What is calumny, and why is it so dangerous?Why does St. Francis call what we perceive to be big problems mere “mists”?If it is easier to trust God in the peace of prosperity, then why doesn’t God just make that our state in life so we can trust Him more easily?Why is it important for parents to be trusting and gentle as a means for helping their children embrace God as such?Why is it important to speak little about the people who wrong us and not dwell on it? Doesn’t that just give them a free pass to mist
Sep 19, 6:24 AM
SrSusan (Guest): o mistreat us without consequence?If someone has offended us in a serious way, how do we get over it? Is there a point where justice ends and forgiveness begins?Have you ever allowed your anger to smolder for months or even years over an offence done to you? How did you get over this?
Sep 19, 6:25 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sign up for our Living Jesus Chat Room:Come to our Living Jesus Chat Room, 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM Eastern Time U.S.
Sep 19, 6:25 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat https://visitationspirit.org/2024/09/newsletter-for-sun-chat-sep-22/

Newsletter for Sun Chat Sep 22 | Visitation Spirit
Sep 19, 7:27 AM
Donna (Guest): Hi Sister Susan!
Sep 19, 7:27 AM
Donna (Guest): Donna you have room for two more people who want to join your Bible study?
Sep 19, 7:28 AM
Donna (Guest): If so my friend Linda and her daughter want to join us.
Sep 19, 7:29 AM
Donna (Guest): Linda’s email is lindaak@verizon.net
Sep 19, 7:29 AM
Donna (Guest): I am still waiting for her daughter’s email
Sep 19, 7:29 AM
Donna (Guest): I will send this message in reply to your Thursday email and thanks
Sep 19, 10:51 AM
Kimberlyy: Hi Susan and Donna
Sep 19, 12:27 PM
Jane (Guest): Good evening
Sep 19, 7:13 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi Sr. Susan,
Sep 19, 7:14 PM
Donna (Guest): Can you add my daughter Raquel to the Bible study. Her email is raquel.francisco001@gmail.com
Sep 19, 7:14 PM
Donna (Guest): Thank you,
Sep 19, 7:14 PM
Donna (Guest): Donna
Sep 19, 7:15 PM
Donna (Guest): I will send to your email too. Thank you again!
Sep 21, 10:14 PM
Jane (Guest): Hi Kim, I see you are on
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
Sep 22, 4:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi everyone
Sep 22, 4:27 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi Sr Susan Hi Everyone!
Sep 22, 4:27 PM
Paula (Guest): Hello Sr Susan
Sep 22, 4:28 PM
Paula (Guest): Hello All!
Sep 22, 4:28 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Everyone!
ep 22, 4:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q 1 What is calumny, and why is it so dangerous
Sep 22, 4:31 PM
SimoneRobinson: I hear you Paula
Sep 22, 4:32 PM
Dawn (Guest): hahaha from cookies to calumny
Sep 22, 4:32 PM
Paula (Guest): Ruining a persons good name
Sep 22, 4:32 PM
SimoneRobinson: calumny is I think… when someone blames you for something you have not done
Sep 22, 4:32 PM
Paula (Guest): reputation
Sep 22, 4:32 PMDawn (Guest): slander. ruining your reputation
ep 22, 4:32 PMCarol (Guest): When you say something that is not true, or only half true. Bearing false witness
ep 22, 4:33 PM
Donna (Guest): and it can be something true
Sep 22, 4:33 PM
SimoneRobinson: oooh.. Carol… good point.. the devastating effect of half truth.. so important
Sep 22, 4:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Lori
Sep 22, 4:33 PM
Carol (Guest): How can calumny be true?
Sep 22, 4:33 PM
Lori (Guest): Hi all!
Sep 22, 4:33 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Lori!
