What does it mean that “our Saviour’s redemption is applied to us in as many different manners as there are souls”? Doesn’t God save us by only one means?If God desires for us to love Him in return, that may seem to mean that this is something that God does not have. Does this mean God is lacking/incomplete without us?How can we be more aware of Jesus knocking at the door of our heart?If God gives us the means to love Him, why do we always fall short?If God’s attributes are equal in measure, how is it that His mercy is above all His works?When God proclaims that everyone must be converted, as St. Francis says, is he talking about those who are living in a state of grace? Do we need conversion from day to day?
p 1, 4:30 PMSrSusan (Guest): Q 1 What does it mean that “our Saviour’s redemption is applied to us in as many different manners as there are souls”?
ep 1, 4:31 PMCarol (Guest): We are each unique creations. We all come to salvation through Him, each in a specific way
Sep 1, 4:32 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes, Thank you, Sr. Susan.
Sep 1, 4:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Each of our souls have specific graces but also weaknesses that those graces assist to become strengths
Sep 1, 4:32 PM
Paula (Guest): Because we identify with His passion in different manners according to the sufferings we experience in this life
ep 1, 4:38 PM
Donna (Guest): Well, wherever we come from God knows how to speak our language to convert us
Sep 1, 4:38 PM
Paula (Guest): Well, we all suffer in different ways and we approach Him through His wounds with our woundedness
Sep 1, 4:38 PM
Ruth (Guest): I thought that, too.
Sep 1, 4:39 PM
Simone (Guest): true Donna.. thanksep 1, 4:39 PM
Donna (Guest): Thank you all for your advice
Sep 1, 4:39 PM
Simone (Guest): that sounds good Paula.. could you bring an example?Sep 1, 4:41 PM
Ruth (Guest): Opps. I’m so slow my remark is no longer linked to what I am responding to.
Sep 1, 4:41 PM
Paula (Guest): well…for example the headache…I identified it with His crown of thorn and contemplated it all week…with my inability to concentrate etc
ep 1, 4:41 PMSimone (Guest): what wound would you use for emotional wounds? The heart?
ep 1, 4:42 PM
Simone (Guest): so.. you used your physical ailment to step into suffering intentionally.
Sep 1, 4:42 PM
Ruth (Guest): We seek Bod. It God seeks us, each human being, even those fleeing
Sep 1, 4:42 PM
Paula (Guest): yep
ep 1, 4:42 PMSimone (Guest): ok.. thanks I understand what you mean now
ep 1, 4:33 PM
Simone (Guest): Ruth.. I thought of you often during the last week.. I hope your headache has left you soon after last Sunday
Sep 1, 4:33 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi everyone!
Sep 1, 4:33 PM
Simone (Guest): and.. I like all your answers already to the first question. Resonates totally with me
Sep 1, 4:34 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Donna
Sep 1, 4:34 PM
Ruth (Guest): Thank you Simpneep 1, 4:36 PM
Ruth (Guest): So sorry Paula. Thatks one thing I do not wish to share.
Sep 1, 4:36 PM
Paula (Guest): it’s ok. I enjoyed the crown of thorns
Sep 1, 4:36 PM
Simone (Guest): I was wondering if the saying ” there are as many ways to God as there are people.. is the same .. as in question one
Sep 1, 4:37 PM
Simone (Guest): in a way — “redemption applied to each individual soul”.. sounds more like different ways of God revealing Himself to us.. whereas the saying” different ways to God….” sounds more.. like how we seek him.. I don;t know.. what do you all think?
Sep 1, 4:37 PM
Ruth (Guest): Annajoy, welcome.Sep 1, 4:38 PMSimone (Guest): Hi Annajoy! What a lovely name you have!
Sep 1, 4:43 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, I think of the picture of His Sacred Heart wrapped in thorns, and of themthorns we stab each other with that hurt Him too
Sep 1, 4:43 PM
Simone (Guest): and yes, Ruth.. he is always watching out for us. Even when we do not seek Him.. That was my saving grace in my life
Sep 1, 4:43 PM
Ruth (Guest): God not bod.
