Lord, You have given Saint Jeanne-Françoise de Chantal
to attain high holiness
through different states of life;
grant us, at his prayer,
to respond faithfully to our vocation
to bear witness to the light in every circumstance.
(Everyone can present their intention and needs at the moment…)
Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you!
Saint Mary, Our Lady of the Visitation: pray for us!
Saint Jeanne de Chantal: intercede on our behalf!
Day 1 – Zeal for the Salvation of Souls
The contemporaries of Saint Jeanne de Chantal said of her:
« … Loving fraternity so strongly, she was never late in doing good to her neighbor; she was not satisfied with emotional love, she joined the effectiveness to it, and did good to all according to the extent of her power. She had an extraordinary zeal for the salvation of the soul of this dear neighbor »
Heart of Jesus,
through the intercession of Saint Jeanne de Chantal,
we ask you for their zeal for the salvation of our brothers and sisters. Amen.
“What does it matter to a heart that loves God whether it suffers or enjoys, provided that the will of God is done?” (St. Jeanne de Chantal)
Heart of Jesus,
through the intercession of Saint Jeanne de Chantal,
we ask you for the grace to always do your Will, the source of joy and peace. Amen.
“You ask me, my dear daughter, if we are poor; Yes, I assure you, and if I hardly think of it. Heaven and earth may be turned upside down, but the word of God remains eternally for the foundation of our hope. He said that if we seek his kingdom and his righteousness, he will provide us with the rest; I believe it and trust in it” (Ste Jeanne de Chantal”
Heart of Jesus, through the intercession of Saint Jeanne de Chantal, we ask you for us and for our world, so often plunged into despair, a firm hope in your Love that will make us live in joy. Amen.
The contemporaries of Saint Jeanne de Chantal wrote:
“His abandonment was complete and true, and his love for divine Providence real and solid; she often had in her mouth the words of Scripture: Eternal Father, your Providence governs all things; and under this government it remained at peace. »
Heart of Jesus, through the intercession of Saint Jeanne de Chantal, we ask you for the gift of peace for us and for our world. Amen.
“It is all my pleasure in this life to be a little before the Blessed Sacrament” (Saint Jeanne de Chantal)
Heart of Jesus, through the intercession of Saint Jeanne de Chantal, we ask you for great love in your Eucharist where you are always alive among us. Amen.
The work of piety to which she seemed most attentive during the time of her marriage was mercy towards the poor; and said in confidence, “that she usually asked Our Lord for her necessities with more freedom, when, for the love of Him, she had given alms to a poor man.”
Heart of Jesus, through the intercession of Saint Jeanne de Chantal, we ask you for a merciful heart towards the poorest of our society, your favorites. Amen.
Day 7 – Love for your neighbour
“My dear daughter, often consider these words: Jesus Christ loved us and washed us in his blood. Why did he love us, since we were filthy and vile creatures? He loved us out of an excess of charity, because he wanted to wash us in his blood, for he did not wait until we had been washed to love us. Believe me, my dear daughter, let us love this dear neighbor without examination, all poor, all badly made, all as he is, and if it were possible for us to wash his imperfections in our blood, we should wish to give him to the last drop. (Saint Jeanne de Chantal)
Heart of Jesus, through the intercession of Saint Jeanne de Chantal, we ask you for the grace to love us as you love us. Amen.
“Hold above all your feelings, and, with holy generosity and cordial love to Divine Providence, live with holy joy and holy hope of eternal life, in which we shall find all our dear friends, but above all the Sovereign good of our friends and our own, in which we shall enjoy eternally, without interruption, through his divine mercy. »
Heart of Jesus, through the intercession of Saint Jeanne de Chantal, we ask you for the grace to make your joy radiate to all those we meet. Amen.
A contemporary sister of Saint Jeanne de Chantal asked her how to pray at Notre-Dame. She answered:
“My daughter, we say a very pleasing prayer to the Blessed Virgin, when we praise God for the greatness he has placed in her, and for the choice he has made of her to be his worthy and true Mother.”
Heart of Jesus, through the intercession of Saint Jeanne de Chantal, we thank you for giving us the Virgin Mary as our Mother and we pray you to imitate her virtues. Amen.