Oct 6, 6:17 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi Everyone!
Oct 6, 6:18 PM
Paula (Guest): Hi Donna & Dawn!
Oct 6, 6:18 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi!
Oct 6, 6:20 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Everyone! There’s no lesson on the blog. Are we meeting officially?
Oct 6, 6:20 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi!
Oct 6, 6:21 PM
Donna (Guest): It’s from the one that was cancelled last week
Oct 6, 6:21 PM
Paula (Guest): Yes…I think so….there was an email
Oct 6, 6:21 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi everyone, Carol we are doing the last topic, when we missed..Ill find it
Oct 6, 6:22 PM
Carol (Guest): Oh , Sept 29
Oct 6, 6:22 PM
Paula (Guest): What is the value of a hidden life? Does a hidden life stand in contradiction to the call to go out and preach the gospel to all nations? Consider St. Thérèse of Lisieux and how in her hidden life that ended in 1897 at age 24, she became a doctor of the church, a patron of missions, and within the time of just one century is known practically throughout the whole world with a statue or image in many parishes. How can we keep calm in the storms of life, whether leading religious sisters, shepher
Oct 6, 6:22 PM
SimoneRobinson: Hi Dawn, Donna, Carol and Paula!
Oct 6, 6:22 PM
SimoneRobinson: Is Sister not coming tonight?
Oct 6, 6:22 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi!
Oct 6, 6:23 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Simone!
Oct 6, 6:23 PM
Paula (Guest): Hi Simone!
Oct 6, 6:26 PM
SimoneRobinson: I guess, you all do not know either – at least that’s how I interpret your silence to my question.
Oct 6, 6:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): Paula, Sr sent another one after this
Oct 6, 6:26 PM
Paula (Guest): Really
Oct 6, 6:27 PM
SimoneRobinson: I thought so too Dawn.. BUT.. I would just love to talk about the one on the hidden life.
Oct 6, 6:27 PM
SimoneRobinson: It is such a crucial factor in Salesian Spirituality.. well at least in the Spirituality of St. Jane de Chantal
Oct 6, 6:27 PM
Carol (Guest): I seem to still be missing from the list, can someone send today’s? The link is not in the blog
Oct 6, 6:27 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Simone, were trying to get the correct topic for tonight. well I dont make those decisions
Oct 6, 6:28 PM
SimoneRobinson: I send it to you Carol.. from what was sent out just 30 minutes ago
Oct 6, 6:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): carol I can forward the email I recieved
Oct 6, 6:29 PM
SimoneRobinson: Lol.. I do not make the decision either Dawn.. but if Sister cannot come tonight to the chat, I think we are free to choose our topic
Oct 6, 6:29 PM
SimoneRobinson: in good old Salesian inner freedom
Oct 6, 6:29 PM
SimoneRobinson: Hi Lori
Oct 6, 6:29 PM
Lori Hein: Hi all!
Oct 6, 6:29 PM
Carol (Guest): You did? I just checked and it has not arrived
Oct 6, 6:29 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi!
Oct 6, 6:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): just sent it Carol
Oct 6, 6:29 PM
SimoneRobinson: I am not sure if this is your first time here.. Usually we are very organized here.. Today is a bit different
Oct 6, 6:30 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Lori
Oct 6, 6:30 PM
SimoneRobinson: Oh.. bravo.. Sister is here!
Oct 6, 6:30 PM
SimoneRobinson: All confusion will leave now soon
Oct 6, 6:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes it is last weeks chat as website was being upgraded
Oct 6, 6:30 PM
Dawn (Guest): correct Simone …..thank goodness. Hi Sr Susan!
Oct 6, 6:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think Paula just posted the questions as a group above?
Oct 6, 6:31 PM
Paula (Guest): Hi Sr Susan!
Oct 6, 6:31 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi!
Oct 6, 6:31 PM
Paula (Guest): I think I missed a couple it truncated
Oct 6, 6:31 PM
SimoneRobinson: Hi Sister Susan. Thanks for giving last weeks topic still a chance
Oct 6, 6:31 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Sr. Susan
Oct 6, 6:32 PM
Paula (Guest): I did not receive the new topic
Oct 6, 6:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): it was the one you just put the questions up, for
Oct 6, 6:32 PM
Dawn (Guest): Simone, I appriecate you are such a good communicator….thank you!