Sep 22, 4:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): dangerous for the one who is doing the calumn for their soul
Sep 22, 4:34 PM
Carol (Guest): I think Donna said something to the effect that calumny could be true
Sep 22, 4:34 PM
SimoneRobinson: It is one of my hardest lines to pray in the Litany of Humility.. because I know.. I would go nuts if someone does that to me
Sep 22, 4:34 PM
Paula (Guest): maybe some of the facts are true but the person doing it put a negative spin on things
Sep 22, 4:35 PM
SimoneRobinson: yes Paula.. that’s how I read it too
Sep 22, 4:35 PMCarol (Guest): That could be
Sep 22, 4:35 PMSrSusan (Guest): a sin is always dangerousPaula (Guest): alleging something innocent to be evil or sinful
Sep 22, 4:36 PM
SimoneRobinson: Calumny is dangerous – because it is so hard to reverse
Sep 22, 4:36 PMSimoneRobinson: Once you have planted all these bad thoughts in others.. they start to take roots.. and even if you go back and say it was all wrong.. there is damage done
Sep 22, 4:37 PMPaula (Guest): well….unless those doing it and those hearing it move away or pass away
ep 22, 4:37 PMSimoneRobinson: you alienate others from each other.. by calumny
Sep 22, 4:37 PMCarol (Guest): Truly the work of evil, sowing doubt and division
ep 22, 4:38 PMSimoneRobinson: Paula.. but they who have been infected with the calumny .. will have that “untruth” in their minds –
Sep 22, 4:38 PMSimoneRobinson: and yes Carol.. division and alienation is a sad side effect of it too
Sep 22, 4:38 PM
SrSusan (Guest): hello Annajoy
Sep 22, 4:38 PM
Carol (Guest): What is spoken aloud cannot be unheard
Sep 22, 4:38 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi Annajoy
Sep 22, 4:39 PM
Paula (Guest): like the psalms say…I say I saw my enemies standing tall as cedars and I looked again and they were gone
Sep 22, 4:39 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q 2 Why does St. Francis call what we perceive to be big problems mere “mists”?
Sep 22, 4:39 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Annajoy!
Sep 22, 4:39 PM
SimoneRobinson: funfact… mist means in German “garbage”
Sep 22, 4:40 PM
Dawn (Guest): I think because they are (mists) they disappear
Sep 22, 4:40 PM
SrSusan (Guest): neer knew that!
Sep 22, 4:40 PM
SimoneRobinson: good point
ep 22, 4:40 PM
SimoneRobinson: they are fleeting – in the sight of eternity
Sep 22, 4:40 PM
Donna (Guest): Because these purgative assaults can be building blocks to becoming a saint.
ep 22, 4:40 PM
Donna (Guest): “Father forgive them they know not what they do”
Sep 22, 4:41 PM
Dawn (Guest): the suffering one goes thru can be offered up for many things
ep 22, 4:41 PM
Paula (Guest): it hurts ….to hear such things but if you play into what you hear instead of ignoring it …it only gives credibility to the lies
Sep 22, 4:41 PM
Donna (Guest): It detaches us from creatures and attaches us to God
ep 22, 4:42 PMCarol (Guest): It also prevents you from doing Gods willep 22, 4:42 PM
Donna (Guest): Carol you mean if you are the one spinning
Sep 22, 4:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Reminds me of ” the mists of time”
Sep 22, 4:43 PM
Donna (Guest): Sinning
Sep 22, 4:43 PM
Dawn (Guest): Carol, do you mean being slaundered or how we respond to it?
Sep 22, 4:43 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes
Sep 22, 4:43 PM
Paula (Guest): well…God is still in charge…not them…you have to move forward despite it
Sep 22, 4:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I guess next to eternity all problems fade
Sep 22, 4:43 PM
SimoneRobinson: good point Sister
Sep 22, 4:43 PM
Carol (Guest): Sorry Dawn, yes if you try to,fight it without God’s help
Sep 22, 4:43 PM
Donna (Guest): I mean if you are the one being sinned against
ep 22, 4:43 PM
Dawn (Guest): love ” the mists of time”
Sep 22, 4:43 PM
SimoneRobinson: Love that too
ep 22, 4:44 PMDonna (Guest): All tears are wiped away and God bottles all our tears
ep 22, 4:44 PMDawn (Guest): and…”next to eternity all problems fade”
ep 22, 4:45 PM
Donna (Guest): The Saints were glad to be sinned against. They had compunction
Sep 22, 4:45 PM
Donna (Guest): A Grace from God I pray for
Sep 22, 4:46 PMSimoneRobinson: Donna.. I once got a little love-package from a friend.. and one part was a little bottle in it.. and the verse beside it ” never forgot Simone ” God bottles all your tears”.. that was soooo sweet
ep 22, 4:46 PMPaula (Guest): who cares….point the finger back at them and move forward….take an exampl from Trump
Sep 22, 4:46 PM
SimoneRobinson: I am definitely not ready to love it when others sin against e
Sep 22, 4:46 PM
SimoneRobinson: me
Sep 22, 4:46 PM
Donna (Guest): Thank you Simone for sharing that
Sep 22, 4:46 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q If it is easier to trust God in the peace of prosperity, then why doesn’t God just make that our state in life so we can trust Him more easily?