Sep 1, 4:43 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hello everyone. are we on question1?
ep 1, 4:43 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hello everyone. are we on question1?
Sep 1, 4:43 PM
Paula (Guest): emotional wounds…the heart…the soul…the head (inability to think straight)
Sep 1, 4:43 PM
Annajoy: Hi
Sep 1, 4:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Dawn yes still on one
Sep 1, 4:43 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Annajoy
Sep 1, 4:43 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you Sr
ep 1, 4:44 PMSrSusan (Guest): q 2 If God desires for us to love Him in return, that may seem to mean that this is something that God does not have. Does this mean God is lacking/incomplete without us?
ep 1, 4:44 PMDonna (Guest): No
ep 1, 4:45 PMDonna (Guest): He wants a relationship with us
Sep 1, 4:45 PM
Dawn (Guest): On Q1….I believe God calls each of us in many differnt ways
Sep 1, 4:46 PM
Carol (Guest): We know He is complete in Himself, but we are each created with a spot in the core of kur soul thy is only for Him. How does He feel when we witholdmit?
p 1, 4:46 PM
Ruth (Guest): He is overflowing with love and k owns that we are happiest when, like Him, we love him, and one way that we
Sep 1, 4:46 PM
Dawn (Guest): Conversions will not be the same.
ep 1, 4:47 PMDonna (Guest): Daily mental prayer helps
Sep 1, 4:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q How can we be more aware of Jesus knocking at the door of our heart?
Sep 1, 4:48 PM
Simone (Guest): God wants to draw us into the eternal love of the Trinity. that’s the goal for humankind – to be part of the eternal dance of love
ep 1, 4:49 PM
Dawn (Guest): Sometimes he will make it very obvious
Sep 1, 4:49 PM
Carol (Guest): When we have an urging to pray or read Scripture we should do somat once-He is calling us
Sep 1, 4:49 PM
Donna (Guest): St Teresa Internal Castle for kids is helping me so much
Sep 1, 4:49 PM
Paula (Guest): God wants us to love Him to share in eternity with Himep 1, 4:49 PM
Paula (Guest): God wants us to love Him to share in eternity with Him
Sep 1, 4:49 PM
Donna (Guest): Sorry spelling
Sep 1, 4:49 PM
SrSusan (Guest): eternal dance of love, beautiful phrase
Sep 1, 4:50 PM
Donna (Guest): Interior
Sep 1, 4:50 PM
Dawn (Guest): So in the conversion of a previously unbeliever , his knocking can be powerful. thinking of the Samaritan woman
Sep 1, 4:50 PM
Paula (Guest): thru meditation and contemplation
Sep 1, 4:50 PM
Ruth (Guest): finding a quiet time every day, so that we can hear his still voice.
Sep 1, 4:50 PM
Carol (Guest): The children’s edition is a great introduction
Sep 1, 4:50 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I did not know there is a version for kids, Dawn
Sep 1, 4:51 PM
Donna (Guest): I found it on the way home from vacation
Sep 1, 4:51 PM
Dawn (Guest): I think that was Donna mentioning
Sep 1, 4:51 PM
Ruth (Guest): Dance! I like that, Sister.
Sep 1, 4:51 PM
Dawn (Guest): it would be interesting to read childs version
Sep 1, 4:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Simone said it Ruth
Sep 1, 4:52 PM
Carol (Guest): He is the best dance partner
Sep 1, 4:52 PM
Donna (Guest): It is “The Interior Castle a journey into the riches of prayer by Judith Bouilloc and Eric Putbaret
Sep 1, 4:53 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Thank you
Sep 1, 4:53 PM
Paula (Guest): He can be knocking at the door of your heart through the cross and trials
Sep 1, 4:53 PM
Donna (Guest): You’re welcome!