Oct 6, 6:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): 1st q on the hidden life
Oct 6, 6:32 PM
SimoneRobinson: thanks Dawn.. How kind of you to say
Oct 6, 6:32 PM
SrSusan (Guest): What is the value of a hidden life?Does a hidden life stand in contradiction to the call to go out and preach the gospel to all nations?
Oct 6, 6:33 PM
Paula (Guest): humility, peace, anonymity
Oct 6, 6:33 PM
SimoneRobinson: is it ok.. if we explore a bit what we all understand as “hidden life”? I wonder if there are different ways to see this term
Oct 6, 6:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): sure yes
Oct 6, 6:34 PM
SimoneRobinson: it
Oct 6, 6:34 PM
SimoneRobinson: oops
Oct 6, 6:34 PM
Carol (Guest): Without those hidden in the monasteries praying for us, it would be harder for us to go,out
Oct 6, 6:34 PM
SimoneRobinson: it is tricky.. cause it seems so logical… but what is a “hidden life”?
Oct 6, 6:35 PM
SimoneRobinson: I see a “hidden life” as the life – that is absolutely invisible to others.. but very visible to GOD
Oct 6, 6:35 PM
SimoneRobinson: but not in a secretive way
Oct 6, 6:35 PM
SimoneRobinson: like “the hidden life of Jesus” before his baptism
Oct 6, 6:35 PM
Dawn (Guest): Yes Carol so true. their prayers holding world together right now
Oct 6, 6:35 PM
Lori Hein: I’m suddenly painfully aware in our chat about the hidden life that I’m the only one with my photo visible (because I logged in via Facebook)!
Oct 6, 6:35 PM
SrSusan (Guest): the standard meaning might be cloistered but it goes far deeper than that I think
Oct 6, 6:36 PM
SimoneRobinson: LOL – Lori.. I love that I can see your face
Oct 6, 6:36 PM
Carol (Guest): The hidden life is our life with Christ in the center of our being, where only
Christ can be
Oct 6, 6:36 PM
SimoneRobinson: oh.. Carol.. I love this
Oct 6, 6:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): an interior life is a hidden life, a rich interior life of communication with the Beloved
Oct 6, 6:36 PM
Paula (Guest): praying to God and not asking or seeking recognition from others for prayers answered
Oct 6, 6:36 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Lori…I dont think anyone noticed…. no worries
Oct 6, 6:36 PM
SimoneRobinson: oh.. now you are getting all the gems out.
Oct 6, 6:37 PM
Carol (Guest): And when we who are in the world libe from this center, we too hold the world together
Oct 6, 6:37 PM
SimoneRobinson: Carol, you are on a roll today
Oct 6, 6:37 PM
SimoneRobinson: I am so glad I asked you all.. the mosaic of your answers is so very rich
Oct 6, 6:38 PM
SimoneRobinson: I like “the communication with the Beloved” and also ” not asking or seeking for recognition
Oct 6, 6:38 PM
SimoneRobinson: these are such big key factors I think
Oct 6, 6:38 PM
Carol (Guest): Our gathering was this last few days. ;I couldn’t go, but I think The Spirit gathered us all, no matter where we were physically
Oct 6, 6:38 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes Carol
Oct 6, 6:38 PM
SimoneRobinson: I also think that two hidden lives can meet perfectly.. in fact..that’s how I picture the relationship between St. Francis and St. Jane
Oct 6, 6:39 PM
SimoneRobinson: thanks for giving space for that Sister.. now back.. to “what is the VALUE” of a hidden life
Oct 6, 6:39 PM
Paula (Guest): quietly listening to God, doing for God and accepting what God sends us
Oct 6, 6:40 PM
SimoneRobinson: it sounds a lot like what we understand as the “contemplative” life style Paula.. would you agree?
