Why should we accept sorrow as if it is coming from God? Doesn’t that go against God’s loving nature?If we are supposed to offer ourselves to suffer more, does that mean we shouldn’t be allowed to have leisure or enjoyable moments and instead just pursue sacrifice and suffering?How can we trust the goodness of the Lord?If Scripture tells us that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is an unforgiveable sin, then how can St. Francis say that we could never commit more than God can forgive? Related to that, if God’s forgiveness is boundless, how does anyone enter hell?If we can “lose salvation,” then why should we not fear death? What gives us the right to have hope?How can we form greater friendships with the blessed in heaven, as St. Francis says? How are these friendships similar to those on earth? Or different?The recipient of this letter asked that they be released from a hardship that they have suffered for three years. St. Paul asked to be released from his thorn in the flesh. When is it good for us to ask to be released from hardships? Is there a time when it is not good?
g 25, 4:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Why should we accept sorrow as if it is coming from God? Doesn’t that go against God’s loving nature?I
Aug 25, 4:31 PM
Carol (Guest): We love our chats we come early
Aug 25, 4:31 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi everyone!
ug 25, 4:31 PMPaula (Guest): No, according to Job….we accept the good that comes from God should we not also accept the ill
Aug 25, 4:32 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Today jesus say i am the way of truth and life i am the gate of heavenly sheep if anyone want go to the gate of my sheep must accept me and my ten comndments i will let them enter
Aug 25, 4:32 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi Carol!
Aug 25, 4:32 PM
Ruth (Guest): I do it know if I’ll lie able to participate tonight. I have a whopper of a headache.
Aug 25, 4:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): In the car? Oh this is interesting- with a smart phone then?
1ug 25, 4:33 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes Sr. On the phone. But I am not driving 😀
Aug 25, 4:33 PM
Carol (Guest): I think this is permissive will. He allows it because of the good He will work through it
Aug 25, 4:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Oh Ruth, please take care of your headache
ug 25, 4:33 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree Carol. And knowing that ALL THINGS will be used for our good – if we love God – we can take even sorrow feom
Aug 25, 4:33 PM
Simone (Guest): His hands
Aug 25, 4:33 PM
Ruth (Guest): Look to our lady! Surely God loves her but her life had a great deal of sorrow.
Aug 25, 4:33 PM
Donna (Guest): And Jesus died of a broken heart for our salvation we die for Him
Aug 25, 4:34 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Anna-Marie
Aug 25, 4:34 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes Betty and it is chronic I think is it not Prayers of courseAug 25, 4:34 PMCarol (Guest): He’s given quite the crash course in this
Aug 25, 4:35 PM
Anna-Marie Kean (Guest): God sends us many opportunities in allowing sorrows… might be a part of purification
Aug 25, 4:35 PM
Paula (Guest): It’s easy to love God when things are going well….the test of our love of God is to love Him in adversity
Aug 25, 4:35 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh, just in the ways of ordinary life, the setbacks and problems
Aug 25, 4:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Blessed Mother had great sorrow, she is our sorrowful Mother, yet she was loved by God tremendously. beyond expression by us
Aug 25, 4:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q If we are supposed to offer ourselves to suffer more, does that mean we shouldn’t be allowed to have leisure or enjoyable moments and instead just pursue sacrifice and suffering?
Aug 25, 4:36 PM
Simone (Guest): Although – if I understand correctly – her sorrows did not lead to purification. Right?
Aug 25, 4:36 PM
Carol (Guest): I ask Mary for help too
Aug 25, 4:36 PM
Bettychao (Guest): When my mom pray for my health jesus help her find some medical teaching from youtube that can help my health
Aug 25, 4:36 PM
Simone (Guest): But ours sure can do
Aug 25, 4:37 PM
Paula (Guest): But she had lot’s of trials to raising Jesus
Aug 25, 4:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Blessed Mother was pure, sinless, born without sin
Aug 25, 4:37 PM
Anna-Marie Kean (Guest): A great deal of her sorrow was seeing us not believing and rejecting her son
ug 25, 4:38 PM
Carol (Guest): I think so,too-out of love for Jesus she wants us all to be with Him
Aug 25, 4:38 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St Francis de Sales believed in a balanced life, but hie had different ideas about leisure
Aug 25, 4:38 PM
Bettychao (Guest): We are like pharises cheif priest who not listen obey jesusAug 25, 4:39 PM
Simone (Guest): What were his « different » ideas about leisure Sister?
