
Jun 16, 5:13 PM
Simone (Guest): I had a very powerful gospel contemplation on Zacchaus a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to climb the tree to see Jesus.. but I could not. I tried so hard.. so very very hard… but I could not climb this tree.. Ashamed and frustrated I leaned my forehead against the tree.. and then I felt the presence of Jesus behind me.. And I realized.. I would have needed the tree to see Jesus– but Jesus did not need the tree to see me..
Jun 16, 5:13 PMRuth (Guest): I walked the length of the cemetery in the rain. Everything, each flower was so beautiful!
un 16, 5:14 PM
Carol (Guest): That is beautiful. I suspect you have climbed many spiritual trees to see Him
Jun 16, 5:14 PM
Simone (Guest): and I realized that GOD spoke to me about my efforts to pray .. and how frustrating it sometimes is.. but He sees me.. leaning at my “Tree”.. even when I don’t see him from above where I would want to be.. but still feel his presence behind me
Jun 16, 5:15 PM
Ruth (Guest): Beitiful!
Jun 16, 5:15 PM
Simone (Guest): Ruth.. the way you describe it.. I perfectly can picture this cemetery
Jun 16, 5:15 PM
Ruth (Guest): beautiful!
Jun 16, 5:15 PM
Dawn (Guest): all of this is beautiful!
Jun 16, 5:15 PM
Dawn (Guest): mystical
Jun 16, 5:16 PM
Ruth (Guest): Dawn, I like your idea of prayers for things that happened in the past, since all is present to God.
Jun 16, 5:16 PM
Carol (Guest): All we need to do,is open the ears of iur hearts
un 16, 5:18 PMSimone (Guest): there is an exercise in Inner Healing work.. where you revisit milestones in your life.. like “conception, birth, baptism, etc…” and if those were not blessed by parents for example.. or “cursed” even.. for example.. threatened abortion – etc.. God can be invited and his blessing be prayed over these specific moments
Jun 16, 5:19 PMCarol (Guest): It works too
Jun 16, 5:20 PM
Simone (Guest): mostly done when trauma is present.. not an every day thing
Jun 16, 5:20 PM
Dawn (Guest): The first time I was thinking of my parents and they had divorced and I prayed to God , you know al things, you know the very beginning of my parents teaching me the Faith , it would come into being so I pray they are forgiven because I have forgiven them. well its the thing I would like to learn more about, I look forward to going deeper…when Sr, when you are available
Jun 16, 5:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): like putting thngs into the Divine Will- Luisa P. it reminds me of a little
Jun 16, 5:20 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, we must chat some time
Jun 16, 5:21 PM
Simone (Guest): What’s the last name of Luise P? please?
Jun 16, 5:21 PM
Dawn (Guest): I dont know about her, but her name keeps coming around to me
Jun 16, 5:21 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I have to look it up I cant spell it
Jun 16, 5:21 PM
Simone (Guest): Piccarreta?
Jun 16, 5:21 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
Jun 16, 5:21 PM
Carol (Guest): Is she one of the Fatima children?
Jun 16, 5:21 PM
SrSusan (Guest): no
Jun 16, 5:22 PM
Simone (Guest): some of my friends are reading her writings
Jun 16, 5:22 PMSrSusan (Guest): not sure she has been approved yet but the writings are deep
un 16, 5:22 PM
Simone (Guest): the most famous is the Divine Will I think
Jun 16, 5:24 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
Jun 16, 5:24 PM
Simone (Guest): Sister.. I know you cannot come next Sunday to the chat.. Shall we even have a chat? or maybe we could meet here to pray for you?
Jun 16, 5:24 PM
Simone (Guest): and the other Sisters that are involved in the decision and the outcome
Jun 16, 5:25 PM
Ruth 2 (Guest): Oh yes! I have a prayer card with her name/picture on it.
Jun 16, 5:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): There should be a newsletetr so yes either chat on that or however you would like to be together
Jun 16, 5:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): prayer would be wonderful for our intentions too
Jun 16, 5:25 PM
Simone (Guest): Ok.. I know that we all will keep you in prayer as you prepare this week.
Jun 16, 5:25 PM
Carol (Guest): I would like to be able to pray with friends
Jun 16, 5:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): thank you so much!
Jun 16, 5:25 PM
Dawn (Guest): good idea. I would much like to engage in prayer next week
Jun 16, 5:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): prefect.
n 16, 5:26 PM
Simone (Guest): If you want to post your prayers maybe at the beginning of the chat again next week Sister.. we could take that as the cues to pray for it then step by step
Jun 16, 5:26 PM
Carol (Guest): If we wanted to see each other I could set up a zoom meeting
Jun 16, 5:26 PM
Ruth 2 (Guest): YES! we will pray for you and the meeting.
Jun 16, 5:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that too
Jun 16, 5:26 PM
Simone (Guest): oh.. wow.. That would be so special for praying
Jun 16, 5:26 PM
Simone (Guest): Carol.. can you send out a ZOOM link?
Jun 16, 5:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and when I know something I will either post or e mail
Ruth, I look forward to going deeper in understanding this, with everyone and Sr
Jun 16, 5:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): May each of you be especially blessed this week and may this union of hearts grow even more thru prayer
Jun 16, 5:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): In Jesu name, Amen
Jun 16, 5:29 PM
Simone (Guest): that’s lovely said Sister.. we keep you and your “inner voice” in prayer