Oct 6, 6:40 PM
Carol (Guest): It is how (at least in part!) God acts through us
Oct 6, 6:40 PM
Paula (Guest): yes
Oct 6, 6:41 PM
SimoneRobinson: I think.. our hidden life is so important our spiritual growth – growing closer to HIM.. coming closer to “His chamber”
Oct 6, 6:41 PM
Paula (Guest): a “spousal” sort of relationship with God
Oct 6, 6:41 PM
SimoneRobinson: now.. the difference between a hidden life and the contemplative life.. might be.. that a hidden life can be lived anywhere.. in any form of vocation.. but a contemplative life is usually lived in silence mostly
Oct 6, 6:42 PM
SimoneRobinson: correct me.. if I am wrong.. I am just thinking out loud here
Oct 6, 6:42 PM
SimoneRobinson: yes Paula.. the beautiful spousal relationship with our groom
Oct 6, 6:43 PM
Carol (Guest): Mostly I think, but our domestic expression is called to cloister innour own individual homes
Oct 6, 6:43 PM
SimoneRobinson: I guess.. I answered the second part of the question unknowingly above
Oct 6, 6:43 PM
SimoneRobinson: when you say “our”… you mean your order, right Carol?
Oct 6, 6:43 PM
Paula (Guest): I think the contemplative life is a hidden life
Oct 6, 6:43 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, sorry
Oct 6, 6:44 PM
SimoneRobinson: Is it OK to say.. that the contemplative life is ” one form” of a hidden life?
Oct 6, 6:44 PM
Paula (Guest): yes
Oct 6, 6:45 PM
SimoneRobinson: I think the “real love” is mostly happening in the “hidden places”
Oct 6, 6:45 PM
SimoneRobinson: I am speaking of spiritual love.. just to be sure
Oct 6, 6:45 PM
Dawn (Guest): I believe orders have specific rules and missions written so no one has to guess or speculate?
Oct 6, 6:46 PM
SimoneRobinson: by the way.. I have a book on my shelf called HIDDEN IN GOD.. ” Essays and talks on St. Jane de Chantal”
Oct 6, 6:46 PM
Dawn (Guest): maybe not missions.
Oct 6, 6:46 PM
SimoneRobinson: the book is by Elisabeth Stopp.. I just thought I mention it – if anyone is interested in reading up on that topic
Oct 6, 6:46 PM
SimoneRobinson: help! We lost Sister Susan!
Oct 6, 6:46 PM
Carol (Guest): What I have said–Beijing cloistered in my own home, is what I am called to
Oct 6, 6:47 PM
SimoneRobinson: Carol…. what does being cloistered in your own home look like?
Oct 6, 6:47 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you ~~~
Oct 6, 6:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): phone rang Superior from Snellville- had to take it
Oct 6, 6:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Thanks Simone for going to the value aspect
Oct 6, 6:48 PM
SimoneRobinson: no problem Sister.. I cannot see your name up there though
Oct 6, 6:48 PM
Carol (Guest): To live simply, in prayer and silence as much as possible
Oct 6, 6:48 PM
SimoneRobinson: Thanks Carol.. I know you live that very well
Oct 6, 6:49 PM
Carol (Guest): Except during hockey season, lo
Oct 6, 6:49 PM
SimoneRobinson: LOL
Oct 6, 6:49 PM
Dawn (Guest): haha
Oct 6, 6:49 PM
SrSusan (Guest): The hidden life keeps us close to the Lord, that quiet place within
Oct 6, 6:49 PM
SimoneRobinson: the inner chapel
Oct 6, 6:50 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
Oct 6, 6:50 PM
SimoneRobinson: I think Paula mentioned it before..
Oct 6, 6:50 PM
SimoneRobinson: but humility goes deeply with the hidden life I find
Oct 6, 6:50 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and it is not a contradiction to the Gospel, at least not according to St John Paul 11
Oct 6, 6:50 PM
SrSusan (Guest): He once said that adoration is a form of evangelization
Oct 6, 6:51 PM
SimoneRobinson: you mean a “contradiction to the bringing of the Gospel”
Oct 6, 6:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
Oct 6, 6:51 PM
SimoneRobinson: I think a strong and vibrant “hidden life” informs every spiritual gift. May it be evangelization, prayer, or even administration.. as it was in the case of St. Jane
Oct 6, 6:52 PM
SrSusan (Guest): there is a mystical way I guess in prayer of living that Gospel even if it is not directly
Oct 6, 6:52 PM
Carol (Guest): We can not bring what we do not have
Oct 6, 6:52 PM
Lori Hein: Can prayer in the hidden life for the conversion of souls be a form of evangelization?
