Reflections:How can we be best prepared for judgment (either at our death, or the final judgment at the end)?Do you think the fire that will consume the earth at the end of time is figurative or literal, or both?At the time of the resurrection of the body, we are told we will have “glorified bodies.” What does this mean?Is it unloving of God to command some people to “depart” from him and call them “cursed” and cast them into eternal damnation?Why do you think God would end the world with such terrible fury
SrSusan (Guest): St. Francis mentions hastening to Confession. How can we do a better job of reflecting upon ourselves and making better Confessions?How can we help more people awaken their consciences and be concerned for how they stand before God, the Divine Judge?How do mercy, justice, and peace co-exist? Sign up for our Living Jesus Chat Room:Come to our Living Jesus Chat Room, 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM Eastern Time U.S.
Jul 25, 12:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat

Newsletter for Chat Jul 28 | Visitation Spirit
ul 28, 4:36 PMSrSusan (Guest): q 1 How can we be best prepared for judgment (either at our death, or the final judgment at the end)?
ul 28, 4:37 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Regular confession.
Jul 28, 4:37 PM
Betty chao (Guest): I study Bible and join father James mary osf ewtn mass today morning to lunch
Jul 28, 4:37 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Daily examination of conscience.
Jul 28, 4:37 PM
Carol (Guest): ThanksvRuth!
Jul 28, 4:38 PM
Chrystal (Guest): Be as close to Christ as possible, confession and relying on His grace
Jul 28, 4:38 PM
Betty chao (Guest): He talk about Eucharist congress from indiana
Jul 28, 4:38 PM
Carol (Guest): I think Rhodylyn is right
Jul 28, 4:38 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Being faithful to your spiritual exercises
ul 28, 4:37 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Regular confession.
Jul 28, 4:37 PM
Betty chao (Guest): I study Bible and join father James mary osf ewtn mass today morning to lunch
Jul 28, 4:37 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Daily examination of conscience.
Jul 28, 4:37 PM
Carol (Guest): ThanksvRuth!
Jul 28, 4:38 PM
Chrystal (Guest): Be as close to Christ as possible, confession and relying on His grace
Jul 28, 4:38 PM
Betty chao (Guest): He talk about Eucharist congress from indiana
Jul 28, 4:38 PM
Carol (Guest): I think Rhodylyn is right
Jul 28, 4:38 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Being faithful to your spiritual ex
l 28, 4:39 PM
Carol (Guest): I have heard about the four lastvthings. Do you know about those Sister?
Jul 28, 4:39 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Daily mass if possible.
Jul 28, 4:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yrd lets see , heaven hell
Jul 28, 4:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and 2 more, is it judgement
Jul 28, 4:39 PM
Ruth (Guest): All of the above.
Jul 28, 4:39 PM
Betty chao (Guest): Have you go to join Eucharist congress Indiana sr susan
Jul 28, 4:40 PM
SrSusan (Guest): no
Jul 28, 4:40 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Are cloistered nuns allowed to participate?
Jul 28, 4:40 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and death 4 last things
Jul 28, 4:41 PM
SrSusan (Guest): No unless they got special permission
Jul 28, 4:41 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that’s one thing about being cloistered
Jul 28, 4:41 PM
SrSusan (Guest): the things yu might have participated in before you dont anymore
Jul 28, 4:41 PM
Ruth (Guest): Death, judgement, heaven, hell.
Jul 28, 4:41 PM
Carol (Guest): Heave, hell, judgement, desth
Jul 28, 4:42 PM
SrSusan (Guest): internet use for such events is also usually limited or it mite nbe a whole community gathering together to watch
Jul 28, 4:43 PM
Carol (Guest): I think if youngo to the revival website there are videos of everything.
l 28, 4:43 PMRHODYLYN (Guest): Yes, we can do our Eucharistic Adoration too.
l 28, 4:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q ?Do you think the fire that will consume the earth at the end of time is figurative or literal, or both?
Jul 28, 4:44 PM
Carol (Guest): Both
Jul 28, 4:44 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): I am thinking both.
Jul 28, 4:44 PM
Ruth (Guest): Perhaps both.
Jul 28, 4:44 PM
Betty chao (Guest): You can do Eucharist adoration from divine mercy song and taize
Jul 28, 4:45 PM
Chrystal (Guest): I think both I think the fire of the Holy Spirit, and fire has a cleansing purgative effect on souls and then literal for the earth
Jul 28, 4:45 PM
Betty chao (Guest): When I do Eucharist adoration I love to use hillsong christian song to sing praise to jesus
Jul 28, 4:45 PM
Betty chao (Guest): In
ul 28, 4:45 PM
Betty chao (Guest): In screen online
Jul 28, 4:45 PM
Carol (Guest): They are very good Betty
ul 28, 4:46 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Prophecies talk about earth consumed by fire
Jul 28, 4:46 PM
Carol (Guest): In Revelation and Ezekiel?
