Reflections:Why is it import to break the understanding of prayer into separate categories? What good does it do for us?How can passing “simple thoughts” be to both our advantage and disadvantage?What is the difference between meditation and contemplation?When is a petition not, properly speaking, a prayer?What is the true goal of prayer? And how can less self-centeredness actually help us achieve this goal?What does a worthwhile time in prayer look to you? In other words, what kind of private prayer works best for you? How do you achieve it?
Jul 12, 5:45 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat 730pm est July 14
Jul 12, 5:45 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Newsletter for chat

Newsletter for Sunday chat July 14 | Visitation Spirit
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Jul 14, 4:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Ruth
Jul 14, 4:28 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hello Sr. Susan, How are you? Where are you?
Jul 14, 4:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I am in Brooklyn I still have a weak voice
Jul 14, 4:29 PM
Ruth (Guest): Simone flew to Austria Monday. She plans to return July 27.
Jul 14, 4:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes she texted me this afternoon to say she was at airport
Jul 14, 4:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): But I did not know her return date Thanks!
Jul 14, 4:30 PM
Ruth (Guest): Did you have laryngitis?
Jul 14, 4:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): no
Jul 14, 4:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): vocal cord paralysis
Jul 14, 4:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): still have that
Jul 14, 4:31 PM
Ruth (Guest): Oh my! Do they know what caused it?
Jul 14, 4:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): They are not sure I had strep throat for sure and after that this happened possibly a virus
Jul 14, 4:32 PM
Ruth (Guest): This has been going on for quite some time?
Jul 14, 4:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): since may 22
Jul 14, 4:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Carol and Rhodylyn
Jul 14, 4:32 PM
carol (Guest): Hi Everyone!
Jul 14, 4:33 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Hello everyone.
Jul 14, 4:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Tonights topic is on prayer
Jul 14, 4:33 PM
Ruth (Guest): I did not know. Maybe because I often miss the first few minutes of chat.
Jul 14, 4:34 PM
14, 4:35 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Why is it import to break the understanding of prayer into separate categories? What good does it do for us?
Jul 14, 4:36 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Reading about the categories made me aware of sometimes what I am doing is not really helpful.V
ul 14, 4:36 PMcarol (Guest): There really are different types of prayer and so by naming them we can be specific about which one we’re speaking about
Jul 14, 4:37 PM
Ruth (Guest): I remember finding this reading somehow more difficult than usual. But I read it while I was hospitalized and did not reread it.
Jul 14, 4:37 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): We can really easily fall into just the level of study
Jul 14, 4:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): in hospital Ruth?
ul 14, 4:41 PMSrSusan (Guest): I think that working with a spiritual director regarding this question to confirm what we are doing in prayer is helpful
Jul 14, 4:41 PMSrSusan (Guest): He or she can confirm the type of prayer if we are uncertain
Jul 14, 4:42 PM
Ruth (Guest): Today I got to Adoration for the first time since I stopped driving two years ago.
Jul 14, 4:42 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think it helps to some extent with our spiritual growth but we do not want to get obsessed abouut it

Jul 14, 4:42 PM
Dawn (Guest): Glory be Ruth
Jul 14, 4:43 PM
carol (Guest): It is another way to get distracted from the goal of prayer
Jul 14, 4:43 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes Carol
Jul 14, 4:44 PM
Ruth (Guest): I think you are right Carol.
Jul 14, 4:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q How can passing “simple thoughts” be to both our advantage and disadvantage?
l 14, 4:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q How can passing “simple thoughts” be to both our advantage and disadvantage?
Jul 14, 4:44 PM
carol (Guest): A simple thought might be a short prayer, like Jesus mercy
Jul 14, 4:44 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Sister, from the readings it appears to me that there should be a method for prayer. I read though that St Jane says that the best method is no method at all. But simply complete openness to what God will do in our heart.
Jul 14, 4:45 PM
carol (Guest): It might also be nothing more than a simple thought
Jul 14, 4:45 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes that is what St Jane encouraged
Jul 14, 4:45 PM
Dawn (Guest): ” I moan like a dove…” beautiful
Jul 14, 4:45 PM
Ruth (Guest): I am not clear what passing simple thoughts means.