Aug 25, 4:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): If you read introduction to devout life, certain pasttimes he did not encourage, like card playing for ex
Aug 25, 4:39 PM
Simone (Guest): I see.
Aug 25, 4:39 PM
Paula (Guest): We have to accept the good and the bad…as God’s will from His hand
Aug 25, 4:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): But certainly he belived in leisure, after all the Visitation he founded have 2 times of recreation every day
Aug 25, 4:39 PM
Simone (Guest): My husband grew up with no card playing – no dancing and no drinking of course
Aug 25, 4:40 PMSrSusan (Guest): But yet recreation is still considered a spiritual exercise at the Visitation
ug 25, 4:40 PM
Paula (Guest): Even Jesus enjoyed leisure….the Wedding Feast of Canna
Aug 25, 4:40 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
Aug 25, 4:40 PM
Simone (Guest): I would love to hear more about that Sister
Aug 25, 4:41 PM
Carol (Guest): What kinds if activities do you have?
TweetAug 25, 4:41 PM
Simone (Guest): How is recreation understood as a spiritual exercise?
Aug 25, 4:41 PM
Simone (Guest): Is it the communal aspect?
Aug 25, 4:41 PM
SrSusan (Guest): depends on the community; older ones primarily hand crafts, younger, some sports
Aug 25, 4:42 PM
SrSusan (Guest): but all was to be done for the glory of God and conversation should be tending toward the spiritual
ug 25, 4:42 PM
Paula (Guest): When I was in the convent recreation….meant work…exception on Sunday
Aug 25, 4:42 PM
Anna-Marie Kean (Guest): I would guess it allows us to express creativity…a part of us given by God
Aug 25, 4:42 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Our church father father john kesse take some people go to fatima spain france to walk everystep about thise saints to Christ
Aug 25, 4:42 PM
Carol (Guest): Thats the hard part–keeping the conversation holy
Aug 25, 4:43 PM
Carol (Guest): Which convent were you in Paula?
Aug 25, 4:43 PM
Simone (Guest): I have started a while ago to spend my leisure time very intentionally
Aug 25, 4:43 PM
Paula (Guest): Oblate Sisters of SFDS
Aug 25, 4:43 PM
Carol (Guest): That is neat!
Aug 25, 4:43 PMSimone (Guest): Oh they are in my home town in Austria !
Aug 25, 4:44 PM
Paula (Guest): I was so busy I lost 20 lbs in one month
Aug 25, 4:44 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I have been some monastery in Portugal
Aug 25, 4:44 PM
Carol (Guest): You have been to Fatima? How amazing!
Aug 25, 4:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q How can we trust the goodness of the Lord?
Aug 25, 4:45 PM
Carol (Guest): By remembering all He has done for us, practicing gratitude
Aug 25, 4:45 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I been to big catholic monastery church in spain and montserrat i was praying over there
Aug 25, 4:45 PM
Simone (Guest): 20 lbs sounds like almost an unhealthy quick drop in weight. It really must have been stressful
Aug 25, 4:45 PM
Paula (Guest): By accepting what He sends us in the moment
Aug 25, 4:45 PM
Simone (Guest): How can we not trust?
Aug 25, 4:45 PM
Anna-Marie Kean (Guest): Surrender, don’t fear, praise and thanksgiving
ug 25, 4:45 PM
Carol (Guest): It does–were you on a perpetual fast?
Aug 25, 4:45 PM
Paula (Guest): I entered during Lent. Penance
Aug 25, 4:46 PM
Carol (Guest): Aha
Aug 25, 4:46 PM
Simone (Guest): Or – others said. What is the alternative – if we cannot trust in the goodness of God?
