Disasters of wars.
However, the war was wreaking terrible havoc, the horses and cattle of our farm were taken away, the crops of several years taken or completely ruined. Our dear Turn Sister Jeanne Gabriel Gallois, was so affectionate for the good of the house, and so generous, that she was not afraid to expose herself for the recovery of her losses, pursuing the soldiers even into the enemy towns. One day, wishing to avoid their fury, she found no other way of escaping from their hands than to throw herself into a well; she did so by invoking the Blessed Virgin as her good Mother, her trust was not in vain, she received her help, for she was withdrawn without having received any harm.
Their fervour and joy in the face of scarcity.
Several other disasters, which had occurred from the wars that ravaged the whole country, inconvenienced our poor Community more and more. Our good Mother Jeanne Françoise de Saint-Vincent, having seen in our Monastery of Pont-à-Mousson the usefulness that was derived from a flock of sheep, established the same thing in our country, where each one, following the example of this very Honored Mother, who was always the first to deal with all that was most painful and low, occupied herself with everything indefatigably. Some of them got up for this work at three or four o’clock in the morning, hastening to clean the stable, and although this work was very tiring, they continued for more than 15 years without the slightest complaint. On the contrary, these dear Sisters carried out these painful exercises with holy joy, so much peace, and such deep recollection, that the Monastery seemed an anticipated paradise, where people spoke only of God and the means of pleasing Him. Thus his goodness often gave them sensible marks of his protection.
Care of Providence.
It has happened several times that neither having bread in the house for the meal of the Community, nor the means to obtain it, for lack of money and credit, charitable but unknown people, put in the courtyard as much bread and wine as was necessary and then withdrew without wanting to make themselves known. One day a dozen fine pewter dishes were placed in the courtyard in the same way.
Source: http://www.lavisitation-metz.fr/fondation-du-monastere-de-metz/12/