St. Francis mentions the experience of Mary Magdelene being physically close to Jesus on the cross yet feeling so distant. While that example is more obvious, how is it able to happen in our life that we become so distant from those in our life?What does it mean to have a clean heart?St. Francis suggests to his reader, a widow, to stay in the background. Is this to prevent pride or selfishness? Might this advice apply to us in some way?St. Francis says in the letter: “Do not keep such an anxious and watchfu
: watchful eye on yourself.” Yet we are told to examine our consciences and try to eradicate sin from our lives. How do we find the balance?We are often told to “not be anxious,” but how do we actually do this?Why is it important to put aside time for relaxation of body and mind?
Oct 17, 10:09 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat Oct 20 730pm est
Oct 17, 10:09 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat

Newsletter for Sun Chat Oct 20 | Visitation Spirit
Oct 17, 10:10 AM
Oct 20, 7:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St. Francis mentions the experience of Mary Magdelene being physically close to Jesus on the cross yet feeling so distant. While that example is more obvious, how is it able to happen in our life that we become so distant from those in our life
Oct 20, 7:27 PM
Dawn (Guest): from those in our life, like famiy?
Oct 20, 7:27 PM
Paula (Guest): because we talk to them but don’t really talk about what matters
Oct 20, 7:28 PM
Dawn (Guest): golden answer Paula….my experience as well
Oct 20, 7:28 PM
Paula (Guest): we don’t share our feelings, difficulties or faith life
Oct 20, 7:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): It is so, when we live in Christ it is not possible to really connect to them..
Oct 20, 7:29 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes true
Oct 20, 7:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): and it affects all. how we perceive the world , situations…
Oct 20, 7:30 PM
Donna (Guest): Using caution, being careful
vct 20, 7:30 PM
Paula (Guest): and sometimes people don’t want to talk about controversial subjects
Oct 20, 7:30 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes
Oct 20, 7:31 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes
ct 20, 7:30 PM
Paula (Guest): and sometimes people don’t want to talk about controversial subjects
Oct 20, 7:30 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes
Oct 20, 7:31 PM
Dawn (Guest): yesct 20, 7:30 PM
Paula (Guest): and sometimes people don’t want to talk about controversial subjects
Oct 20, 7:30 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes
Oct 20, 7:31 PM
Dawn (Guest): yesVct 20, 7:30 PM
Paula (Guest): and sometimes people don’t want to talk about controversial subjects
Oct 20, 7:30 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes
Oct 20, 7:31 PM
Dawn (Guest): yesOct 20, 7:33 PM
Dawn (Guest): If any one comes to me and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brother and sisters, yes, even his own life, he cannot be my disciple.”
Oct 20, 7:33 PM
Paula (Guest): if you are afraid to talk due to potential controversy how can you learn or understand another’s ideas
ct 20, 7:30 PMOct 20, 7:34 PM
Donna (Guest): You’re right
Oct 20, 7:34 PM
Donna (Guest): Ask God for wisdom firstOct 20, 7:35 PM
Donna (Guest): It can be done, my husband is really good at it
Oct 20, 7:35 PM
Paula (Guest): it’s all part of spreading the gospel
Oct 20, 7:35 PM
Donna (Guest): He has that gift
Oct 20, 7:35 PM
Donna (Guest): God gives the grace you just know when it’s the right time
Oct 20, 7:36 PM
Donna (Guest): Prayer sets the ground work
Oct 20, 7:36 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Lori
Oct 20, 7:36 PM
Donna (Guest): Hi Lori!
Oct 20, 7:36 PM
Lori (Guest): Hi everyone!
Oct 20, 7:36 PM
Paula (Guest): hi Lori!
Oct 20, 7:37 PM
Donna (Guest): A good witness always speaks the loudest
Oct 20, 7:37 PM
Donna (Guest): All to Jesus through MaryOct 20, 7:37 PMDawn (Guest): The Holy Spirit, when it is a good time to speak the Spirit leads us
ct 20, 7:38 PM
Donna (Guest): Love and compassion empathy yes come Holy Ghost!