Jul 28, 4:47 PM
Ruth (Guest): Sometimes it seems it is starting in California!
Jul 28, 4:47 PM
Carol (Guest): Seriously.
Jul 28, 4:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I meant private ones but I cant be more specific
Jul 28, 4:47 PM
Chrystal (Guest): Lol
Jul 28, 4:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I meant private ones but I cant be more specific
Jul 28, 4:47 PM
Chrystal (Guest): Lol
Jul 28, 4:48 PM
Ruth (Guest): So many little deaths before the final one!
Jul 28, 4:48 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Yes, Sister there are a lot coming out now
Jul 28, 4:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q At the time of the resurrection of the body, we are told we will have “glorified bodies.” What does this mean?
Jul 28, 4:48 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh, I know someone who insists I watch all those videos. Very disturbing
ul 28, 4:49 PM
Chrystal (Guest): I think lole when Moses face shone with the brightness they had to veil his face I think we will shine like stars
Jul 28, 4:50 PM
Ruth (Guest): Even if one stays far from the “fires” the smoke can be a purgatory.
ul 28, 4:50 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Like in the Transfiguration.
Jul 28, 4:50 PM
SrSusan (Guest): like Jesus in a way
Jul 28, 4:50 PM
Chrystal (Guest): Yeah
Jul 28, 4:50 PM
Betty chao (Guest): Sr Susan I saw alots of people write something something evil bad about pope and Catholic Church mom say that is bad say against pope and the church ingnore them
Jul 28, 4:50 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Very beautiful!
Jul 28, 4:50 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, He has a glorified body, but with His wounds’
Jul 28, 4:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): There is always controversy in the world Betty
Jul 28, 4:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Will our wounds be healed or glow like Jesus’ wounds I wonder
ul 28, 4:52 PMCarol (Guest): I think s
ul 28, 4:52 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Our beings will be so diffeerent and who knows what earth will be like
Jul 28, 4:52 PM
SrSusan (Guest): all will be renewed
ul 28, 4:53 PM
Betty chao (Guest): Sr Susan I believe Jesus choose pope to take care his church just like he gave key to peter
Jul 28, 4:53 PM
Chrystal (Guest): The most beautiful thing will be our wounds and brokenness and how Gods love and faithfulness shaped us… I like to think the wounds we carry glorify God in heaven
ul 28, 4:53 PM
Carol (Guest): I like that thought Chrystal
Jul 28, 4:53 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes Betty the role of the Pope
Jul 28, 4:53 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I like that too
ul 28, 4:54 PMRuth (Guest): Crystal, surely he allows our wounds so that we can grow to love more nearly
Jul 28, 4:55 PMSrSusan (Guest): our whole bodies, glorified will glorify God in eternity
Jul 28, 4:55 PM
Carol (Guest): And we get to be with Him
Jul 28, 4:56 PM
Chrystal (Guest): His love was made known to us by His Wounds
ul 28, 4:56 PMSrSusan (Guest): Love will pour out of our whole being
ul 28, 4:56 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Like His Sacred Heart.
Jul 28, 4:57 PM
Ruth (Guest): Even to Thomas who was not there the first time Jesus appeared after his resurrection.
Jul 28, 4:57 PM
Chrystal (Guest): Yeah
ul 28, 4:57 PMChrystal (Guest): He never hid them or erased them
ul 28, 4:57 PMCarol (Guest): He could appear and disappear, yet eat physical food
ul 28, 4:58 PMSrSusan (Guest): but we dont know whether we will be back on earth as He was, or not
ul 28, 4:59 PM
Betty chao (Guest): But Jesus will be back we wait for him come come lord Jesus alelluia yeshua aman
Jul 28, 4:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Is it unloving of God to command some people to “depart” from him and call them “cursed” and cast them into eternal damnation
l 28, 4:59 PM
Chrystal (Guest): I think Eden will be remade like the original idea but with everyone who could be
Jul 28, 5:00 PM
Carol (Guest): People who are sent away chose to go
Jul 28, 5:00 PM
Ruth (Guest): That lack of knowledge helps us to relativize the importance of things here on earth.
Jul 28, 5:00 PM
Chrystal (Guest): I think it’s a choice of rejecting God and choosing sin
ul 28, 5:01 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): God has given us the time to repent and reconcile with Him.Now is the time of His Mercy. Then the time of Judgement comes too.
Jul 28, 5:01 PM
SrSusan (Guest): As Betty said, we wait for Jesus to save us but we need to accept salvation
Jul 28, 5:02 PM
Ruth (Guest): we wait in joyful hope.