Oct 6, 6:52 PM
SimoneRobinson: absolutely
Oct 6, 6:52 PM
Carol (Guest): I would,say yes
Oct 6, 6:52 PM
SimoneRobinson: Lori.. that is exactly what St. Therese did
Oct 6, 6:53 PM
SimoneRobinson: she is the patron Saint of missions – and hardly has left her cloister and in the end not even her bed
Oct 6, 6:53 PM
Dawn (Guest): helpful….”there is a mystical way I guess in prayer of living that Gospel even if it is not directly”
Oct 6, 6:54 PM
SimoneRobinson: the hidden life is for me the inner part – not the life style per se.
Oct 6, 6:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q How can we keep calm in the storms of life, whether leading religious sisters, shepherding a parish, or raising children?
Oct 6, 6:55 PM
SimoneRobinson: Jesus lived among people.. with his family – there was contact with other people.. in his “hidden years” – before it became publicly visible who HE was.. But He was already divine.. hidden in a simple life
Oct 6, 6:55 PM
SimoneRobinson: ok.. my answer is obviously not to that question lol
Oct 6, 6:55 PM
Paula (Guest): well, if you don’t have a peaceful, quiet exterior life…or demeanor it is kind of hard to keep a quiet hidden interior?
Oct 6, 6:55 PM
Carol (Guest): We can keep calm by remembering Jesus is in control
Oct 6, 6:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): sorry jumped the gun as they say
Oct 6, 6:56 PM
SimoneRobinson: it is hunting season here Sister.. so truly fitting
Oct 6, 6:57 PM
SimoneRobinson: retreating to the inner chapel helps me in a storm
Oct 6, 6:57 PM
SrSusan (Guest): true Carol and making that a mantra, repeating that truth to oneself, helps in anxiety sometimes
Oct 6, 6:57 PM
Dawn (Guest): I keep calm with prayer , Rosaries, spiritual reading. actually, surrender
Oct 6, 6:58 PM
SimoneRobinson: a hidden life is like an anchor.. that keeps that ship in place – so it is not washed away in the wide unknown ocean.. when the high waves hit
Oct 6, 6:58 PM
Paula (Guest): we can keep calm by surrendering to the will of God. to His good pleasure and providence
Oct 6, 6:58 PM
SimoneRobinson: and we can keep calm – when we remind ourselves, that nothing will destroy us. We are safe in our sufferings
Oct 6, 6:58 PM
Paula (Guest): He’s in charge and has the best solutions
Oct 6, 6:59 PM
Lori Hein: I’m currently awaiting a literal storm (Hurricane Milton) to hit and taking comfort in Phil. 4, to have no anxiety in anything. God is good and he strengthens us to endure all hardships through His great love and grace.
Oct 6, 6:59 PM
Carol (Guest): I will pray for you Lori
Oct 6, 6:59 PM
Paula (Guest): We must trust in His providence and will as SFDS writes in the Treatist
Oct 6, 6:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes we will
Oct 6, 7:00 PM
SimoneRobinson: oh Lori.. how scary.. I am so sorry to hear that. May your house and all you love be protected
Oct 6, 7:00 PM
Dawn (Guest): Lori, what town do you live? if you want to say
Oct 6, 7:00 PM
Dawn (Guest): or general area
Oct 6, 7:00 PM
Lori Hein: Thank you. I live in a town called Trinity (I know!) northeast of Clearwater. 11 miles from the coast. Please pray especially for those on the coast who have already lost so much from Helene.
Oct 6, 7:01 PM
SrSusan (Guest): oh yes
Oct 6, 7:01 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q If God “deigns to take care of you” why should we also accept suffering and abjection? How does this not damage His title as Father?
Oct 6, 7:01 PM
Donna (Guest): Praying
Oct 6, 7:01 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes, thank you….
Oct 6, 7:02 PM
SimoneRobinson: By allowing suffering and abjection – he is not abandoning Fatherhood – cause a good Father allows everything in the child’s life that leads it to the best version of life ever. And suffering does help us to grow into that what we are truly supposed to be.. by shedding a lot unnecessary things
Oct 6, 7:03 PM
Lori Hein: Even our trials serve to strengthen us. God does not allow anything into our lives that does not ultimately benefit us. Even if we should lose a lot physically, the greater benefit outweighs what is lost.