Aug 25, 4:46 PMAnna-Marie Kean (Guest): Remember what He has done… emptied himself and took the form of a slave and was crucified over may have life
ug 25, 4:46 PM
Anna-Marie Kean (Guest): So we may have life
Aug 25, 4:47 PM
Paula (Guest): because God is a good loving Father, He knows us and what is best for us
Aug 25, 4:47 PM
Carol (Guest): A God who would do that is trustworthy
Aug 25, 4:47 PM
Paula (Guest): He knows all the hairs of our head
Aug 25, 4:47 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Trust God in deep
Aug 25, 4:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and yet while He is trustworthy people do find it difficult to trust
Aug 25, 4:48 PMCarol (Guest): We are used to people letting us down
Aug 25, 4:48 PM
Paula (Guest): yes because we want to control the situation
Aug 25, 4:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and we have a tendency to want control
Aug 25, 4:48 PM
Simone (Guest): From all what we know about God from His holy word – there is only one conclusion. He is eternally, intrinsically good
Aug 25, 4:48 PM
Paula (Guest): and not let Him control it for us
ug 25, 4:49 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q If Scripture tells us that blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is an unforgiveable sin, then how can St. Francis say that we could never commit more than God can forgive?
Aug 25, 4:49 PM
Anna-Marie Kean (Guest): It is hard to walk the tightrope of trust
ug 25, 4:49 PMPaula (Guest): we are afraid of the unknown
Aug 25, 4:50 PM
Paula (Guest): He knows all
Aug 25, 4:50 PM
Simone (Guest): My friend just lost her firstborn son in a car accident. I know she is wrestling g with this right now. And I understand her thoughts
Aug 25, 4:50 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I got csb holyland bible now i use this bible because this bible guide us to everystep to holyland
Aug 25, 4:50 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh Simone, how terrible
ug 25, 4:50 PM
Donna (Guest): Prayers
Aug 25, 4:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes
ug 25, 4:51 PMAnna-Marie Kean (Guest): Reconciliation.. trust in God’s Mercy… he shed blood for us
Aug 25, 4:52 PM
Paula (Guest): That’s great Betty….I wish I could go to the Holy Land
Aug 25, 4:52 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I always have trouble with the passage about the unforgivable sin no matter how many times I’ve heard explanations
ug 25, 4:53 PMCarol (Guest): Is it the final choice after death when people choose not to be with Him?
Aug 25, 4:54 PM
Paula (Guest): I think it is Atheism…not believing in God
Aug 25, 4:54 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Maybe when we cannot forgive ourselves or dont accept God’s mercy and love
Aug 25, 4:54 PM
Anna-Marie Kean (Guest): Like Judas
Aug 25, 4:54 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes Sr Susan
Aug 25, 4:55 PMPaula (Guest): As the Holy Spirit leads us to knowledge of God
Aug 25, 4:55 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Divine mercy jesus is our knowledge
Aug 25, 4:56 PM
Paula (Guest): Also like Cain, he refused God and His mercy
Aug 25, 4:56 PM
Anna-Marie Kean (Guest): It’s hard to believe God would not forgive a contrite heart
Aug 25, 4:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Related to that, if God’s forgiveness is boundless, how does anyone enter hell?
Aug 25, 4:56 PMDonna (Guest): It is the worst sin not to accept God’s forgiveness. It is a form of pride
Aug 25, 4:56 PMAnna-Marie Kean (Guest): By their own choice
Aug 25, 4:56 PMDonna (Guest): Because they act like the fallen angels
ug 25, 4:57 PM
Guest (Guest): Hi I believe it’s when we meet Jesus when we die and we say no to His Mercy and Love. For people in mortal sin.