Jul 28, 5:02 PM
Ruth (Guest): A
Jul 28, 5:02 PM
Carol (Guest): He told St Faustina that those who did not accept His mercy would have to accept judgement
ul 28, 5:05 PMRHODYLYN (Guest): Yes. God is outpouring His Spirit like never before now. So we must accept His Mercy while there is still time. We are living in end times now.
end times now.
Jul 28, 5:06 PM
Carol (Guest): He said that to St Faustina too
Jul 28, 5:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Why do you think God would end the world with such terrible fury
Jul 28, 5:06 PM
Betty chao (Guest): We accept him and his words we wait for him come to save us and his church
Jul 28, 5:06 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): God’s wrath is as great as His Mercy.
Jul 28, 5:06 PM
Carol (Guest): Purification?
Jul 28, 5:06 PM
Ruth (Guest): I like the line of John the Baptist in “The Chosen” just before he is beheaded, when he laughs, and when asked why he says “You would not get it.” And the executioner repeats, “lFinal words: ‘You would not get it.”
Jul 28, 5:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes Betty I agree
ul 28, 5:07 PMSrSusan (Guest): maybe the fury is driven by the degree of sin
Jul 28, 5:08 PMCarol (Guest): Like the flood
ul 28, 5:08 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Yes Sr. Our times is worst than Sodom and Gomorrah.
Jul 28, 5:08 PM
Carol (Guest): Nineveh repented
Jul 28, 5:08 PM
Ruth (Guest): John had seen the Lamb.
Jul 28, 5:08 PM
Chrystal (Guest): Maybe because of the cries of the innocent, the martyrs ?
ul 28, 5:09 PMChrystal (Guest): “His little ones”
ul 28, 5:11 PMSrSusan (Guest): q St. Francis mentions hastening to Confession. How can we do a better job of reflecting upon ourselves and making better Confessions?
Jul 28, 5:12 PM
Ruth (Guest): Do we know that there will be terrible fury?
Jul 28, 5:12 PM
Carol (Guest): Using an examen and taking notes so we don’t forget
Jul 28, 5:12 PM
Carol (Guest): And remembering who we are going to see
Jul 28, 5:12 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): At the end of the day it is good to examine your conscience.
ul 28, 5:13 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think the fury was based on the idea of fire
Jul 28, 5:13 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Elena
Jul 28, 5:13 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): I find confession every two weeks to be very helpful.
ul 28, 5:13 PM
Betty chao (Guest): Their is one church our church believer did not go because one bishop of that church say bad thought about pope and pope is reject him because I hear that bishop disobey Jesus and have sex abuse
Jul 28, 5:14 PM
Chrystal (Guest): Praying to saints and the Holy Spirit , a daily examine of our conscience. I had one priest say to do one by noon and again at night to stop and reflect where was Jesus in this moment
Jul 28, 5:14 PM
Betty chao (Guest): We need to do good things and obey jesus
Jul 28, 5:14 PM
Betty chao (Guest): Even church has to obey his law
Jul 28, 5:14 PM
Carol (Guest): That would be so helpful Chrystal
Jul 28, 5:15 PM
Ruth (Guest): Even when God cast Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden he made them clothing first and he walked with them. Maybe the “Fury” comes from inside ourselves — the “parts” that we have not allowed to be healed.
Jul 28, 5:15 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Betty you have a good sense there
ul 28, 5:15 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Betty you have a good sense there
Jul 28, 5:15 PM
SrSusan (Guest): interesting Ruth
Jul 28, 5:15 PM
Elena (Guest): Hi! Sorry tried signing in on my phone but it wasn’t working
ul 28, 5:16 PM
Chrystal (Guest): Hi Elena
Jul 28, 5:16 PM
Elena (Guest): It’s been awhile…
Jul 28, 5:17 PM
Ruth (Guest): Welcome Elena.
Jul 28, 5:17 PM
Elena (Guest): Jumping in late… but I always wonder about “God’s fury..” It’s hard to imagine because our emotions
ul 28, 5:18 PM
Betty chao (Guest): Elena what is that about
Jul 28, 5:18 PM
Elena (Guest): God doesn’t want to send people to hell… yet this idea of the deluge of fire seems pretty clear… whether we do it ourselves and God permits it, or it comes from him.
Jul 28, 5:18 PM
Ruth (Guest): However, we are made in Gods image and likeness.
Jul 28, 5:19 PM
Elena (Guest): Yeah but if I’m angry because someone rejects me, I’d like to think God can handle it better than I can.
are not God’s.
RHODYLYN (Guest): God is both Merciful and Just.
Jul 28, 5:19 PM
Elena (Guest): Betty, I’m not sure of your question. Could you clarify?