Oct 20, 7:38 PM
Dawn (Guest): The Spirit of Truth also comes
Oct 20, 7:38 PM
Donna (Guest): We are a walking Bible
Oct 20, 7:38 PM
Donna (Guest): We have Jesus living in us
Oct 20, 7:39 PM
Donna (Guest): Body, blood, soul and divinity
Oct 20, 7:39 PM
Donna (Guest): All glory to God
Oct 20, 7:40 PM
Donna (Guest): All men will know you are my disciples by your love for one another
Oct 20, 7:41 PM
Donna (Guest): Let your light so shine before men that they see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven
Oct 20, 7:41 PM
Donna (Guest): A candle set in a candle stick can not be hidOct 20, 7:41 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What does it mean to have a clean heart?
ct 20, 7:42 PM
Dawn (Guest): so the Q wa how is it able to happen in our life that we become so distant form those in our life? Im grateful for this topic tonight
Oct 20, 7:42 PM
Donna (Guest): State of Grace
Oct 20, 7:42 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes’ct 20, 7:43 PM
Paula (Guest): to purely love God alone
Oct 20, 7:43 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes
Oct 20, 7:43 PM
Dawn (Guest): Gods grace upon us
Oct 20, 7:43 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes
Oct 20, 7:43 PM
Donna (Guest): Innocent
Oct 20, 7:43 PM
Dawn (Guest): My love for family has moved to desiring the Salvation of their souls
Oct 20, 7:43 PM
Donna (Guest): YesOct 20, 7:44 PMPaula (Guest): That’s great Donna! We should all do that for everyone
6 onlinect 20, 7:44 PMPaula (Guest): including our enemies
ct 20, 7:45 PM
Donna (Guest): O dear Dawn made that beautiful comment
Oct 20, 7:45 PM
Donna (Guest): I agree Paula!
Oct 20, 7:46 PM
Paula (Guest): sorry …Dawn
Oct 20, 7:46 PM
Lori (Guest): I think one can have a clean heart by a desire to love God purely and with our whole hearts. We fail often but and it’s hard to achieve that kind of purity but the desire, prayer for God’s grace is I think what makes us clean in God’s eyes, perhaps.
Oct 20, 7:47 PM
Dawn (Guest): Our prayers for them brings Grace upon them, even if they dont realise it . one of my sons has begun reading Holy Scripture
Oct 20, 7:47 PMLori (Guest): I mean apart from Jesus’ saving work on the cross, obviously
ct 20, 7:47 PM
Paula (Guest): Great answer Lori!
Oct 20, 7:47 PM
Donna (Guest): Wow thanks for these great insights
ct 20, 7:48 PM
Donna (Guest): Very hope filled
Oct 20, 7:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Blessed are the pure of heart for they shall see God- Beatitude
Oct 20, 7:48 PM
Donna (Guest): It’s all Jesus
Oct 20, 7:48 PMDonna (Guest): Yes!
Oct 20, 7:49 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q St. Francis suggests to his reader, a widow, to stay in the background. Is this to prevent pride or selfishness? ‘
Oct 20, 7:49 PM
Donna (Guest): Maybe, but, she is fulfilling a new stage in her life
Oct 20, 7:50 PM
Donna (Guest): Doing what he did for herct 20, 7:51 PM
Donna (Guest): Sister when did St Francis die? Was he getting towards the end of his life?
Oct 20, 7:52 PM
Dawn (Guest): I take StF words as good advice. to stay in background, even hidden
Oct 20, 7:52 PM
SrSusan (Guest): He was 55 when he died in 1622
Oct 20, 7:53 PM
Dawn (Guest): he was young
Oct 20, 7:54 PMSrSusan (Guest): I think for allof us the need to grow in humility is there and maybe he was
ct 20, 7:54 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes, is St Francis the patron saint of spiritual directors?
Oct 20, 7:55 PM
Donna (Guest): He is so good
Oct 20, 7:55 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you
Oct 20, 7:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Good question I am not sure about that but he was a goodone himself
Oct 20, 7:55 PM
Paula (Guest): I could use one now
Oct 20, 7:55 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes, It is as if he is directing all of us here!