Aug 25, 4:57 PM
Carol (Guest): The only way to go is to choose it, and to refuse mercy
Aug 25, 4:57 PM
Simone (Guest): I like that Donna. and yes Anna-Marie.. well said
ug 25, 4:57 PM
Paula (Guest): Also, not to accept our just punishment from God like Cain did
Aug 25, 4:57 PM
Simone (Guest): isn’t it crazy when we see it black on white? ” to refuse mercy?”
ug 25, 4:57 PM
Anna-Marie Kean (Guest): Not accepting truths about God…
Aug 25, 4:57 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Why jehovah lord cant forgive satan Lucifer because he is sinful bad angel
Aug 25, 4:57 PM
Donna (Guest): The temptation is terrible
Aug 25, 4:58 PM
Bettychao (Guest): We need to seek jesus to reject satan trick
Aug 25, 4:58 PM
Guest (Guest): Lucifer hated. He does not want to be forgiven.
Aug 25, 4:58 PM
Carol (Guest): Betty, because Satan saw God in His glory and with full understanding chose to disobey
Aug 25, 4:58 PM
SrSusan (Guest): True, Guest!
ug 25, 4:59 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Dont listen to satan we need obey God
Aug 25, 4:59 PM
Anna-Marie Kean (Guest): Lucifer refused to humble himself before God and refused the idea of God becoming human and humbling himself
Aug 25, 4:59 PMSimone (Guest): For someone who hates – the presence of pure love is painful I guess. So – even hell sounds like a place of mercy
Aug 25, 5:00 PM
Donna (Guest): From Gold’s point of view it is!
Aug 25, 5:00 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that’s powerful thought
ug 25, 5:00 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, Simone
Aug 25, 5:00 PM
Paula (Guest): I think also refusing to love your brother….is a ticket to hell
Aug 25, 5:00 PM
Bettychao (Guest): We need to be like good angeles postrade ourself give praise to jehovah lord
Aug 25, 5:00 PMPaula (Guest): like Cain did
Aug 25, 5:01 PMSrSusan (Guest): q If we can “lose salvation,” then why should we not fear death? What gives us the right to have hope?
ug 25, 5:01 PMBettychao (Guest): We need to be like abel not cain full of badness
ug 25, 5:01 PM
Paula (Guest): we not only have to love and accept God’s mercy but love our brothers and sisters
Aug 25, 5:02 PM
Carol (Guest): Mercy gives us hope.
ug 25, 5:02 PM
Guest (Guest): We need to Love and when seems hard to think of Jesus and all the Love He has for all.
Aug 25, 5:02 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Abel always worship and obey jehovah
ug 25, 5:02 PM
Simone (Guest): wasn’t it SFDS who said, that the love for GOD and the love for our brother come all from the same source? You cannot love the one and hate the other.
Aug 25, 5:02 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes very true
ug 25, 5:03 PMCarol (Guest): Yes, when we accept His love we must reciprocate it by acting as He does towards others
Aug 25, 5:03 PM
Donna (Guest): And God’s love does not depend on feelings!
Aug 25, 5:03 PM
SrSusan (Guest): we are coming up upon a year of hope
Aug 25, 5:03 PM
Donna (Guest): Good!
Aug 25, 5:03 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Hope in jesus
Aug 25, 5:04 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes Carol – mercy gives us hope.. Big time
Aug 25, 5:04 PM
Paula (Guest): We should still hope as SFDS….God goes by our whole track record…not just a hasty bad decision at the last moment
Aug 25, 5:04 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hope is also a theological virtue and we are always to strive for virtue
Aug 25, 5:04 PM
Bettychao (Guest): That is why we pray to divine mercy prayer beca
Aug 25, 5:04 PM
Simone (Guest): we have a just God.. that is so comforting
Aug 25, 5:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes Betty!
Aug 25, 5:05 PM
Simone (Guest): you are right Betty.. Jesus is the source of all hope
Aug 25, 5:05 PM
Paula (Guest): He knows everything
Aug 25, 5:05 PM
Bettychao (Guest): We have hope through him to us
ug 25, 5:05 PMCarol (Guest): We must let Him draw us close, and then stay there
Aug 25, 5:05 PMDonna (Guest): Yes!
ug 25, 5:06 PMPaula (Guest): all about us….all our thoughts, motives…and feelings…..and still loves us!