Jul 28, 5:19 PM
Ruth (Guest): 🙂
ul 28, 5:21 PM
Betty chao (Guest): Sr Susan I ask mom why God curse those person who reject him
Jul 28, 5:21 PM
Elena (Guest): Yes just and merciful. I think we also cannot truly fathom what sin actually does and is… so perhaps what seems vengeful like smoting with fire is a just result. If we do it to ourselves (which I think is likely), then he permits it because it is a consequence of our sin, which is beyond what we can imagine.
Jul 28, 5:21 PM
Betty chao (Guest): She say in th3
Jul 28, 5:22 PM
Betty chao (Guest): In the Bible God gave them Ten Commandments warning them to obey his law liste.
Jul 28, 5:22 PM
Carol (Guest): It is so very necessary to stay by Him every moment
Jul 28, 5:22 PM
Chrystal (Guest): Very true
ul 28, 5:23 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Never lose sight of Him and do not let our eyes to flutter elsewhere.
Jul 28, 5:23 PM
Betty chao (Guest): Listen to him but some person listen to evil spirits by reject Jesus when he tell us do anything good but they won’t listen
Jul 28, 5:23 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q How can we help more people awaken their consciences and be concerned for how they stand before God, the Divine Judge?
ul 28, 5:23 PM
Elena (Guest): Rhodylyn – absolutely!!
Jul 28, 5:24 PM
Elena (Guest): Well, Sister, I’ve tried standing on street corners warning about the coming apocalypse, but that didn’t seem to do much good….
Jul 28, 5:24 PM
Elena (Guest): j/k
Jul 28, 5:24 PM
Betty chao (Guest): My mom say Jesus gave Ten Commandments to tell them obey me and my teachings but some people walk away from him not listen to him so they not choose heaven they choose he
Jul 28, 5:24 PM
Carol (Guest): Thats hard Sister because the direct pointing out of a fault is not usually welcome
Jul 28, 5:24 PM
Betty chao (Guest): Hell that is bad
Jul 28, 5:25 PM
Elena (Guest): In all honesty, I have found it very difficult to talk about these realities with people who have steadfastly turned their backs on God. They want to follow their own way. So praying is what I can do for them. If there is still a relationship to be had, I make myself available to talk about things if the person wants to engage in a discussion, and of course to be honest about my own faith.
Jul 28, 5:26 PM
Betty chao (Guest): If yes us we obey Ten Commandments to God by always serve him rules
Jul 28, 5:26 PM
Chrystal (Guest): Living by example of how Christ wants us to live . Give mercy and stand in truth say the uncomfortable thing and realize a lot of people will be unhappy
Jul 28, 5:26 PM
Elena (Guest): But Carol, you’re right… pointing out faults is not a good way to go. I think as fellow Christians, we are obliged to do this in some way (according to St. Paul), but again, must be done with charity.
Jul 28, 5:26 PM
Carol (Guest): And Jesus has His spot even in those hearts and knows what to say
Jul 28, 5:26 PM
Elena (Guest): Chrystal — yes!
Jul 28, 5:23 PM
Elena (Guest): Rhodylyn – absolutely!!
ul 28, 5:27 PMRHODYLYN (Guest): Prayers and sacrice for the conversion of sinners
ul 28, 5:27 PM
Carol (Guest): And privately just with that person. No gossip
Jul 28, 5:27 PM
Betty chao (Guest): St. Paul and St. Peter they are good action to the Christians because they sent by jesus
Jul 28, 5:27 PM
Elena (Guest): Carol, yes… He knows all hearts! If He can rescue me, He can rescue anyone! But still the heart has to be even a teensy bit open to God’s love.
ul 28, 5:27 PMCarol (Guest): Even me!
ul 28, 5:28 PMElena (Guest): You mentioned no gossip… that is SO important. It’s easy to slip into without even realizing it.
l 28, 5:29 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, in our rule it says to go directly to the person we’re having a problem with and try to reconcile BEFORE involving anyone else, and even then its still private
Jul 28, 5:30 PM
Elena (Guest): YES… and I’ve been having to deal with that personally with my roommate, actually.
Jul 28, 5:30 PM
Elena (Guest): So hard.
Jul 28, 5:30 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): It’s really grace from God to be open to any discussion about God’s love for us and His Love is all that we need. So many souls are lost because of their search for love.
Jul 28, 5:30 PM
Betty chao (Guest): Their has a two Cantonese Chinese opera singers they believe Jesus and have faith in him and they go to walk in jerusalem holy land visit and bow pray in each step
Jul 28, 5:30 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh roommates are so hard
Jul 28, 5:30 PM
Elena (Guest): Wow, Betty.. that’s inspiring!
Jul 28, 5:31 PM
Elena (Guest): Dude… SO hard.
ul 28, 5:31 PM
Carol (Guest): You can’t get away from each other, kind of like the monastery
Jul 28, 5:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): last q How do mercy, justice, and peace co-exist