ep 22, 4:47 PM
Paula (Guest): yes….we must love our enemies
Sep 22, 4:47 PM
Dawn (Guest): Im not certain prosperity is easier
ep 22, 4:48 PMDawn (Guest): but to love our enemies does not mean warm fizzy feelings. it means to will the good of them ( my thoughts)
Sep 22, 4:48 PM
Donna (Guest): Deny ourselves, pick up our cross and follow Jesus
Sep 22, 4:48 PM
Paula (Guest): it’s easy when things are all smiles….but we must love the cross…and self denial
Sep 22, 4:48 PM
SimoneRobinson: I am actually not sure if I trust God more in times of prosperity.. Not that I have experienced that too often
Sep 22, 4:49 PM
Carol (Guest): Love is a verb not a fuzzy feeling
Sep 22, 4:49 PM
SimoneRobinson: I find I trust GOD much more – when things are hard.. that’s when I feel Him much closer.
Sep 22, 4:49 PM
SrSusan (Guest): maybe not just material prosperity but spiritual too?
Sep 22, 4:49 PMDonna (Guest): Yes
ep 22, 4:49 PM
Paula (Guest): love always
Sep 22, 4:49 PM
Dawn (Guest): spiritual prosperity…
Sep 22, 4:50 PM
SimoneRobinson: ooooh.. I see.. spiritual prosperity.. Yes.. definitely easier to trust him then
ep 22, 4:51 PM
Paula (Guest): if you say hello and great your brothers who you love what is that…but to love your enemies….
Sep 22, 4:51 PM
Paula (Guest): greet
Sep 22, 4:51 PM
Lori (Guest): God teaches us to trust him though spiritual desolation if we let him. Sometimes need to grab His hand and let him lead us through the darkness.
Sep 22, 4:52 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, that’s it exactl
Sep 22, 4:52 PM
Dawn (Guest): learning to put trust in him with complete self abandonment..stF
ep 22, 4:52 PMSimoneRobinson: It’s not that I do not trust God in spiritual desolation or poverty.. it is that I miss Him so much – when I sit “alone” in my prayer times.
ep 22, 4:52 PM
Paula (Guest): I don’t know about you all….but I can’t let go of His hand…I need He always
Sep 22, 4:53 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you Lori
Sep 22, 4:53 PM
SimoneRobinson: But.. ever since I accepted that.. and do not “demand” Him to show up in prayer.. I can handle it much better
ep 22, 4:53 PMDonna (Guest): Amen to all of what you all say
Sep 22, 4:54 PMPaula (Guest): He does show up…He is just quiet
Sep 22, 4:54 PM
Donna (Guest): Always
Sep 22, 4:54 PM
Carol (Guest): Me too Simone. I content myself by remembering He is there and tat it is good for me if I don’t see all the time
ep 22, 4:55 PM
Donna (Guest): Comfort from what Jesus told Saint Thomas
Sep 22, 4:56 PM
Donna (Guest): After St. Thomas put his hand in his hand and side
Sep 22, 4:56 PM
Donna (Guest): Jesus hand and side
Sep 22, 4:56 PMDawn (Guest): in some ways alienation is a good thing
ep 22, 4:57 PMSimoneRobinson: do you mean the feeling of alienation in prayer Dawn?
ep 22, 4:57 PM
Paula (Guest): Fr. Larry used to say God is with us with every breathe we take….we can do nothing without Him
Sep 22, 4:57 PM
SimoneRobinson: because we are never really alone anyways..
ep 22, 4:57 PMDonna (Guest): Yes and the desert Fathers are good teachers for that
p 22, 4:58 PM
Dawn (Guest): perhaps in all ways. it forces us to cling more to God.