Aug 25, 5:07 PMSrSusan (Guest): q How can we form greater friendships with the blessed in heaven, as St. Francis says? How are these friendships similar to those on earth? Or different?
Aug 25, 5:08 PMCarol (Guest): By learning from their example
Aug 25, 5:08 PM
Donna (Guest): Similar because the saints had strengths and weaknesses like us
Aug 25, 5:08 PM
Paula (Guest): We can study the lives of the Saints and ask for their help
Aug 25, 5:08 PM
Paula (Guest): exactly
Aug 25, 5:08 PM
Simone (Guest): I remember reading some biographies from Saints.. and they truly were so close to my heart – for a while
Aug 25, 5:09 PM
Paula (Guest): Just like SFDS had problems with anger
Aug 25, 5:09 PMDonna (Guest): Different because of the different Graces God gave each of them
ug 25, 5:10 PM
Donna (Guest): Definitely different because they are in heaven and cannot sin anymore!
Aug 25, 5:10 PM
Simone (Guest): they are different.. because friendship on earth is a “two way ” relationship
Aug 25, 5:10 PM
Paula (Guest): We can pray to the Saints and ask them to help us with our difficulties
ug 25, 5:10 PMDonna (Guest): Yes!
ug 25, 5:10 PMSimone (Guest): a friendship with the Saints – feels more like a one way relationship.. At least no Saint has ever asked me to help them so far
ug 25, 5:10 PM
Paula (Guest): and….they are still two way
Aug 25, 5:10 PM
Carol (Guest): Lol Simone
Aug 25, 5:10 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr susan i know you dont answer the phone if i want go visit you i will sent you email let you know if i want visit you
ug 25, 5:11 PMSimone (Guest): I think I know what you mean Paula… but do you want to expand a bit on the two way?
ug 25, 5:11 PM
Paula (Guest): have you every heard of St. Theresa send you a rose in answer to your prayer
Aug 25, 5:11 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes!
Aug 25, 5:12 PM
Paula (Guest): or St. Anthony finding things for you
Aug 25, 5:12 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes!
Aug 25, 5:12 PM
Simone (Guest): Yes, I did.. I see what you mean.. in form of communication. it is a two way relationship
ug 25, 5:12 PM
Carol (Guest): I have heard of it
Aug 25, 5:12 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Mom always tell me story about st therese of child jesus
Aug 25, 5:12 PM
Paula (Guest): or answering your prayer
ug 25, 5:12 PM
Paula (Guest): of Mother Cabinii finding you a parking spot
Aug 25, 5:13 PM
Donna (Guest): O how cute!
Aug 25, 5:13 PM
SrSusan (Guest): we can help saints by spreading their message- the truth of the Gospel in their particular way of expressing it
Aug 25, 5:13 PM
Paula (Guest): I truly mean it
Aug 25, 5:13 PM
Simone (Guest): but the thing is Paula.. that I think.. I am not doing anything FOR them.. other than calling on them. Which is of course a way of pleasing them too
Aug 25, 5:13 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Next week i will go to my church mass afternoon so i will not in chat i chat with
Aug 25, 5:13 PM
Simone (Guest): That’s what I often find with SFDS and St. Jane actually
ug 25, 5:14 PM
Donna (Guest): How Simone
Aug 25, 5:14 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Thanks
Aug 25, 5:14 PM
Dawn (Guest): Thank you Sr. By sharing their experiences
Aug 25, 5:14 PM
Paula (Guest): That is ok. St Theresa wanted to spend her heaven doing good on earth
Aug 25, 5:14 PM
Carol (Guest): God bless you Betty
ug 25, 5:14 PMSimone (Guest): Donna… just recently I found myself talking to SFDS, saying how much I wish I could spread His writings more here in Canada
ug 25, 5:14 PMPaula (Guest): Ask and you shall receive. Jesus said so.
Aug 25, 5:15 PMSrSusan (Guest): spreading Salesian spirituality
ug 25, 5:15 PMSimone (Guest): yes Sister.. a big desire for me .. as you know
ug 25, 5:16 PM
Donna (Guest): It will come to pass Simone!