Jul 14, 4:46 PM
SrSusan (Guest): like I love YOu Lord
Jul 14, 4:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Not going into depth, maybe

Jul 14, 4:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Welcome Rose
ul 14, 4:47 PM
Dawn (Guest): I learned in this chat some years ago…is this called ejacultory prayer. i think misspelled
Jul 14, 4:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes also called aspirations
l 14, 4:48 PM
Dawn (Guest): the whole day can be filled with these!
Jul 14, 4:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): for ex Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me a sinner
Jul 14, 4:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes Dawn
Jul 14, 4:49 PMDawn (Guest): Lord help me for I can do nothing without you
ul 14, 4:49 PM
carol (Guest): Hi Rose
Jul 14, 4:49 PM
Dawn (Guest): or be with me
ul 14, 4:49 PMRose (Guest): Hello
Jul 14, 4:49 PMRuth (Guest): I found myself, when I was not able to be very attentive, just “praying” ( or saying? ) Hail Marys and “I love you Jesus my love, I repent of ever having offended you; grant that I may love you always, then do with me what you will.”
Jul 14, 4:50 PM
Dawn (Guest): I like this prayer Ruth
Jul 14, 4:50 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes these kinds of prayers keep us praying fairly continuously
Jul 14, 4:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I guess a disadvantage would be if we don’t ever go deeper
Jul 14, 4:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): but the Lord accepts all kinds of prayer I think
Jul 14, 4:51 PM
Dawn (Guest): Ah!
ul 14, 4:51 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): I read that even our sighs are prayers too.
Jul 14, 4:52 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes
Jul 14, 4:52 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): When we have no words to convey our deepest aspirations
Jul 14, 4:52 PM
Rose (Guest): I always got the feeling a “sigh” could be a “bigger” prayer than “
Jul 14, 4:52 PM
Ruth (Guest): When we direct them in his presence.
Jul 14, 4:52 PM
Rose (Guest): speaking” it
ul 14, 4:53 PMRuth (Guest): Our work can be prayer, too.
Jul 14, 4:53 PMcarol (Guest): It all depends on the intent of the heart
Jul 14, 4:54 PMSrSusan (Guest): and St Jane also encouraged a simple gaze on God- wordless I imagine
ul 14, 4:55 PMRuth (Guest): And just silently being with our Lord. Basking in the Son.
ul 14, 4:56 PMSrSusan (Guest): q What is the difference between meditation and contemplation?
Jul 14, 4:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sr Susan, how do you answer this? You have mant years of prayer experience
Jul 14, 4:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): many not mant
Jul 14, 4:57 PM
carol (Guest): Meditation is focused on a particular attribute, like mercy. Contemplation is being still,with the Lord
Jul 14, 4:58 PM
SrSusan (Guest): While different spiritual authors often have different explanations, I go with this: meditation is ruminating on Scripture or some other work, in general, going thru stages of lectio
Jul 14, 4:58 PM
Ruth (Guest): I think meditation involves discursively thinking about (e.g. a Scripture verse) and imagining
Jul 14, 4:58 PM
SrSusan (Guest): while contemplation is more wordless, free-er in a way and often given by God, not created by ourself
Jul 14, 4:59 PM
Dawn (Guest): clear definition, thank you. I think this will be helpful
Jul 14, 4:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): probably as many definitions for these as there are pray-ers!
Jul 14, 4:59 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Contemplation is beginning to understand God.
ul 14, 5:00 PMRHODYLYN (Guest): I believe it is the highest form of prayer
ul 14, 5:00 PM
Ruth (Guest): Whereas contemplation: it is more like God is the more active one. He is giving himself, revealing some aspect of himself.
Jul 14, 5:01 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): When your thoughts unite with His thoughts.
Jul 14, 5:01 PM
SrSusan (Guest): intimacy with the Lord in undefinable ways perhaps, unique to each one
ul 14, 5:01 PM
Rose (Guest): it is unique to each person isnt it?
Jul 14, 5:02 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I believe so
Jul 14, 5:02 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Yes I agree
Jul 14, 5:02 PM
carol (Guest): Yes, He gives each of us exactly what we need
ul 14, 5:02 PMDawn (Guest): I esp like…. and often given by God, not created by ourself
ul 14, 5:03 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Each one receives the grace that we need to grow intimately with Him.