Sep 1, 4:54 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Jesus knocks in many ways, for sure
Sep 1, 4:54 PM
Ruth (Guest): Ah, yes. I missed her remark but saw your highlighting it.
Sep 1, 4:54 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and I hope we hear that knock and open the door
Sep 1, 4:55 PM
Paula (Guest): Well, sometimes He bangs
Sep 1, 4:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): for me, He knocked through a prayer group, and through books and individuals and so many other ways
Sep 1, 4:55 PMDonna (Guest): Very very humbling
Sep 1, 4:56 PMDawn (Guest): for me, he knocked through a difficult situation. and then hearing Clear Creek Abbey monks chanting
Sep 1, 4:56 PM
Carol (Guest): He started me with a Bible Study. I had gone back to church with some friends from the stable where my horse was. I told God I would only stay if there was a Binle Study
Sep 1, 4:56 PM
Ruth (Guest): It I k I was born hungry and thirsty,
ep 1, 4:57 PM
Simone (Guest): I sometimes wonder if he actually uses our lives just to prepare us for his knocking. in a way.. the knocking is the answer – and not the initial invitation.. the invitation is the pain in our life.. ,…. sorry if I am confusing
Sep 1, 4:57 PM
SrSusan (Guest): no makes sense
ep 1, 4:57 PM
Carol (Guest): Bible study. As I walked into church the first time they were just announcing to be sure to stop by the table outside after Mass and sign up for the first ever Bible Study. I’m still laughing thirty years later
Sep 1, 4:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): Yes Simone, excatly this
ep 1, 4:58 PMRuth (Guest): I think I was born . . And somewhere along the way, very early on He let me know that He wa Ted to be food and drink for me . . . For others, too.
ep 1, 4:58 PM
Paula (Guest): no Simone. Makes sense
Sep 1, 4:58 PM
Dawn (Guest): our whole like is preparinig us. beautful
Sep 1, 4:58 PM
Carol (Guest): T does make sense Simine
Sep 1, 4:59 PM
Ruth (Guest): Simone , you are. makin sense.
Sep 1, 4:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q If God gives us the means to love Him, why do we always fall short?
Sep 1, 4:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q If God gives us the means to love Him, why do we always fall short?
Sep 1, 5:00 PM
Dawn (Guest): because of our fallen human nature.
Sep 1, 5:00 PM
Donna (Guest): We are blinded
Sep 1, 5:00 PM
Paula (Guest): We get distracted by creatures
Sep 1, 5:00 PM
Paula (Guest): by the things around us
Sep 1, 5:01 PM
Donna (Guest): The scales fall off of our eyes when we really want God to show us
Sep 1, 5:01 PM
Simone (Guest): wounded nature by sin.. concupiscence, free will.. …… just to name some
Sep 1, 5:01 PM
Dawn (Guest): we do not understand our hunger and thirst and seek to fill it by worldy things
Sep 1, 5:01 PM
Donna (Guest): Then we repent all over again
Sep 1, 5:02 PM
Dawn (Guest): Like St Augustine said our hearts are restless until we rest in you
Sep 1, 5:02 PM
Paula (Guest): we do not seek the Kingdom of God first
ep 1, 5:03 PMSrSusan (Guest): we grow in our ability to love
Sep 1, 5:03 PM
Paula (Guest): We do not put God first or we let our humanness get in the way
Sep 1, 5:04 PM
Donna (Guest): We are on automatic pilot until we beg God to reveal the unknown sin and be taught the right way by Him
ep 1, 5:04 PM
Donna (Guest): The beaming our own eye
Sep 1, 5:04 PM
Donna (Guest): Beam
Sep 1, 5:04 PM
Carol (Guest): That is a prayer He always answers
Sep 1, 5:05 PM
Donna (Guest): He is so gentle
Sep 1, 5:05 PM
Dawn (Guest): we grow in our ability to love….yes Sr Susan thank you. this is true. our daily conversions
ep 1, 5:05 PM
Donna (Guest): We get stuck, like the lamb on a limb
Sep 1, 5:05 PM
Donna (Guest): Over a cliff
Sep 1, 5:06 PM
Simone (Guest): lovely picture Donna
Sep 1, 5:06 PM
Dawn (Guest): it as through our entire life is learning
Sep 1, 5:06 PM
Carol (Guest): Thats certainly where I was
Sep 1, 5:06 PM
Donna (Guest): I like what you say to Simone
Sep 1, 5:06 PM
Simone (Guest): and I also love ” growing in the ability to love”… I find that was St. Frances goal with all his spiritual direction he gave
Sep 1, 5:06 PM
Simone (Guest): growing in love.. and growing in receiving love
ep 1, 5:06 PM
Donna (Guest): We need it!