Oct 20, 7:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): He does
Oct 20, 7:56 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes!!!
Oct 20, 7:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): but I just saw St Ephrem is the patron of spiritual directors
Oct 20, 7:56 PM
Donna (Guest): Ok thanks
ct 20, 7:57 PM
Donna (Guest): Was St Jane ok with his advice?
Oct 20, 7:57 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and St Francis does answer questions if you use his letters or writings
Oct 20, 7:57 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Oh yes very much so her first director did not know how toleadher but St Francis did
Oct 20, 7:57 PM
Donna (Guest): Was St Jane ok with his advice?
Oct 20, 7:57 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and St Francis does answer questions if you use his letters or writings
Oct 20, 7:57 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Oh yes very much so her first director did not know how toleadher but St Francis did
Oct 20, 7:57 PM
Paula (Guest): lot’s of helpful topics
Oct 20, 7:58 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes I remember reading that!
Oct 20, 7:58 PM
Donna (Guest): Thank you for reminding me
Oct 20, 7:58 PM
Donna (Guest): The gentleman Saint
Oct 20, 7:58 PM
Donna (Guest): Sister is it true he had to overcome a bad temper?
Oct 20, 7:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes he said so himself but he corrected it
Oct 20, 7:59 PM
Donna (Guest): I heard a quote that his blood boiled over anger
Oct 20, 7:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes he said so himself but he corrected it
Oct 20, 7:59 PM
Donna (Guest): I heard a quote that his blood boiled over anger
Oct 20, 7:59 PM
Donna (Guest): I appreciate his honesty how long did it take
Oct 20, 7:59 PM
Donna (Guest): ?
Oct 20, 8:00 PM
Donna (Guest): By God’s grace
Oct 20, 8:00 PM
SrSusan (Guest): that’s howhe felt
Oct 20, 8:00 PM
SrSusan (Guest): his wholelife probably
ct 20, 8:01 PMSrSusan (Guest): held himselfin no doubt prayed for assistance from God
ct 20, 8:01 PM
Donna (Guest): Thanks
Oct 20, 8:01 PM
Paula (Guest): Probably with Spiritual Combat….a book he used to carry
Oct 20, 8:01 PM
SrSusan (Guest): goodpoint
Oct 20, 8:01 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes I have it too!
Oct 20, 8:02 PM
Dawn (Guest): good idea
Oct 20, 8:02 PM
Donna (Guest): What a comfort to know!
Oct 20, 8:03 PM
Paula (Guest): What question are we on?
Oct 20, 8:03 PMDonna (Guest): 3!
ct 20, 8:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): no this is a new one now
Oct 20, 8:05 PM
Donna (Guest): Ok thanks
Oct 20, 8:06 PM
Dawn (Guest): Jesus tells us apart from him we can do nothing,
Oct 20, 8:06 PM
Dawn (Guest): the place to begin
Oct 20, 8:06 PM
Donna (Guest): Trust in Jesus
Oct 20, 8:07 PM
Paula (Guest): it’s difficult not to be scrupulous
Oct 20, 8:07 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes!
Oct 20, 8:07 PM
Dawn (Guest): anxiety is a spiritual disorder , Fulton Sheen
Oct 20, 8:08 PM
Lori (Guest): Ultimately, while we’re to participate in God’s grace in our lives to eradicate sin, it’s only through His power that we can and so we must remember His love and mercy. He knows we’re but dust.
Oct 20, 8:08 PM
SrSusan (Guest): always keep a balance by trusting in the Lord
Oct 20, 8:08 PM
Lori (Guest): I sometimes struggle with scruples, too. Need to remind myself of that a lot.
