What does it mean to put your “hand to the task.” Is this just a focus on our daily tasks? Is St. Francis focused on building a personal enterprise?Why is it important to try to not act with haste and be content with an even pace?Why is it that God’s power is made manifest in our weakness? What does that even mean?St. Francis says: “One thing alone is necessary–to be near him.” Does this mean we should not concern ourselves with our responsibilities? Does this contradict what he says about keeping our “hand
to the task”?What does it mean to “love God crucified in the darkness, stay near him and say: It is Good for me to be here…”From St. Francis’ letter we can tell that St. Jane is complaining that her spiritual helplessness prevents her from entering into herself and getting close to God. How can St. Francis’ story of the shepherds and angels, and the Christ child crying in the manger help us if we have the same problem?
Aug 4, 4:06 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat 730-830pm est Aug 4
Aug 4, 4:07 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Newsletter for chat https://visitationspirit.org/2024/08/newsletter-for-sunday-chat-aug-4/

Newsletter for Sunday Chat Aug 4 | Visitation Spirit
Aug 4, 4:24 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi this is Donna and I hope to learn from all of you!
Aug 4, 4:24 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Donna, My name is Simone.. Are you here the first time?
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
Aug 4, 4:25 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi Simone,
Aug 4, 4:25 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Sr. Susan!
Aug 4, 4:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Simone Welcome back!
Aug 4, 4:25 PM
Donna (Guest): This is my 2nd time
Aug 4, 4:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Donna
Aug 4, 4:25 PM
Simone (Guest): Thank you Sister
Aug 4, 4:25 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi Sr. Susan!ug 4, 4:29 PMSrSusan (Guest): Q What does it mean to put your “hand to the task.” Is this just a focus on our daily tasks?ug 4, 4:33 PM
Dawn (Guest): St F says to spin a little every dayug 4, 4:34 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I guess we can translate that into actions that are most important to us as well as the more trifling matters
Aug 4, 4:34 PM
Simone (Guest): this passage confused me to be honestug 4, 4:34 PM
Simone (Guest): sometimes it sounds as he means it figuratively and then .. it sounds like he actually means it literally
Aug 4, 4:35 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think he is usingh the literal to speak spirituallyAug 4, 4:35 PMSimone (Guest): I seeAug 4, 4:35 PM
Simone (Guest): I must confess… I did not really study the letter.. I just read it once… lots going on here
Aug 4, 4:35 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
Aug 4, 4:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): he says Your distaff is the store of all your desires: spin just a little every day, draw out the thread of your plans until you put them into effect, and you will certainly do well. But beware of over-eager haste, else your thread will get into a knotted tangle, and you will not be able to work your spindle. Let us keep going all the time; however slowly we get on, we shall still ma
Aug 4, 4:36 PM
Bettychao (Guest): Sr Susan did you have divine Marcy mass today
Aug 4, 4:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): no BettyAug 4, 4:36 PM
Simone (Guest): that passage fits well with the next questionAug 4, 4:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes q Why is it important to try to not act with haste and be content with an even paceug 4, 4:38 PM
Simone (Guest): when we act with haste – I guess we put our own expectation on time on a task too.. when we keep going steadily – we allow God to decide when we are finished
Aug 4, 4:38 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Ruth!…ug 4, 4:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): good point Simone!
Aug 4, 4:39 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Ruth..ug 4, 4:40 PM
Dawn (Guest): This! when we keep going steadily – we allow God to decide when we are finished
ug 4, 4:42 PM
Simone (Guest): Carol is missing
Aug 4, 4:43 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hello all of you. I’ve had you in my prayers especially this week. Partly because of needs expressed and partly because I rested more with an upper respiratory infection. The test did me good, too.