Sep 1, 5:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): like a lamb, yes
Sep 1, 5:07 PMDawn (Guest): yes. this is us learning to be the image of God
Sep 1, 5:07 PM
Donna (Guest): But with Him, never by ourselves
Sep 1, 5:07 PM
Dawn (Guest): he made us in his image, we spend a life growing into him
Sep 1, 5:08 PMRuth (Guest): Good, Simone. It is in part by receiving love that we learn to love.
ep 1, 5:08 PMDonna (Guest): All the Saints had this in common
Sep 1, 5:08 PMPaula (Guest): Growing into Him? how about letting Him dwell in us
Sep 1, 5:08 PM
Dawn (Guest): ok
Sep 1, 5:09 PM
Carol (Guest): That can be hard to do. We are taught we must be fully independent and do it all alone, yet we are not made to do this
Sep 1, 5:09 PMSimone (Guest): I guess both ” growing into Him” and “letting Him dwell in us” refers to divination.
Sep 1, 5:10 PMDonna (Guest): True and in Him first then outward towards others
ep 1, 5:10 PMDonna (Guest): Like Jesus on the cross
ep 1, 5:10 PM
Donna (Guest): That’s the only true way
Sep 1, 5:11 PM
Dawn (Guest): being crucified to the world
Sep 1, 5:11 PM
Simone (Guest): divinization
Sep 1, 5:11 PM
Dawn (Guest): Simone can you speak about this a litte?
Sep 1, 5:11 PM
Ruth (Guest): Careful, “Only?”
Sep 1, 5:12 PM
Dawn (Guest): divinization?
Sep 1, 5:12 PM
Donna (Guest): Well crucified with Christ after baptism
Sep 1, 5:12 PM
Ruth (Guest): So many individual ways.
Sep 1, 5:12 PM
Donna (Guest): I no longer live but Christ lives in me
Sep 1, 5:13 PM
Dawn (Guest): Galations
ep 1, 5:13 PMPaula (Guest): He says if you love me you will keep my word and I will make my home in you…Father, Son & Holy Spirit
Sep 1, 5:13 PM
Ruth (Guest): and yet! NE is the way
Sep 1, 5:13 PM
Paula (Guest): it’s in the Gospel
Sep 1, 5:13 PM
SrSusan (Guest): If God’s attributes are equal in measure, how is it that His mercy is above all His works
Sep 1, 5:14 PM
Dawn (Guest): thoughtful question
Sep 1, 5:14 PM
Carol (Guest): And He is re-creating us into what He intended us to be
Sep 1, 5:14 PM
Simone (Guest): sorry Dawn.. but not enough time here I think.. to lay out the concept of divinization
Sep 1, 5:14 PM
Ruth (Guest): Only 10% battery left. If I disappear, you’ll know why.