Aug 25, 5:16 PM
Simone (Guest): may your words be heard Donna. thanks
Aug 25, 5:16 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes, and sharing their writings and works, introducing these holy souls to others
Aug 25, 5:16 PM
Donna (Guest): I love them both
Aug 25, 5:16 PM
Paula (Guest): That’s great! People need to hear and learn SFDS. It helps a lot
Aug 25, 5:16 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I listen a hymn name call casting crown from online
Aug 25, 5:16 PM
Carol (Guest): To show people it is possible to be holy
Aug 25, 5:16 PM
Simone (Guest): me too Donna..
Aug 25, 5:17 PM
Simone (Guest): yes Carol. yes yes yes
Aug 25, 5:17 PM
Donna (Guest): Their friendship
Simone (Guest): Donna.. did you have a chance to read the biography from St. Jane de Chantal from Elisabeth Stopp? It is so good
ug 25, 5:18 PM
Paula (Guest): Read the Sermons of SFDS for Lent and Advent. They are great.
Aug 25, 5:18 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Jesus bless you all
Aug 25, 5:18 PM
Donna (Guest): I don’t think so but I loved her and read alot about her I loved how she became like SFDS
Aug 25, 5:18 PM
Simone (Guest): Bye Betty.. hope your health will become significantly better this week
ug 25, 5:19 PMSimone (Guest): I agree Donna.. fascinating spiritual transformation
ug 25, 5:19 PM
Donna (Guest): Their love from God their bond made me cry
Aug 25, 5:19 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q The recipient of this letter asked that they be released from a hardship that they have suffered for three years. St. Paul asked to be released from his thorn in the flesh. When is it good for us to ask to be released from hardships? Is there a time when it is not good?
Aug 25, 5:19 PMSimone (Guest): I hear you Donna
Aug 25, 5:20 PM
Simone (Guest): I think it is natural to ask to be released from hardship.. As long as we do not demand or insist..
Aug 25, 5:20 PM
Paula (Guest): Yes, if it helps us to serve God better.
Aug 25, 5:20 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes, it is never good to ask God to stop it if it will make us holy Catholic Saints
Aug 25, 5:21 PM
Simone (Guest): sometimes we have a feeling, that this very hardship does something profoundly “good” in us.. and that there is grace to endure..
Aug 25, 5:21 PM
Paula (Guest): We should ask as God may heal us.
Aug 25, 5:21 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree Paula
Aug 25, 5:21 PM
Donna (Guest): I want His perfect will no matter what because I know I will have His perfect peace
Aug 25, 5:21 PM
Carol (Guest): We sometimes think we cannot bear it. But if the burden is from Him He is helping ‘
Aug 25, 5:21 PM
Dawn (Guest): Yes Simone
ug 25, 5:22 PM
Paula (Guest): I think it is not good…if we don’t want to suffer anything for the love of Him
Aug 25, 5:22 PM
Simone (Guest): It can be a sign of trust to ask to be released … and it can be a sign of trust NOT to ask to be released.. It really depends.. I do not think this can be answered generally
Aug 25, 5:23 PM
Donna (Guest): He always gives us the break we need and the closure when needed
Aug 25, 5:23 PM
SrSusan (Guest): there is as St Francis de Sales says, the high point of our soul, where we are not asking, but our emotions may be asking
Aug 25, 5:23 PM
Dawn (Guest): To have a sense this hardship is for your Holy good …
ug 25, 5:23 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes
Aug 25, 5:23 PM
Simone (Guest): yes,, I like that.. “for your Holy good”
ug 25, 5:24 PMDonna (Guest): It is good to have commaradery
ug 25, 5:24 PM
Donna (Guest): One falls he has a he other to lift him up
Aug 25, 5:24 PM
Simone (Guest): I always pictured the high point of our soul… as a place of deep contemplation-
Aug 25, 5:24 PM
Donna (Guest): The other
ug 25, 5:24 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes a spiritual sense/Grace from God
Aug 25, 5:24 PM
Guest (Guest): I think God wants us to ask for help. Jesus asked His Father if His this suffering can be taken from Him. I think we grow closer to God by asking for help. He’s our Buddy.
