Why is it significant for a pope to remind us that God loves us? Isn’t that simply a basic tenant of our faith?What is “the heart”?Why is it important to rediscover the importance of the heart?Why is it essential to move at the rhythm of God’s desires for our lives instead of the impulsive “click now,” “scroll more,” “buy now” push from our culture?What does it mean that God has a heart, a Sacred Heart?Paragraph 8 above is an exercise in self-knowledge, of discernment of how we are living our lives. How do
Nov 1, 6:43 AM
SrSusan (Guest): How do you think this will mesh with the discussion later on about the Sacred Heart? See the encyclical, Dilexit Nos.
Sign up for our Living Jesus Chat Room:Come to our Living Jesus Chat Room, 7:30 PM to 8:30 PM Eastern Time U.S.
Nov 1, 6:44 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat https://visitationspirit.org/2024/10/newsletter-for-sunday-chat-nov-3-on-new-sacred-heart-encyclical/

Newsletter for Sunday Chat Nov 3 On New Sacred Heart Encyclical | Visitation Spirit
Nov 3, 4:31 PM
Kim (Guest): Hello Sister, so good to be here!
Nov 3, 4:31 PM
SrSusan (Guest): We talking tonight about the Sacred Heart encyclical that just came out
Nov 3, 4:32 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hi Sr and Kim..amd viewer
Nov 3, 4:33 PM
Kim (Guest): Yes that’s why I am here. I have a devotion to the Sacred Heart and lead retreats on it! Hi Dawn!
Nov 3, 4:33 PM
SrSusan (Guest): wonderful!
Nov 3, 4:36 PM
SrSusan (Guest): first q Why is it significant for a pope to remind us that God loves us? Isn’t that simply a basic tenant of our faith
Nov 3, 4:36 PM
Nov 3, 4:38 PM
SImone (Guest): Well.. we always have to keep the foundation in front of our eyes.
Nov 3, 4:38 PM
Kim (Guest): Yes I’m happy too…give me your email or email me at kim@fourcoeurs.org
Nov 3, 4:38 PM
Dawn (Guest): good to be surrounded by others during this time
ov 3, 4:39 PM
Dawn (Guest): leading the faithful is what a Pope is called to
Nov 3, 4:40 PM
SImone (Guest): I think that people often interpret suffering as ” not being loved by GOD” or failings in the church.. as “non loving”/. therefore it is good to be reminded that GOD loves us.
Nov 3, 4:40 PM
SImone (Guest): I am just a little bit concerned that we have twisted the word “love” so brutally in North America that we do not even get the gift that GOD is offering to us
Nov 3, 4:41 PM
SrSusan (Guest): My thought was that there are such huge offenses against God today and people deep down know it but dare not approach God for reconciliation. Emphasizing His Love may help them get to reconciliation
Nov 3, 4:41 PM
Dawn (Guest): Yes Simone, love covers so much….food, a new outfit etc
Nov 3, 4:42 PMKim (Guest): I believe it’s so important to remember the personal relationship with God… it’s easy to get wrapped up in day to day life and just add God as a check box, I see that so much today… I am so happy the Pope reminds us Gods love is the purpose of everything we do, not a checklist!
Nov 3, 4:42 PM
SImone (Guest): yes – His Love is indeed a Sacred Invitation to come back
Nov 3, 4:42 PM
SImone (Guest): like the prodigal son
ov 3, 4:43 PMKim (Guest): Yes such a beautiful invitation
Nov 3, 4:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): usually one needs to point out the errors of someone’s way but maybe Love will point it out
Nov 3, 4:44 PM
Dawn (Guest): I think of Mother Angelica, always mentions Jesus loves you
Nov 3, 4:45 PM
Dawn (Guest): Love does convict our hearts
Nov 3, 4:45 PM
SImone (Guest): I always liked that GOD IS LOVE.. which is so much more than just GOD LOVES YOU.. By being love…we understand that God has no alternative..he IS love.. so only love is the way he can connect to us.
Nov 3, 4:47 PM
Kim (Guest): This encyclical emphasizes the relevancy for our times
Nov 3, 4:47 PM
Guest (Guest): Also Divine Mercy is so important.
Nov 3, 4:47 PM
SImone (Guest): I think the Sacred Heart – or what it stands for – has always been the centre of the Gospel… \
Nov 3, 4:47 PM
SrSusan (Guest): do you think this encyclical can lead to an experience of God’s Love? That is what it will take in some instances
Nov 3, 4:47 PMDawn (Guest): Divine Mercy Chaplet and Rosary everyday
Nov 3, 4:48 PMDawn (Guest): God is the one that calls us, tho those around us can be useful in this calling
ov 3, 4:48 PM
SImone (Guest): Sister.. are you asking if someone – who reads this encyclical will experience God’s love?
Nov 3, 4:48 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
ov 3, 4:49 PM
Guest (Guest): I think they can. But they need to be open to His Live
Nov 3, 4:49 PM
Guest (Guest): Love
ov 3, 4:50 PMSrSusan (Guest): q What is “the heart”?Why is it important to rediscover the importance of the heart?
Nov 3, 4:50 PM
SImone (Guest): I do not want to come across as too pessimistic.. but I see all the encyclicals of the Pope more written to an audience who are meant to spread the content. I might be inspired by this encyclical – but I do not think that my friend for example.. who has never really experienced God’s love.. would experience God by reading it.. and most of all… she would not read it.. she would not even find it
Nov 3, 4:50 PM
Kim (Guest): I think it’s a call to his heart, pointing the way… we need more pointing toward His Heart
ov 3, 4:51 PM
SImone (Guest): as for your second question now Sister… the importance to rediscover the heart… I think we are so “brain focused” these days… – that we have forgotten how to live a life with the heart as the center
Nov 3, 4:52 PM
Kim (Guest): Yes exactly… but what he points to will be brought forward by those who do read it in various ways, like this chat
Nov 3, 4:52 PM
Dawn (Guest): Reading the saints is what touches me
Nov 3, 4:52 PM
SImone (Guest): Rediscovering the heart as the centre – is in a way – introducing (again) a different worldview than the world without GOD tries to push now
Nov 3, 4:53 PM
Dawn (Guest): !!