Aug 4, 4:43 PM
Dawn (Guest): Yes
Aug 4, 4:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St Francis de Sales often speaks of moderation and this is another way of saying it
Aug 4, 4:43 PMSimone (Guest): yes… moderation is a saint maker for sure
Why is it that God’s power is made manifest in our weakness? What does that even mean?
ug 4, 4:44 PMRuth (Guest): Yes. Carol said she had issues at work. That is “rest” not test
ug 4, 4:45 PM
Simone (Guest): so sorry to hear you were sick Ruth.. but glad that resting seemed to have healed you up.. mostly at least I hope
Aug 4, 4:46 PM
Bettychao (Guest): I see visitations monastery place from France in YouTube I saw you Sr Susan in screen
Aug 4, 4:46 PM
Dawn (Guest): Perhaps surrendering
Aug 4, 4:46 PMSimone (Guest): I think… the moment we have strength .. we use it to be independent of God’s power ( and timing)… so .. the only time we can see God’s power truly manifested is… when we have nothing to bring to the table. Which feels awful by the way.. just saying
Aug 4, 4:47 PMDonna (Guest): That God is our creator and we are really nothing!
Aug 4, 4:47 PM
Donna (Guest): Nothing with out Him
ug 4, 4:48 PM
Simone (Guest): I once heard.. that the jars at the wedding of Canada.. all were absolutely emptied of wine.. before Jesus did the miracle… to make sure.. it was absolutely clear – that there was no human contribution to it
Aug 4, 4:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): this may sound strange but in some ways people with low self esteem but who love God might be at an advantage here
ug 4, 4:49 PM
Donna (Guest): Is low self esteem thinking low of ourselves?
Aug 4, 4:49 PM
Simone (Guest): interesting point Sister.. the question I have is.. is “low self esteem” really weakness? Or is it human power in disguise?
Aug 4, 4:49 PM
Donna (Guest): Is it hating ourselves?
Aug 4, 4:50 PM
Donna (Guest): Low self esteem?
Aug 4, 4:50 PM
Bettychao (Guest): When I go to Mexico I go to Guadalupe church I saw a sacred heart picture Jesus
Aug 4, 4:50 PM
Simone (Guest): I think ” low self esteem” is not clearly seeing the value your life has. Reducing your value
Aug 4, 4:50 PM
SrSusan (Guest): well, I meant lack of self confidence perhapsug 4, 4:50 PM
SrSusan (Guest): well, I meant lack of self confidence perhaps
Aug 4, 4:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): so one has to trust in God and depend on Him
Aug 4, 4:51 PM
Simone (Guest): this question so reminds me of St. Paul… when God says to him ” My grace is sufficient”Aug 4, 4:52 PM
Donna (Guest): So is God’s Grace in our weakness felt? Or is it raw faith and still feeling the pain of vulnerability?
Aug 4, 4:53 PM
Donna (Guest): When we are helpless to make anything good happen?
Aug 4, 4:53 PM
Ruth (Guest): I have long considered humility as described in the Imitation of Christ. I think it is not low self esteem but seeing oneself honestly, truly, as God does, or as nearly as Christ sees each of us — empowered by Him through the Holy Spirit, with gifts he wants us to use for the whole community, but never overestimating our importance.
Aug 4, 4:53 PM
SrSusan (Guest): One does not always feel grace but one will be amazed that some thing happened that one might have contributed to in a positive way without realizing it
Aug 4, 4:53 PM
Simone (Guest): so well said Ruthug 4, 4:54 PM
Donna (Guest): YesSr Susan
Aug 4, 4:54 PM
Simone (Guest): when I feel very sick… but I have a client.. and I am not even sure if I can get up from the bed… but then … I do the session …. and God provides everything this client needs…. then I can clearly see…. “His grace is sufficient in my weakness”
ug 4, 4:56 PMSrSusan (Guest): q St. Francis says: “One thing alone is necessary–to be near him.” Does this mean we should not concern ourselves with our responsibilities?
Aug 4, 4:57 PM
Donna (Guest): It means put God first then your responsibility
Aug 4, 4:57 PM
Ruth (Guest): We can be near him AND concern ourselves with our responsibilities.
Aug 4, 4:57 PM
Simone (Guest): sometimes.. doing the task IS being near him… doing what the day calls to do
Aug 4, 4:58 PM
Ruth (Guest): The two are not mutually exclusive.
