Source: Novena a Santa Margarita MarĂa de Alacoque (devocionario.com)
Day One
O Blessed Margaret Mary, who at the very name of sin was pierced by the deepest pain! Obtain for me and all sinners a great abhorrence of sin and the grace to never again grieve the most loving Heart of Jesus with my infidelities; and what I desire in this Novena, if it is for the glory of God and the good of my soul. Amen.
Day Two
O Blessed Margaret Mary, who so pleased the sweetest Heart of Jesus by your most sincere humility! Implore for me the grace to imitate you and to engrave deeply in my heart these words of the divine Master: Learn from me who am meek and humble of heart; and the grace that I ask for in this Novena, if it is for the glory of God and the good of my soul. Amen.
Day three
O Blessed Margaret Mary, who had no greater consolation nor desired anything more eagerly than to suffer much for Jesus Christ! Help my weakness and obtain for me the grace to bear with patience, and even with joy, the tribulations and adversities that God wants to send me, and the grace that I desire, if it is for his glory and the good of my soul. Amen
Day Four
O Blessed Margaret Mary, who was obedient to your heavenly Spouse and your Superiors! Obtain for me that I may triumph over my pride, and obediently obey the Holy Church and all those who hold for me the place of God. Amen.
Day Five
O Blessed Margaret Mary, chosen among thousands to be the Apostle of devotion to the Sacred Heart! Obtain for me a great love for this Divine Heart, so that I may experience the fruits of such a healthy devotion, and the grace that I ask of you in this Novena, if it be for the glory of God and the good of my soul. Amen
Day Six
O Blessed Margaret Mary, who wrote: “The devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is not only a devotion of prayers, but principally a devotion of perfect imitation,” implore me the grace to imitate the virtues of this divine Heart, and especially its gentleness, its humility and its most ardent charity. Amen.
Day Seven
O Blessed Margaret Mary, who by your virtues merited the privilege of having God always intimately present and of making your dwelling in the Heart of Jesus! Ah! free me, through your intercession, from all affection for the world and for myself.
I pray that I may act only in the presence of God and in union with the Sacred Heart of Jesus; and that which I wish to achieve in this novena, if it be for His glory and the good of my soul. Amen
Day Eight
O Blessed Margaret Mary, who by your fidelity to grace have attained the highest and most heroic sanctity! Have pity on my inconstancy and obtain for me that I may understand well that my sanctification and eternal happiness depend on being faithful and docile to grace. Obtain for me also what I so desire if it be for the glory of God and the good of my soul. Amen
Day Nine
O Blessed Margaret Mary, who took delight in prayer, and particularly in the adoration of the Most Holy Sacrament! Obtain for me a solid and constant devotion to this most august Mystery, so that it may be my only consolation in life, and my sweetest refuge at the moment of death. Obtain for me also the grace that I ask of you in this Novena, if it be for the glory of God and the good of my soul. Amen.
Prayer for the last day of the novena. O Saint Margaret Mary, who by a special predilection were chosen by God to propagate the devotion and worship of the Most Sacred Heart of his Most Holy Son! By the burning love which the Holy Spirit infused in you for the Divine Heart of Jesus, by the great contradictions and labors which you suffered in carrying out your enterprise, by the eminent merits and immortal crown with which you are happily adorned in glory, I beseech you to obtain for me from the Lord an ardent, tender and constant love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and that in imitation of you my heart may become like His; and that receiving His influences copiously, I may consecrate myself entirely to His love and service and live only for Him, and die in the bosom of His love, so that my soul may go on to glorify Him eternally in heaven in your company. Amen