Oct 6, 7:03 PM
Carol (Guest): Its so complicated, Sr. He gives us all good, and asks us to,take up our crosses and follow,Him
Oct 6, 7:03 PM
Paula (Guest): God shows His love for us by the cross…we should love Him in return
Oct 6, 7:03 PM
SimoneRobinson: I think the problem is that we define :good” for our life different than GOd does
Oct 6, 7:04 PM
Paula (Guest): we accept good things as Job says…should we also not accept the ill
Oct 6, 7:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes we cannot always discern what is good for our soul
Oct 6, 7:05 PM
Donna (Guest): It is a mystery suffering yet it makes God even more deeply FATHER
Oct 6, 7:05 PM
Carol (Guest): So we trust the One who sees the whole picture
Oct 6, 7:05 PM
SimoneRobinson: oh Donna.. I love that
Oct 6, 7:05 PM
Paula (Guest): yes…even the bad it seems can bring out goodness
Oct 6, 7:06 PM
Donna (Guest): Simone thank you for the encouragement do you experience that too? Everyone?
Oct 6, 7:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): can you expand on that a little
Oct 6, 7:08 PM
Carol (Guest): Donna, yes I do
Oct 6, 7:08 PM
Donna (Guest): Yet we are so happy when we are spared tragedy yet nothing else makes us more like Christ or more close to Him
Oct 6, 7:08 PM
SimoneRobinson: I also think I know what you mean Donna
Oct 6, 7:08 PM
SimoneRobinson: so true Donna
Oct 6, 7:08 PM
SimoneRobinson: This truth has also changed my prayers
Oct 6, 7:08 PM
Donna (Guest): I cry inside it has changed me forever
Oct 6, 7:09 PM
Donna (Guest): It changed the Saints
Oct 6, 7:09 PM
Carol (Guest): The Gift of Tears
Oct 6, 7:09 PM
Donna (Guest): It detaches us from the world
Oct 6, 7:09 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes Carol
Oct 6, 7:10 PM
SimoneRobinson: see Donna.. that is for me the “hidden life” what you are describing
Oct 6, 7:10 PM
Donna (Guest): It attaches us to Christ more and more
Oct 6, 7:10 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes the hidden unknown to man but known to God
Oct 6, 7:10 PM
SimoneRobinson: exsctly
Oct 6, 7:10 PM
SimoneRobinson: oops.. exactly
Oct 6, 7:11 PM
Paula (Guest): We must be crucified interiorly with Him
Oct 6, 7:11 PM
Donna (Guest): Ye
Oct 6, 7:11 PM
SimoneRobinson: yes..
Oct 6, 7:11 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes
Oct 6, 7:11 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and that interior suffering was the worst pains Jesus had it is said
Oct 6, 7:12 PM
SimoneRobinson: could that be what Jane called ” martyrdom of love”?
Oct 6, 7:12 PM
Paula (Guest): Yes, bearing all insults and heartaches and saying nothing
Oct 6, 7:12 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes when one is torn from one’s own self, good point
Oct 6, 7:13 PM
Donna (Guest): Is the greatest cry of our heart to love like our Lord crucified
Oct 6, 7:13 PM
SimoneRobinson: “torn from one’s own self”….. wow.. and ouch.. I can feel that pain.. just by reading it.. but I can feel at the same time.. the enormous freedom that comes with it
Oct 6, 7:13 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes the freedom!