Jul 14, 5:03 PM
Dawn (Guest): distraction can also come from ourself, where we believe we can do somehting whe
Jul 14, 5:03 PMDawn (Guest): distraction can also come from ourself, where we believe we can do somehting when Jesu tells us apart from me you can do nothing
Jul 14, 5:04 PM
carol (Guest): That is true
Jul 14, 5:04 PM
Ruth (Guest): I think we have to desire it, but even the desire comes from him, is a grace.
ul 14, 5:04 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes Ruth…!
Jul 14, 5:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What is the true goal of prayer?
ul 14, 5:05 PM
Dawn (Guest): union with God
Jul 14, 5:05 PM
carol (Guest): Union with God
Jul 14, 5:05 PM
Ruth (Guest): That is so even when the desire is vague or the result of needs.
Jul 14, 5:06 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Uniting our will with His Will.
ul 14, 5:06 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sr Susan , how would you reply?
Jul 14, 5:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Both of those for sure, union with God which would unite our will with His
Jul 14, 5:07 PM
Ruth (Guest): Agreed. Deepening the relationship with God, as if two hearts beat together.
Jul 14, 5:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): also loving growing in love, thru prayer
Jul 14, 5:08 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): We then remain at peace.
Jul 14, 5:08 PM
SrSusan (Guest): a way of Being with the One you Love, that is also prayer, the One being God
Jul 14, 5:08 PM
Ruth (Guest): And the outcome is also that our behavior becomes more and more like his toward our neighbors: LOVING, and loving well.
Jul 14, 5:09 PM
carol (Guest): Remaining with Him is key
Jul 14, 5:09 PM
SrSusan (Guest): He pours His Love into us
ul 14, 5:09 PMDawn (Guest): Friday my prayer all day was Thank you Lord! that I can receive you in the Eurcharist, that you provide a way for me to go…I was so in love and then for Adoration afterwards….I thought this is all purely a miracle!
Jul 14, 5:10 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and so it is!
Jul 14, 5:10 PM
Ruth (Guest): Amen, aril.
ul 14, 5:10 PMRHODYLYN (Guest): Beautiful.
Jul 14, 5:10 PMRuth (Guest): Amen, Carol.
ul 14, 5:11 PMDawn (Guest): that is how it felt…! “He pours His Love into us”
Jul 14, 5:12 PMSrSusan (Guest): q What does a worthwhile time in prayer look to you? In other words, what kind of private prayer works best for you? How do you achieve it?
ul 14, 5:13 PMRuth (Guest): I think, just showing up. We may not feel anything.
Jul 14, 5:13 PMcarol (Guest): Sometimes i start by listening to music which draws me in when I’m distracted
Jul 14, 5:13 PM
Rose (Guest): Nature I see
Jul 14, 5:13 PM
Rose (Guest): Him all over in it
Jul 14, 5:14 PMDawn (Guest): listening to the Benedictine Sisters chant..draws me to quietness
Jul 14, 5:14 PMSrSusan (Guest): Creation- yes and St Francis has a good meditation on thatul 14, 5:14 PM
ul 14, 5:16 PMDawn (Guest): <3 Then I stay quiet and let God speak to me.
ul 14, 5:16 PMRHODYLYN (Guest): I have to drive around to get to a church for mass and an open Adoration Chapel
Jul 14, 5:17 PMcarol (Guest): We go through dark nights of the soul almost on a schedule
Jul 14, 5:17 PMDawn (Guest): Nature is Gods Cathedral
Jul 14, 5:18 PM
Rose (Guest): I like that “Gods Cathedral”
Jul 14, 5:19 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Deep inner silence when possible is a special prayer for me but I am not always available to Him or myself on that level
Jul 14, 5:19 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Deep inner silence when possible is a special prayer for me but I am not always available to Him or myself on that level
Jul 14, 5:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): The Blessed Sacrament is a very special time too but so is sitting on the porch looking at our green garden of trees
ul 14, 5:20 PM
Ruth (Guest): It seems to be a little like an old married couple: “we belong to one another.” Wills and affections are One. Even if the “fire works” are long over.