Sep 22, 4:58 PM
Donna (Guest): Like a baby in its mother’s arms
Sep 22, 4:58 PM
SimoneRobinson: You sound already like St. Francis Donna.. He loved to write about babies in mother’s arms
ep 22, 4:59 PM
Donna (Guest): I ask him to help me Simone and all the Saints!
Sep 22, 4:59 PM
SimoneRobinson: when I feel really “alone” in prayer.. I recite parts of the Song of Songs…in that way – I know he hears at least my longing
Sep 22, 4:59 PM
SimoneRobinson: when I feel really “alone” in prayer.. I recite parts of the Song of Songs…in that way – I know he hears at least my longing
Sep 22, 5:00 PM
Donna (Guest): That’s beautiful
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
Sep 22, 5:00 PM
Paula (Guest): Read the Treastise on the Love of St Francis really goes into detail about that one
Sep 22, 5:00 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St Francis refers to the desert fathers in his writings from time to time
Sep 22, 5:00 PM
Donna (Guest): I listen to the books of the Bible on YouTube
ep 22, 5:01 PM
Donna (Guest): Thanks to all of you!
Sep 22, 5:01 PM
Dawn (Guest): good suggestion Paula…the Treastise I havent read\
ep 22, 5:01 PM
Donna (Guest): I need this so badly
Sep 22, 5:01 PM
Carol (Guest): Sometimes it comes to me to sing the hail Mary
Sep 22, 5:01 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes! Me too!
ep 22, 5:02 PMSimoneRobinson: Love the singing of Hail Mary… Do you sing a tune that comes to your mind.. or something you are familiar with?
ep 22, 5:02 PM
Dawn (Guest): Song of Songs….
Sep 22, 5:02 PM
SimoneRobinson: I find, that I can concentrate better.. if I sing parts of the Liturgy of the Hour.
Sep 22, 5:02 PM
Donna (Guest): Both!
Sep 22, 5:02 PM
Paula (Guest): I love when the Holy Spirit pops prayers and hymns into your head
Sep 22, 5:02 PM
Carol (Guest): It’s one from the parish in Phoenix I went to for a while
ep 22, 5:03 PM
Carol (Guest): It happens to me all the time. Actually it’s how He found me when I was wandering around
Sep 22, 5:03 PM
Donna (Guest): Awe
p 22, 5:03 PMCarol (Guest): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEQkhLr65MU
ep 22, 5:04 PMDawn (Guest): thank you!
Sep 22, 5:04 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Why is it important for parents to be trusting and gentle as a means for helping their children embrace God as such?Why is it important to speak little about the people who wrong us and not dwell on it?
Sep 22, 5:04 PM
Carol (Guest): I was very restless one day while driving and kept flipping stations randomly and then Beautiful by MercyMe came on
Sep 22, 5:05 PM
SimoneRobinson: lovely Carol
Sep 22, 5:05 PM
Paula (Guest): the Treatise is really a good read….explains a lot about love, suffering, divine providence and God’s love
ep 22, 5:05 PM
SimoneRobinson: I love the Treatise.. not so much into the the first three books.. but the rest is amazing
Sep 22, 5:05 PM
Carol (Guest): Parents are the first representation of God for our children. It’s so important for parents to be close to Jesus
ep 22, 5:06 PM
SimoneRobinson: I agree Carol. I can never be thankful enough that my earthly father modeled God’s gentle love and unconditional love for me.