Aug 4, 4:58 PM
Simone (Guest): I agree Ruth
Aug 4, 4:58 PM
Donna (Guest): Because He gave us our state in life to help us get to Heaven
Aug 4, 4:58 PM
Ruth (Guest): A,en, Simone.
Aug 4, 4:58 PM
Ruth (Guest): Amen!
Aug 4, 4:59 PM
Donna (Guest): He does our task with us we are yoked to Him
Aug 4, 4:59 PMBettychao (Guest): Jesus say come to me no matter who your are just come to me I am divine mercy love
ug 4, 5:00 PMSrSusan (Guest): We can be near Him in all we do
Does this contradict what he says about keeping our “hand
to the task”?ug 4, 5:02 PM
Simone (Guest): no
Aug 4, 5:02 PM
Donna (Guest): No
Aug 4, 5:02 PM
Ruth (Guest): I agree, o.
Aug 4, 5:02 PM
Ruth (Guest): No.
ug 4, 5:04 PMRuth (Guest): I think it means that if you have discerned that the task is one he has laid upon you, do not give up, even if it is harder than you anticipated
Aug 4, 5:06 PMSrSusan (Guest): We cooperate with God
ug 4, 5:06 PMRuth (Guest): Nothing is impossible with God!
ug 4, 5:08 PMSrSusan (Guest): q What does it mean to “love God crucified in the darkness, stay near him and say: It is Good for me to be here…”
Aug 4, 5:09 PM
Ruth (Guest): It is in the darkness that we learn trust and gratituse
Aug 4, 5:09 PM
Donna (Guest): Is that the same as learning to suffer the way Jesus suffered for our sins?
Aug 4, 5:09 PM
Ruth (Guest): Gratitude.
Aug 4, 5:10 PMSimone (Guest): when we choose Him crucified in the darkness – we prefer his closeness to the consoling light…. this darkness becomes the soil of our deep love and trust in Him
ug 4, 5:11 PMRuth (Guest): Not the same, but it CAN be.
Aug 4, 5:11 PM
Donna (Guest): Is that what st Francis wrote?
Aug 4, 5:11 PM
Donna (Guest): I ask because I love that
Aug 4, 5:12 PM
Simone (Guest): what are you referring to Donna?
Aug 4, 5:12 PM
Donna (Guest): The words you just wrote
ug 4, 5:13 PM
Simone (Guest): LOL.. I am flattered that you think that my words are from St. Francis.
Aug 4, 5:13 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes, Simone. AND we can offer up the suffering WITH HIM for others. That gives meaning to our suffering, unites us with Christ crucified, and, I believe, in some small way that we may never know about helps to change the world for GOOD.
Aug 4, 5:13 PM
Donna (Guest): I love the way you put it I want it in my heart
ug 4, 5:14 PM
Donna (Guest): I just learned that St Gemma wrote that Jesus told her to learn to suffer
Aug 4, 5:15 PM
Donna (Guest): To remember how he suffered for her sins
Aug 4, 5:15 PM
Simone (Guest): oh.. the school of right suffering.. I wish I would get a scholarship and could skip every single lesson in it
ug 4, 5:16 PM
Donna (Guest): Are you a third order of something Simone?
Aug 4, 5:17 PM
Donna (Guest): Do you have a YouTube channel?!
Aug 4, 5:17 PM
Donna (Guest): If not you should!
Aug 4, 5:17 PM
Simone (Guest): No Donna… but I am a Daughter of St. Francis de Sales; something similar actually. In all fairness though Donna.. others here have much more and longer experience with Salesian Spirituality.
Aug 4, 5:18 PM
Donna (Guest): Ok thanks for sharing
Aug 4, 5:18 PM
Simone (Guest): and thanks for the encouragement Donna. It is very timely actuallyug 4, 5:18 PMDonna (Guest): You are welcome sister in Jesus and Mary
Aug 4, 5:20 PMSrSusan (Guest): q From St. Francis’ letter we can tell that St. Jane is complaining that her spiritual helplessness prevents her from entering into herself and getting close to God. How can St. Francis’ story of the shepherds and angels, and the Christ child crying in the manger help us if we have the same problem?