Oct 20, 8:09 PMPaula (Guest): anxiety is more than a spiritual disorder. it is part of every life
20, 8:09 PMDonna (Guest): Fallen nature…
Oct 20, 8:10 PM
Donna (Guest): Confession is so helpful
Oct 20, 8:10 PM
Donna (Guest): Grace comes
Oct 20, 8:10 PM
Donna (Guest): To begin again
Oct 20, 8:10 PM
Donna (Guest): I want to love you Lord
Oct 20, 8:11 PMSrSusan (Guest): St Francis cautions alot against anxiety
Oct 20, 8:11 PM
SrSusan (Guest): St Francis cautions alot against anxiety
Oct 20, 8:12 PM
Paula (Guest): so does Jesus
Oct 20, 8:12 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes
Oct 20, 8:12 PMDonna (Guest): Fear is useless what is needed is trust
Oct 20, 8:12 PM
Paula (Guest): I think the surrender prayer is the answer
Oct 20, 8:12 PM
Donna (Guest): That’s beautiful
Oct 20, 8:13 PM
Paula (Guest): plus trusting in God’s will
Oct 20, 8:13 PM
Donna (Guest): This is really good! I need it so badly.
Oct 20, 8:14 PM
Paula (Guest): it’s a real struggle though….Gethsemani
Oct 20, 8:14 PM
SrSusan (Guest): is there aplaceto find the surrender prayer
Oct 20, 8:14 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes all over the Internet
Oct 20, 8:14 PM
Paula (Guest): Most churches have pamplets
Oct 20, 8:15 PMSrSusan (Guest): q We are often told to “not be anxious,” but how do we actually do this?Why is it important to put aside time for relaxation of body and mind?
Oct 20, 8:16 PMDonna (Guest): I was told to meditate daily (authentic Catholic mental prayer)
20, 8:16 PM
Paula (Guest): pray…pray always….that’s what relaxes me
Oct 20, 8:17 PM
Donna (Guest): Also a healthy interest/hobby
Oct 20, 8:17 PM
Donna (Guest): But God in all things
Oct 20, 8:17 PM
Donna (Guest): And God first
ct 20, 8:17 PM
Paula (Guest): the rosary as a meditation or time in front of the Blessed Sacrament
Oct 20, 8:17 PM
Lori (Guest): What helps me most is taking my mind off myself and focusing on God or on those around me. Maybe part of the reason St. Francis said to not keep “such an anxious and watchful eye on yourself.”
Oct 20, 8:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): true
Oct 20, 8:18 PM
Lori (Guest): We can get so wrapped up in our own thoughts and feelings. Sometimes we need to just surrender it to God and trust Him to take of it and of us.
Oct 20, 8:18 PMDonna (Guest): That’s good
Oct 20, 8:18 PM
Donna (Guest): I’m going to try to do the surrender novena
Oct 20, 8:18 PM
Paula (Guest): keeping busy on other things
Oct 20, 8:19 PM
Donna (Guest): Yes
Oct 20, 8:19 PM
Lori (Guest): I did a quick Google search and there are lots of Surrender Prayers out there it seems. Is there a particular one that’s most helpful that you can share? Or mention of its author?
Oct 20, 8:20 PM
Donna (Guest): It was a priest close to padre pio
Oct 20, 8:20 PM
Donna (Guest): It was given to me as a penenace years ago
Oct 20, 8:20 PM
Donna (Guest): Spelling
Oct 20, 8:21 PM
Paula (Guest): Fr. Donlindo Ruotolo
Oct 20, 8:21 PMDonna (Guest): Yes!
Oct 20, 8:22 PM
Lori (Guest): Thanks!

The Surrender Prayer by Fr. Dolindo Ruotolo Changed EVERYTHING – The Catechism Guy
Oct 20, 8:22 PM
Donna (Guest): Thank you!
Oct 20, 8:22 PM
Paula (Guest): Well, I gotta go…Have a good week all!
Oct 20, 8:22 PM
Donna (Guest): Bye Paula you too!
Oct 20, 8:22 PM
Lori (Guest): Thanks, you too Paula!
Oct 20, 8:25 PM
Dawn (Guest): thank you all. have a good week….May Jesus reign! (stFDeSales
Oct 20, 8:25 PM
Donna (Guest): God bless you Sister and everyone!
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Oct 20, 7:49 PM