Sep 22, 5:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): we had done many chats on the treatise in the past maybe 2016 or 2018
Sep 22, 5:07 PM
Carol (Guest): Mine too. And he had to sacrifice so much to do it
Sep 22, 5:07 PM
Donna (Guest): In his own ability some day and to accept authority over all
Sep 22, 5:07 PM
Paula (Guest): if you are not trusting….it fills the child with anxiety and doubt of God
Sep 22, 5:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that might be helpful again
ep 22, 5:07 PM
Dawn (Guest): those would be in the archive to read again? thank you
Sep 22, 5:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
Sep 22, 5:08 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I could repost or you can look it up
Sep 22, 5:08 PM
SimoneRobinson: or… we study it again?????? just thinking out loud here
Sep 22, 5:09 PM
Paula (Guest): and the way we speak about others…sets a child up to follow our example
Sep 22, 5:09 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes
Sep 22, 5:09 PM
Dawn (Guest): great idea to repost
ep 22, 5:09 PM
Dawn (Guest): and maybe to study again
Sep 22, 5:09 PM
Paula (Guest): if we are quick to forgive…so will the child
Sep 22, 5:09 PM
Carol (Guest): It is called generational,sin
p 22, 5:10 PMSimoneRobinson: going back to the question… it is so hard not to dwell.. even in our thoughts..only thing that helps me is — when I catch myself.. interrupt the thought with a short Hail Mary.. and give it away.. or just say “Jesus have mercy on me a sinner”,… in that way I am reminded that I am not better either
ep 22, 5:10 PMCarol (Guest): That seems to be the best way
ep 22, 5:11 PM
Paula (Guest): someone told me….make up an excuse for the person’s bad behavior and forgive and move on
Sep 22, 5:11 PM
Dawn (Guest): catching our self is the key
Sep 22, 5:11 PM
Paula (Guest): maybe they cut you off in traffic because they needed to get to the bathroom
Sep 22, 5:12 PM
Carol (Guest): Oops, that’s
ep 22, 5:13 PMPaula (Guest): even if it is not true ….don’t stoup to their level of viciousness and sin
ep 22, 5:14 PM
SrSusan (Guest): If someone has offended us in a serious way, how do we get over it? Is there a point where justice ends and forgiveness begins?
Sep 22, 5:14 PM
SimoneRobinson: justice is not mine really
Sep 22, 5:14 PM
Carol (Guest): Or, if you are in their presence, bless them. They never know what to say
Sep 22, 5:14 PM
Donna (Guest): Confession every week.
Sep 22, 5:14 PM
Dawn (Guest): StF says if we do it, you will be amazed and full of wonder when suddenly one day you realize all the horrors ..have simply vanished into thin air
ep 22, 5:15 PM
Donna (Guest): Meditate on being in the arms of Jesus and Mary and ask them to heal all the hurts
Sep 22, 5:15 PM
Donna (Guest): Every day!
ep 22, 5:15 PMDonna (Guest): Spend quality time with them
ep 22, 5:16 PM
Lori (Guest): It’s hard to hold on to grievances or anger if we regularly pray for those who wrong us
Sep 22, 5:16 PM
Dawn (Guest): question) I also find taking these to confession helps greatly for me to move one. Confessing my incessant thinking of the wrongs, even if they are currently going on
Sep 22, 5:16 PM
Dawn (Guest): to move on..
ep 22, 5:16 PM
Dawn (Guest): question) I also find taking these to confession helps greatly for me to move one. Confessing my incessant thinking of the wrongs, even if they are currently going on
Sep 22, 5:16 PM
Dawn (Guest): to move on..
Sep 22, 5:17 PM
Paula (Guest): stop thinking about it….do other things….once you realize how much time you are wasting and how miserable you are feeling …it will stop
Sep 22, 5:17 PM
Carol (Guest): Doing these things also takes ourselves out of the center of our thinking
Sep 22, 5:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes Lori. I pray rosaries
Sep 22, 5:17 PM
SimoneRobinson: the Litany of Humility is my life saver.. seriously
Sep 22, 5:18 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes!
Sep 22, 5:18 PM
Paula (Guest): I like Simone’s suggestion…thinking of our worst sin
Sep 22, 5:18 PM
Carol (Guest): I said it daily for two,years. It really helped. I still say it. But not as often
ep 22, 5:19 PMDawn (Guest): Carol I believe it is the devil who wants us to stay focused on our self
ep 22, 5:20 PM
Paula (Guest): keep charity always first…in all circumstances
Sep 22, 5:20 PM
Carol (Guest): Of course it does, because our focus is not on God then
ep 22, 5:20 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Have you ever allowed your anger to smolder for months or even years over an offence done to you? How did you get over this
Sep 22, 5:21 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes I have.
Sep 22, 5:21 PM
SimoneRobinson: to be honest.. I did.