Aug 4, 5:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q From St. Francis’ letter we can tell that St. Jane is complaining that her spiritual helplessness prevents her from entering into herself and getting close to God. How can St. Francis’ story of the shepherds and angels, and the Christ child crying in the manger help us if we have the same problem?
Aug 4, 5:21 PM
Ruth (Guest): Simone, I am sorry I did not get back to you beforeyourtravels. I got the message after you’d left. Is your father ok? It must be awfully hard being part of the sandwich generation long distance.
Aug 4, 5:22 PM
Donna (Guest): I need the answer to this question so badly
Aug 4, 5:22 PM
Simone (Guest): Thank you Ruth.. your words are also very timely – I had a really rough day today. Thanks for understanding my friend
Aug 4, 5:23 PM
Simone (Guest): there are several words in this question.. that should be defined..
Aug 4, 5:23 PM
Donna (Guest): Prayers for you and your father
Aug 4, 5:23 PM
Simone (Guest): for example.. what does St. Jane understand when she says “spiritual helplessness?”
Aug 4, 5:23 PM
Simone (Guest): the fact, that her spirit did not follow her will?
Aug 4, 5:24 PM
Simone (Guest): Thank you Donna.. I really need prayer for making good decision for the future care for my father
Aug 4, 5:24 PM
Donna (Guest): My email is donnalong657@yahoo.com
Aug 4, 5:25 PM
Donna (Guest): God comfort you and your father
Aug 4, 5:26 PM
Donna (Guest): What is the special answer to that question?
Aug 4, 5:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Good question but in a sense we cannot save ourselves so we are all spirtitually helpless I guess
Aug 4, 5:26 PM
Simone (Guest): “entering into ourselves”… it seems to me – that St. Jane and St. Francis ended up at the point again here.. where they did not really see eye to eye. St. Jane – with her way of praying in the contemplative way of the Carmelites – and St. Francis who did not always endorse this.
Aug 4, 5:27 PM
Donna (Guest): You mean using the 5 sences heavily?
Aug 4, 5:27 PM
Simone (Guest): Donna, I think the use of the 5 senses was very familiar to him. because he was trained by Jesuits
Aug 4, 5:28 PM
Donna (Guest): Ok. Then is that the full answer?
Aug 4, 5:28 PM
Simone (Guest): and I do not want to say – at all – that St. Francis did not endorse any form of contemplative prayer – but he was much more comfortable I think to find God in the surrounding – in the actual situation too -and not only in the inner chapel of the heart
Aug 4, 5:28 PM
Donna (Guest): That they did not agree on this then?
Aug 4, 5:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think he wanted to keep people from spirualizing therir problems at times to be realistic and then also depend on God
Aug 4, 5:29 PM
Donna (Guest): Ok makes sense
Aug 4, 5:29 PM
Donna (Guest): ThanksAug 4, 5:30 PM
Donna (Guest): Normal life ups and downs?
Aug 4, 5:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): It has been a great discussion God bless each of you!
Aug 4, 5:30 PM
Simone (Guest): thank you Sister.. well put – I like the way he actually uses the nativity to make his point.. I think we all would love to hear the Angel’s choir.. but being near the Lord, meant actually to be in the quiet stable.. only interrupted by the screaming of a newborn
Aug 4, 5:31 PM
Donna (Guest): O! Thanks! Good night God bless all of you!
Aug 4, 5:31 PM
Simone (Guest): in the end it comes back to the good old saying ” are we seeking the consolations of GOD” or are we truly seeking “the GOD of consolations”?
Aug 4, 5:31 PM
Donna (Guest): Thanks!
Aug 4, 5:32 PM
Simone (Guest): OK. everyone.. and Donna thank you for your email.
Aug 4, 5:32 PM
Donna (Guest): You’re welcome!
Aug 4, 5:36 PM
Ruth 2 (Guest): Well put Simone .
Aug 4, 5:39 PM
Ruth 2 (Guest): Good night sleep well and know that the God of consolations is with you even when the consolations of God seem so distant.
Aug 4, 5:52 PM
Dawn (Guest): I needed to take a phone call. Thank you for all the insights you all shared. Good night 🕊⚘