Aug 25, 5:25 PM
Paula (Guest): I think that it is good to ask for healing but be prepared to suffer long and hard for the love of God if the answer is no
Aug 25, 5:25 PM
Simone (Guest): holy indifference I guess..
Aug 25, 5:25 PM
Carol (Guest): And to remember He sees the big picture
Aug 25, 5:25 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes
ug 25, 5:25 PM
Dawn (Guest): Love always pictured the high point of our soul… as a place of deep contemplation-
Aug 25, 5:26 PM
Paula (Guest): we have to be prepared as Jesus was to accept God’s will in it
Aug 25, 5:26 PM
Paula (Guest): as in the agony in the garden
Aug 25, 5:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes a place of contemplation, perhaps a place of union with God, and His Will, that high, still point of the soul
Aug 25, 5:26 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes
Aug 25, 5:26 PM
Donna (Guest): How deep
25, 5:26 PMGuest (Guest): That’s true Paula. We always look at Jesus on the cross and say He didn’t deserve such suffering and maybe my suffering helps Him on the cross. Sometimes He says yes sometime maybe and sometimes no. All is in His Hands.
ug 25, 5:27 PMPaula (Guest): as the chaplet of mercy says…God’s will is love and mercy itself
Aug 25, 5:27 PMSimone (Guest): I once heard.. there are three answers to prayer.. 1) YES or 2) NO or 3) I have something better for you
ug 25, 5:28 PM
Carol (Guest): And there is always an answer
Aug 25, 5:28 PM
Donna (Guest): We belong to God!
ug 25, 5:28 PM
Simone (Guest): absolutely.. there is always an answer.. even when it seems to us that there is no answer
Aug 25, 5:28 PM
Paula (Guest): every prayer is heard and answered
ug 25, 5:29 PMDonna (Guest): Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning
ug 25, 5:29 PMSimone (Guest): Amen
Aug 25, 5:29 PMPaula (Guest): those who sow in tears reap rejoicing
ug 25, 5:29 PM
Paula (Guest): those who sow in tears reap rejoicing
Aug 25, 5:29 PM
Donna (Guest): St Alphonsus Ligori uniformity with God’s will
Aug 25, 5:30 PM
Carol (Guest): We need to remember where our true home is
Aug 25, 5:30 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes
Aug 25, 5:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): a powerful chat- and I thank you for sharing!!
ug 25, 5:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): a powerful chat- and I thank you for sharing!!
Aug 25, 5:30 PM
Donna (Guest): Thank you Sr Susan!
Aug 25, 5:30 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh it’s 5:30!
Aug 25, 5:30 PM
Paula (Guest): Great Topic
Aug 25, 5:30 PM
Simone (Guest): it was lovely and powerful as always.. I wish you all a great week. May we all meet in good health and Spirit next week again! Sending my love!
Aug 25, 5:31 PM
Carol (Guest): Very inspiring
Aug 25, 5:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): May each of you be graced and blessed this week!
ug 25, 5:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): a powerful chat- and I thank you for sharing!!
Aug 25, 5:30 PM
Donna (Guest): Thank you Sr Susan!
Aug 25, 5:30 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh it’s 5:30!
Aug 25, 5:30 PM
Paula (Guest): Great Topic
Aug 25, 5:30 PM
Simone (Guest): it was lovely and powerful as always.. I wish you all a great week. May we all meet in good health and Spirit next week again! Sending my love!
Aug 25, 5:31 PM
Carol (Guest): Very inspiring
Aug 25, 5:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): May each of you be graced and blessed this week!

Aug 25, 5:31 PM
Donna (Guest): Good night everyone Gif bless you!
Aug 25, 5:31 PM
Carol (Guest): May God bless us every one
Aug 25, 5:31 PM
Donna (Guest): God
Aug 25, 5:31 PM
Paula (Guest): Thank you! You too!
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