Oct 6, 7:13 PM
Donna (Guest): To love without limits
Oct 6, 7:14 PM
Paula (Guest): not just having the pain but forgiving with love despite the pain
Oct 6, 7:14 PM
SimoneRobinson: all giving love – all emptying love
Oct 6, 7:14 PM
Carol (Guest): To give without cost or care
Oct 6, 7:14 PM
Donna (Guest): God is love love is stronger than hate unforginess
Oct 6, 7:15 PM
Donna (Guest): Unforgiveness
Oct 6, 7:15 PM
Donna (Guest): Even our thoughts must confirm
Oct 6, 7:15 PM
Paula (Guest): God’s love is so immense…it puts you to sleep
Oct 6, 7:16 PM
Donna (Guest): The spiritual struggle through Christ
Oct 6, 7:16 PM
Donna (Guest): Romans 8
Oct 6, 7:16 PM
Carol (Guest): YesPaula
Oct 6, 7:16 PM
Paula (Guest): St. Gertrude as well as Our Lady died of the love of God
Oct 6, 7:17 PM
Donna (Guest): All the Saints have this
Oct 6, 7:17 PM
Donna (Guest): It overcomes the evil one
Oct 6, 7:17 PM
SimoneRobinson: I must read St. Gertrude’s biography one day. I only know bits and pieces
Oct 6, 7:17 PM
Donna (Guest): God’s love is stronger than anything that comes against us
Oct 6, 7:18 PM
SimoneRobinson: God’s love is literally life
Oct 6, 7:18 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes!
Oct 6, 7:19 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think we covered the last q questions earlier but I will post them
Oct 6, 7:19 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Is it possible to take the saint’s words encouraging St. Jane de Chantal to adopt a “complete repose in him” to apply to a layman living in the world? Could you practice these virtues and remain hidden in God amidst a busy secular life?
Oct 6, 7:20 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes!
Oct 6, 7:20 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, and it is possible to live that way
Oct 6, 7:20 PM
SimoneRobinson: My experience is that a BUSY life is not really compatible with a strong hidden life.
Oct 6, 7:20 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes Simone!
Oct 6, 7:20 PM
Paula (Guest): not necessarily
Oct 6, 7:21 PM
Carol (Guest): Not if the busy-Ness pulls us away from Him
Oct 6, 7:21 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes Carol!
Oct 6, 7:21 PM
SimoneRobinson: I think a rule of life well lived is utterly important then
Oct 6, 7:21 PM
Paula (Guest): my GodMother had 12 children…very busy…but very composed
Oct 6, 7:21 PM
Dawn (Guest): depends on the grace he gives you to do so
Oct 6, 7:21 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes true Dawn
Oct 6, 7:21 PM
Paula (Guest): she always surrender to God and His providence
Oct 6, 7:22 PM
Lori Hein: Even with a job, family, activities, etc., one must always set aside time for silence when we’re open to God. Takes discipline, for sure.
Oct 6, 7:22 PM
SimoneRobinson: interestingly – it seems that the tasks of motherhood . although challenging.. give space to dwell in the hidden life mostly
Oct 6, 7:22 PM
Paula (Guest): and always said as St. Francis says…God is in charge and she lived by it
Oct 6, 7:22 PM
Carol (Guest): It is the Little Way
Oct 6, 7:22 PM
SimoneRobinson: I had directees who did so well – developing a hidden life.. as soon as they started to work 40 hours minimum outside of the house – their interior life suffered greatly
Oct 6, 7:23 PM
SimoneRobinson: mind you.. they did not have a solid foundation of a hidden life. they were just in the process of developing it
Oct 6, 7:23 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that is a key statement
Oct 6, 7:23 PM
Carol (Guest): Because add all the commute time it becomes more lime 58 to 60 hours and you’re exhausted
Oct 6, 7:24 PM
Donna (Guest): Very true
Oct 6, 7:24 PM
SimoneRobinson: I think that people who are dedicated to a hidden life.. do not choose a BUSY life
Oct 6, 7:24 PM
Donna (Guest): True
Oct 6, 7:24 PM
SimoneRobinson: maybe busy seasons or phases.. but not a busy life
Oct 6, 7:24 PM
Dawn (Guest): the solid foundation you mean Sr?
Oct 6, 7:24 PM
Lori Hein: I feel stuck in my busy life and long for a life of contemplation. It can be frustrating.
Oct 6, 7:24 PM
Paula (Guest): if you make the time for it no matter how busy you are you will live it
Oct 6, 7:25 PM
Paula (Guest): you have to make time for God
Oct 6, 7:25 PM
SimoneRobinson: I hear you Lori. do not be discouraged at all. Maybe you can try to make little contemplative oasis in your daily life?
Oct 6, 7:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes if one has developed the foundation well it may not be as threatened in busy ness
Oct 6, 7:25 PM
Paula (Guest): He has to be the priority
Oct 6, 7:25 PM
Donna (Guest): Amen!