Sep 1, 5:15 PM
Donna (Guest): God bless you Ruth
Sep 1, 5:15 PM
Dawn (Guest): Ive not heard it before. could you recomend reading?
ep 1, 5:15 PMSimone (Guest): and the re-creating is ongoing.. day by day – that makes living so exciting
ep 1, 5:15 PM
Simone (Guest): Dawn.. I am upstairs.. I sent you an email during the week.. my bookshelf is now downstairs
Sep 1, 5:16 PM
Carol (Guest): It does! There is no rule but the Cross of Christ. All that matters is that one be created anew
Sep 1, 5:16 PM
Dawn (Guest): ok. thank you. I didnt see it but I will look!
Sep 1, 5:16 PM
Ruth (Guest): I don’t know what “above” means in this question
ep 1, 5:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): greater than I think it means
Sep 1, 5:17 PM
Ruth (Guest): amen.
Sep 1, 5:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): His mercy is unfantomable
Sep 1, 5:17 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes
Sep 1, 5:18 PM
Paula (Guest): His will is love and mercy itself
ep 1, 5:18 PMCarol (Guest): Such grace
ep 1, 5:18 PMPaula (Guest): God is both love and mercy
ep 1, 5:19 PM
Ruth (Guest): He wants us to become like Him. when we eat his body and blood, He does not become IS but we become more and more like Him.
Sep 1, 5:19 PM
Carol (Guest): Just think, we were created through love and mercy
Sep 1, 5:19 PM
Simone (Guest): Paula.. this last sentence you wrote.. if we really mean that it is the most freeing thing on earth – I have found. If we embrace that His will is love and mercy itself.. what is there to fear anymore? Right?
Sep 1, 5:19 PM
Dawn (Guest): Yes Ruth!
Sep 1, 5:20 PMPaula (Guest): Yes…that is the chaplet of Mercy
Donna (Guest): From the very beginning
Sep 1, 5:20 PM
Simone (Guest): through love and with love , and in love…. do these words sound familiar? ( hint.. mass..
Sep 1, 5:20 PM
Dawn (Guest): it is! Paula
ep 1, 5:20 PMDonna (Guest): I’m in awe
ep 1, 5:21 PMRuth (Guest): US or IS.
Sep 1, 5:21 PMPaula (Guest): His mercy it seems is above the other attributes of God…if it were not we would not be saved
Paula (Guest): He loved us so much to will to suffer and save us
Sep 1, 5:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): last q When God proclaims that everyone must be converted, as St. Francis says, is he talking about those who are living in a state of grace? Do we need conversion from day to day?
Sep 1, 5:22 PM
Donna (Guest): Very true and look how appreciative we are when a complete stranger gives us mercy
Sep 1, 5:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): last q When God proclaims that everyone must be converted, as St. Francis says, is he talking about those who are living in a state of grace? Do we need conversion from day to day?
Sep 1, 5:22 PM
Donna (Guest): Very true and look how appreciative we are when a complete stranger gives us mercy
Sep 1, 5:22 PM
Simone (Guest): sorry.. for the little side way.. but please watch this little video.. it is only 2 minutes.. and you can copy it.. and watch it after our chat of course.. but it is one of the most powerful things I have seen for a long time
Sep 1, 5:22 PM
Simone (Guest): https://x.com/katkanada_tm/status/1827930790514377175?s=12 (https://x.com/katkanada_tm/status/1827930790514377175?s=12)

Sep 1, 5:22 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, we need daily conversion to stay in that grave
Sep 1, 5:22 PM
Paula (Guest): yes, even Jesus was batized
Sep 1, 5:22 PM
Ruth (Guest): 😀. Through Him, and with Him and In Him
Sep 1, 5:22 PM
Paula (Guest): baptized
Sep 1, 5:23 PM
Simone (Guest): exactly Ruth..