Sep 22, 5:21 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh yes, and I surrendered it to Jesus
ep 22, 5:22 PM
Paula (Guest): yep….until I realized that what was done was done in innocence
Sep 22, 5:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): surrendering it yes
Sep 22, 5:22 PM
SimoneRobinson: honestly.. the Litany of Humility helped.. taking this deep attitude out of me that I deserve better
ep 22, 5:23 PM
Carol (Guest): I like to partner the litany of humility with the litany of trust
Sep 22, 5:23 PM
Dawn (Guest): when the results of the slander continue on and this is what can make the unforgiveness linger. have to seriously get real in your walk with Christ. so then I realize what someone meant for your harm becomes Gods glory
ep 22, 5:23 PM
SimoneRobinson: Like Joseph said to his brothers in Genesis
Sep 22, 5:24 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes
Sep 22, 5:24 PM
SimoneRobinson: once we accept the pain someone has caused us .. the road to forgiveness is unstoppable
Sep 22, 5:25 PM
Lori (Guest): I asked God to help me forgive every day when praying the Our Father… “As we forgive those who trespass against us”…”Lord help me forgive them.” After a few months as soon as I prayed this in Daily Mass I was blessed with a sudden realization of how wounded they themselves were to have done what they did and I immediately knew I could forgive them. It was a deeply graced experience.
p 22, 5:26 PM
SimoneRobinson: unforgiveness is a side product I find.. of not allowing the pain to touch me
Sep 22, 5:26 PM
Carol (Guest): And the prayer Father forgive them for they know not what they do
Sep 22, 5:25 PM
SimoneRobinson: that’s beautiful Lori.
p 22, 5:26 PM
SimoneRobinson: unforgiveness is a side product I find.. of not allowing the pain to touch me
Sep 22, 5:26 PM
Carol (Guest): And the prayer Father forgive them for they know not what they do
Sep 22, 5:27 PM
SimoneRobinson: I just wondered recently ‘ why did Jesus say ” Father forgive them, they do not know ….”.. and not ” I forgive you, because you do not know”
Sep 22, 5:27 PM
Dawn (Guest): these are amazing insights
Sep 22, 5:27 PM
Carol (Guest): Because He was alsomhuman
Sep 22, 5:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): you are an amazing group of spiritual women!
ep 22, 5:28 PM
Carol (Guest): Human in that ,moment?
Sep 22, 5:28 PM
SimoneRobinson: yes Carol.. and at this point.. “full of our sin”
Sep 22, 5:28 PM
Paula (Guest): I think by keeping in your mind that what someone did to you was done do to lack of understanding of who you really are as a person goes a long way in helping to forgive others more quickly
Sep 22, 5:28 PM
SimoneRobinson: also.. they have sinned agains GOD the FATHER.. only the one who is sinned agains can forgiveep 22, 5:29 PMSimoneRobinson: I don’t know.. I am still thinking about this.. so do not take my thoughts too serious
ep 22, 5:29 PMSimoneRobinson: once I have more clarity on that.. I might write on that again
Sep 22, 5:29 PM
SimoneRobinson: write to you.. not publicly
Sep 22, 5:29 PM
Carol (Guest): They are deep,thoughts. I should meditate kn them
Sep 22, 5:31 PM
Dawn (Guest): I think this is the place where the Holy Spirit joins us
Sep 22, 5:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes and it is so powerful!
Sep 22, 5:31 PM
SimoneRobinson: I wish you all a most blessed week. You are all so very important in my life. Just wanted to make sure you all know that.
Sep 22, 5:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Thank you so much for sharing your deep faith
Sep 22, 5:31 PM
Dawn (Guest): Yes it is !
ep 22, 5:31 PM
Carol (Guest): I can’t believe its an hour either
Sep 22, 5:32 PM
Dawn (Guest): an hour?
ep 22, 5:32 PM
Dawn (Guest): an hour?
Sep 22, 5:32 PM
Paula (Guest): Have a great week all!
Sep 22, 5:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): God bless!
Sep 22, 5:32 PM
Donna (Guest): Good night Sr Susan and all of you dear sisters in Christ
Sep 22, 5:32 PM
Carol (Guest): Our time is an hour, but we all come early and stay late
Sep 22, 5:32 PM
Lori (Guest): This chat is a blessing. I’m so glad I found it. Have a wonderful grace-filled week!
Sep 22, 5:32 PM
SimoneRobinson: God bless Sister.. and thank you for starting this chat.
Sep 22, 5:32 PM
Carol (Guest): Please come back again Annajoy
ep 22, 5:33 PMDawn (Guest): Gods grace be upon all of you this week. thank you Sr Susan and all my chat sistersep 22, 5:33 PMCarol (Guest): May God bless us every one
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