Oct 6, 7:25 PM
Carol (Guest): Well, except maybe me Simone, lol
Oct 6, 7:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): my battery is closing. thank you for insightful chat….God bless and goodnight
Oct 6, 7:26 PM
SimoneRobinson: If I have a really busy season.. I try to connect – and really connect – with God every 3 hours.. that keeps my head over the water
Oct 6, 7:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Thanks Dawn for being here and sharing!
Oct 6, 7:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): thanks Sr
Oct 6, 7:26 PM
Donna (Guest): Good night Dawn!
Oct 6, 7:26 PM
SimoneRobinson: Carol – I do not know your job too well – but I also know that your hidden life is well established
Oct 6, 7:26 PM
SimoneRobinson: bye Dawn
Oct 6, 7:26 PM
Carol (Guest): Lori, it is possible. Do you have a set time for prayer?
Oct 6, 7:26 PM
Paula (Guest): Say the direction of intention in all your tasks
Oct 6, 7:27 PM
SimoneRobinson: one of the best prayers of all times
Oct 6, 7:27 PM
Paula (Guest): Good night all
Oct 6, 7:27 PM
Lori Hein: I can usually devote at least an hour in the morning to prayer and contemplation, then super busy all day with my 9-5 and with ministries at church, then crash at night.
Oct 6, 7:27 PM
SimoneRobinson: Good night Paula
Oct 6, 7:27 PM
Donna (Guest): Good night Paula!
Oct 6, 7:27 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Blessings Paula!
Oct 6, 7:28 PM
SimoneRobinson: Lori.. that does sound full.. an hour in the morning is great for prayer. Any chance you can meet the LORD at lunch time intentionally too?
Oct 6, 7:28 PM
Carol (Guest): Maybe add a short period mat night? Using the night prayer from liturgy if the hours
Oct 6, 7:28 PM
Carol (Guest): Good night Paula
Oct 6, 7:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and sometimes just BE STill and know that HE is God
Oct 6, 7:29 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes!
Oct 6, 7:29 PM
SimoneRobinson: most of all.. seek the Lord in your desire for a contemplative life. What is feeding this desire? If the Lord feeds this desire .. he will make it happen – just watch out for His cues
Oct 6, 7:29 PM
Lori Hein: I usually pray the evening prayer from the LOH and go to Adoration when I can, once or twice a week after work. But I long for much more.
Oct 6, 7:30 PM
SimoneRobinson: What do you expect to be different Lori – if you would live a more contemplative life?
Oct 6, 7:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Now is my time for night prayer. Have a grace filled wekk, everyone!
Oct 6, 7:30 PM
Carol (Guest): Sometimes I think to ask which activity I can do without
Oct 6, 7:30 PM
Lori Hein: But I know He’s in control and His plans for me will come to fruition if I can open nmyself to Him teaching me patience and trust.
Oct 6, 7:30 PM
Carol (Guest): Thank you Sr Susan
Oct 6, 7:30 PM
SimoneRobinson: absolutely Lori
Oct 6, 7:31 PM
Donna (Guest): Good night Sr Susan thank you!
Oct 6, 7:31 PM
SimoneRobinson: it seems you have learned a lot already at His feet Lori
Oct 6, 7:31 PM
Carol (Guest): You are making progress Lori. Do,you have a spiritual counselor?
Oct 6, 7:31 PM
SimoneRobinson: Bye Sr. Susan
Oct 6, 7:32 PM
Lori Hein: I just started spiritual direction, yes.
Oct 6, 7:32 PM
SimoneRobinson: oh wonderful.. I hope there is space to bring that to Spiritual Direction.
Oct 6, 7:33 PM
SimoneRobinson: I have to leave now too. I wish you all a truly blessed week. Stay safe Lori!
Oct 6, 7:33 PM
Lori Hein: Thanks so much. Have a great week!
Oct 6, 7:33 PM
Carol (Guest): Your director will help you find your path
Oct 6, 7:33 PM
Donna (Guest): Bye Simone,Carol, Lori!
Oct 6, 7:33 PM
Lori Hein: Good night, all!

Oct 6, 7:33 PM
Carol (Guest): Have a ggod week Simone. I will pray for Trinity and for you Lori