with Sister Francoise Therese Martin (Leonie), Visitandine, Sister of St Therese of Liseux

Sunday December 1, 2024
” What do we wish for each other, if not the love which became incarnate with the Son of God to set all hearts ablaze.
The earth is therefore already Heaven, since Jesus is there with us; a little Child is born to us, a Son is given to us.”
(Sr. Francoise Therese Martin, Monastery of Caen, 1919, to her sisters at Carmel)
Source: Carmelite website
Monday Dec 2
“Indeed are not our hearts chalices into which the grain of wheat falls each morning in a line of fire which nourishes our souls to immortality, in truth we have nothing to envy, even to the Virgin Mary our divine Mother, since her Jesus is our brother, born in us and conceived there.”
(Sr. Francoise Therese Martin, Monastery of Caen, 1919, to her sisters at Carmel)
Source: Carmelite website
Tuesday Dec 3
“..let us..breathe in the pure air of our true Fatherland near the cradle of our beloved God, what wishes sweeter..than love can we exchange among ourselves, since everything is summed up in this single word Love! and He alone remains eternally because He is the Incarnate Word who brought fire from heaven to earth to burn all souls and make as many braziers as there are hearts.”
Correspondences Archive — Page 71 of 356 — Archives of the Carmel of Lisieux
Wednesday Dec 4
” Ah! if men..understood the Love in this adorable and lovable little Child who stretches out His arms to us in His manger as He will do later on the Cross, earth would already be Heaven.”
Thursday Dec 5
” I was entering Advent with a very heavy heart, when your letter and your delicious Christmas poetry arrived very timely to comfort me. ..here are my retirement resolutions: By rigorously keeping my eyes modest, I would no longer be tempted to occupy myself with what does not concern me and on the other hand this continual mortification which will keep me perfectly united with Our Lord, making me gentle and humble of heart like Him, I will no longer be inclined to judge my dear neighbor unfavorably, since I no longer want to see anything, nor meddle in anything, but apply myself only to pleasing my Beloved. This is how my life will be all hidden in God with Jesus Christ and that, like my dear Therese(my ideal saint) I will be able to say: “Since I have never sought myself, I lead the happiest life one can see.” You have broken my bonds Lord, I will offer you a sacrifice of praise and I will call on your name.”
(Sr. Francoise Therese to Mother Agnes of Jesus , 1920)
Friday Dec 6
” What a delicious celebration is the advent of our divine little King of love on this miserable earth. He begs all hearts, but alas! very few respond to His misunderstood..love, it is an infernal hatred that reigns supreme in all nations, all walks of life, it is enough to shed tears of blood. Also, let us be happy to live, let us give to our Beloved our old age, our helplessness, all our miseries, since He chooses everything and only then, will we be able to console Him compensate Him, said our seraphic Therese, my only happiness is to love you.”
( Sr Francoise Therese to her 3 Sisters in Carmel, Dec 1939)
Saturday Dec 7
” Since it pleases the good Lord that we find ourselves again on this sad earth on this beautiful Christmas holiday, it is because no doubt He wants it that way and above all, we only love His holy will, we are happy with whatever pleases Him. So my most fraternally affectionate wishes are offered to you by the Heart of Jesus of our unique Love, Jesus being born in the host who nourishes us every day; without Him what would become of us? exile is already heaven, awaiting the eternal face-to-face which fortunately cannot be long in coming at our age.”
(Sr Francoise Therese to her 3 Sisters at Carmel)