Sep 1, 5:23 PM
Carol (Guest): Er grace,
Sep 1, 5:23 PM
Donna (Guest): Thank you Simone for the videos
Sep 1, 5:23 PM
Paula (Guest): His baptism by St. John was an example for us to continual conversion of heart
ep 1, 5:23 PM
Paula (Guest): His baptism by St. John was an example for us to continual conversion of heart
Sep 1, 5:24 PM
Simone (Guest): sorry Carol.. I assume you meant “grace”?
ep 1, 5:24 PM
Dawn (Guest): God desires that each one of us be saved, sinners inc. conversion is day to day , like the second conversion it is ongoing
Sep 1, 5:24 PM
Simone (Guest): oh.. you did correct it anyways.. sorry.. my bad..
Sep 1, 5:24 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, I confessed to another typo
ep 1, 5:26 PMSimone (Guest): what is the difference for you all… between ongoing conversion and sanctification?
ep 1, 5:26 PMPaula (Guest): Jesus had no sin but we must continually turn our hearts to God
Sep 1, 5:27 PMCarol (Guest): Sanctification is His action, conversion is our response
ep 1, 5:28 PMDonna (Guest): The sacraments our santification our ongoing conversion
ep 1, 5:28 PMDawn (Guest): suffering is also a means, a help to sanctify us
ep 1, 5:28 PMDonna (Guest): Yes
Sep 1, 5:29 PM
Simone (Guest): it sounds it might be a little bit of a :what was first? the hen or the egg”- problem
Sep 1, 5:30 PM
Dawn (Guest): conversion or santicifcation? I woul dlike to place in this equation sufferingep 1, 5:31 PM
Ruth (Guest): Dawn, maybe that is how even a bad marriage CAN lead to sanctification,
Sep 1, 5:31 PM
Simone (Guest): conversion means I guess.. to change ones course in something..
Sep 1, 5:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Great conversation again. Sounds like we could all be catechists! Anyway, very engaging! Thank you all. Happy Day tomorrow esp if you have off from work! Prayers for all too. God bless!
Sep 1, 5:32 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes Simone
Sep 1, 5:32 PM
Dawn (Guest): it is through suffering we reach conversion and by both we are sanctified ?? this is a thought
Sep 1, 5:32 PM
Carol (Guest): We cannot grow in virtue without suffering, and we cannot enter heaven without virtue
Sep 1, 5:32 PM
Simone (Guest): oh.. I think that a bad marriage can be a blessing in disguise.. .well.. .like any bad situation in life
ep 1, 5:32 PM
Donna (Guest): Thank you Sister Susan
Sep 1, 5:33 PM
Simone (Guest): and the entrance of this deeper truth.. has as an effect conversion
Sep 1, 5:33 PM
Donna (Guest): Thank you everyone for helping me
Sep 1, 5:33 PM
Paula (Guest): Have a great week
Sep 1, 5:33 PM
Carol (Guest): Ha e a blessed week Sr Susan
Sep 1, 5:33 PM
Simone (Guest): Have a great week Paula.
Sep 1, 5:33 PM
Donna (Guest): Have a blessed week all of you
Sep 1, 5:33 PM
Simone (Guest): ACtually.. all of you have a wonderful week
Sep 1, 5:33 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you Sr Susan. and everyone
Sep 1, 5:33 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, walk with Jesus
Sep 1, 5:34 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes
Sep 1, 5:34 PM
Donna (Guest): God bless you all and Mother Mary keep you under her mantle
Sep 1, 5:34 PM
Simone (Guest): Let me know next week.. if the video worked.. I imagine you will like what you hear …sending my love
Sep 1, 5:35 PM
Dawn (Guest): Ah! thanks Simone
Sep 1, 5:35 PM
Donna (Guest): I’ll try it now and let you know next week Simone
Sep 1, 5:35 PM
Dawn (Guest): we practice love in here
Sep 1, 5:35 PM
Ruth (Guest): Love to you, too. And May God sanctify your work!
Sep 1, 5:36 PM
Donna (Guest): I can’t get the video can you send it to my email? donnalong657@yahoo.com
Sep 1, 5:44 PM
Annajoy: God bless you
Sep 2, 11:54 AM
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