Jul 14, 5:20 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): I find that inner silence when I am in front of the Blessed Sacrament. Such a blessing that I found The Church of St Francis De Sales just 8 miles away.
Jul 14, 5:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think He leads me where He wants me
ul 14, 5:21 PM
Dawn (Guest): it is good to not have preconceived plans, like showing him “this is our to do list today”
Jul 14, 5:21 PM
Rose (Guest): I think He leads us all just most of us don’t listen ; /
Jul 14, 5:21 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St Francis de Sales Church-! where is it
ul 14, 5:22 PM
Dawn (Guest): and only 8 miles!
Jul 14, 5:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that’s a blessing for you
ul 14, 5:22 PMRHODYLYN (Guest): It’s the oldest church in Riverside City here in California. 100 + years old
ul 14, 5:23 PMRuth (Guest): Yes Sister. That is why I felt sure, although it is difficult, the closing of the monastery will not interfere with your following Jesus.
ul 14, 5:23 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes Sister. That is why I felt sure, although it is difficult, the closing of the monastery will not interfere with your following Jesus.
Jul 14, 5:24 PM
Dawn (Guest): I also attend 1 100+ years Parish. Sacred Heart . you are blessed to have open hours
Jul 14, 5:24 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes He will lead to the next place and He is within each of us
Jul 14, 5:24 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): The Eucharist is exposed and enclosed in a glass.
ul 14, 5:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I skipped a question or two- this is one of them : When is a petition not, properly speaking, a prayer?
Jul 14, 5:25 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): Yes, it was an answered prayer for me.
Jul 14, 5:25 PM
Dawn (Guest): sometimes he removes from our life to prepare us for the next part i think\
ul 14, 5:25 PMcarol (Guest): He does that to meva LOT
Jul 14, 5:26 PMRHODYLYN (Guest): Petition is not a prayer if you are like asking for something that you deserveul 14, 5:27 PM
ul 14, 5:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): something we deserve is not a prayer?
Jul 14, 5:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes this is a tough one
Jul 14, 5:30 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): My understanding is that in our hearts we must remain humble in whatever we ask.
Jul 14, 5:30 PM
carol (Guest): Petition can be a prayer, but it must not become a demand
ul 14, 5:30 PM
Rose (Guest): if we deserve something isn’t that like praying for justice?
Jul 14, 5:30 PM
Dawn (Guest): !! Carol
Jul 14, 5:31 PM
carol (Guest): If we think we deserve it, we’re in trouble’
Jul 14, 5:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes justice

Jul 14, 5:31 PM
Dawn (Guest): What do I deserve?
ul 14, 5:32 PM
Dawn (Guest): Are you saying we deserve justice
Jul 14, 5:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): This section from St Francis I need to ponder more
Jul 14, 5:32 PMcarol (Guest): We can think we need something and ask Jesus if its His will that we have it. But nogimme gimme
ul 14, 5:33 PM
RHODYLYN (Guest): We are nothing without God. Everything comes from Him , even our will.
Jul 14, 5:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): this is also unfamiliar A petition which is made by authority ought not be called “prayer” either; for as soon as someone who has great authority over us—such as a parent, a lord or a master uses the word “please,” we say immediately to him, “You can command,” or “Your ‘please’ serves as my command.” But true prayer is that which is made by grace,
Jul 14, 5:33 PM
Dawn (Guest): He has given me much that I didnt know I needed until he did
Jul 14, 5:33 PM
carol (Guest): We are all still sinners, even as He is transforming us. What do we deserve?
l 14, 5:33 PMcarol (Guest): We are all still sinners, even as He is transforming us. What do we deserve?
Jul 14, 5:34 PMDawn (Guest): love…But true prayer is that which is made by grace
Dawn (Guest): Sr Susan, I think this one question would be great to discuss for an entire session. or repeat this one
Jul 14, 5:35 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes the time for our chat session is officially over but anyone who wants to stay on please do Have a blessed week!
Jul 14, 5:35 PM
carol (Guest): Have a blessed week everyone!
Jul 14, 5:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes Dawn as I also need to think more on it
Jul 14, 5:36 PM
Dawn (Guest): Thank you Sr, You have a blessed week too
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Jul 14, 5:30 PM