Nov 3, 4:53 PM
SImone (Guest): Me too Dawn..Spiritual Readings with the life of the Saints is always one of the most inspiring things for my soul
Nov 3, 4:53 PM
Kim (Guest): Yes Simone! Heart is so important
Nov 3, 4:54 PMGuest (Guest): The heart is where we experience love. If we open our heart to God then His Love is amazing.
Nov 3, 4:54 PM
Guest (Guest): The heart is where we experience love. If we open our heart to God then His Love is amazing.
Nov 3, 4:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): everyone who has half a decent life can relate to Love
Nov 3, 4:56 PM
SImone (Guest): I am often very confused with the definition of the heart in literature.. Also in Salesian literature. I find that sometimes the words “soul” and “heart” are used interchangeable.. whereas I find a big difference between the two
Nov 3, 4:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): if a person was so damaged it takes longer to accept it
Nov 3, 4:56 PM
SrSusan (Guest): maybe a translation issue too Simone
Nov 3, 4:57 PM
SImone (Guest): I am not talking about the writings of St. Francis – but more those who wrote about Salesian Spirituality
Nov 3, 4:57 PM
SImone (Guest): anyways..
Nov 3, 4:57 PM
SrSusan (Guest): but it is important to know what heart means because how can one understand Sacred heart if one does not grasp heart in general
Nov 3, 4:57 PMSImone (Guest): exactly..
Nov 3, 4:58 PMSImone (Guest): Does anyone want to give a short definition of “the heart” here?
ov 3, 4:58 PM
SImone (Guest): HA.. it is one of our questions actually
Nov 3, 4:59 PM
Kim (Guest): How long do I have lol…
Nov 3, 4:59 PM
SImone (Guest): take your time Kim
ov 3, 5:01 PMSrSusan (Guest): heart is the seat of love?
ov 3, 5:01 PM
SImone (Guest): I think.. with the faculties that come together in the heart.. we are able to receive and give love..
Nov 3, 5:01 PM
Guest (Guest): Is our heart a special place where God helps us receive His love
Nov 3, 5:02 PM
SImone (Guest): that would be the “fine point” I think – in Salesian Spirituality.. but the heart is more than the “fine point” I think.. … I am very open to correction
Nov 3, 5:03 PMKim (Guest): Heart is the physical organ but in scripture it is portrayed as housing the essence of the person. It is the place that love pours forth from as it did on the cross… our hearts are also pierced and pour love. It is where we unite with Jesus in His totality as Man and God.
ov 3, 5:04 PMSImone (Guest): but isn’t that already in regards to the Sacred Heart Kim? I mean.. every person has a heart.. even those who do not unite with Jesus – so how would you describe these hearts then?
ov 3, 5:05 PMKim (Guest): Yes but is our freedom to allow him into our hearts
Nov 3, 5:06 PMSImone (Guest): I agree.. but what is the heart – if we set aside it’s place for union with God?
ov 3, 5:06 PM
SImone (Guest): I liked what our readings said..
Nov 3, 5:06 PM
SImone (Guest): human beings are not simply a sum of different skills, but a unity of body and soul with a coordinating centre that provides a backdrop of meaning and direction to all that a person experiences
Nov 3, 5:06 PM
Dawn (Guest): a small child can bring forth love, from the heart. without words
Nov 3, 5:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
Nov 3, 5:06 PM
Kim (Guest): Yes!
Nov 3, 5:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and yes it is a center
ov 3, 5:07 PMGuest (Guest): It it where God lives within us.
Guest (Guest): It it where God lives within us.
Nov 3, 5:08 PM
Kim (Guest): Yes! It is the house of God and gate of heaven!
Nov 3, 5:08 PM
Dawn (Guest): kim, beautiful
Nov 3, 5:08 PM
Kim (Guest): It’s from the litany of the sacred heart
ov 3, 5:09 PM
SImone (Guest): I think love is a possible way to “utilize” our heart.. sorry that this sounds so technical. But our hearts can also be used for our outcomes.. Love is an outcome of the combination of our free will, our determination and our intellectual yes – when we make these faculties available for GOD and use it toward His will.. then we love I think.. I am aware.. that it does sound quite technical
Nov 3, 5:09 PM
SImone (Guest): should read “other outcomes”
ov 3, 5:10 PM
SImone (Guest): I don’t think that our hearts automatically love.. I think – we start “using” our heart to love.. but it is an act of will, etc..
Nov 3, 5:10 PM
SrSusan (Guest): if God is the center of our hearts then what is His Sacred heart- center of a center?
Nov 3, 5:11 PM
SImone (Guest): the Sacred heart – is the crossing point.. of finite (human) love and eternal love for me
Nov 3, 5:11 PM
Guest (Guest): He is Love.
Nov 3, 5:12 PM
Dawn (Guest): The Litany of the Sacred Heart is beautiful and answers much of these questions
ov 3, 5:12 PMKim (Guest): Dawn yes! So many aspects to the heart!
Nov 3, 5:14 PM
SImone (Guest): I have a lovely little prayer book. only on the Sacred Heart. It is written and compiled by Marianne Lorraine Trouve, FSP and published from Pauline Books and Media in Boston….. just in case someone is interested in something like this
Nov 3, 5:14 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Too bad ythe litany is not in the encyclical- but it is available elsewhere
Nov 3, 5:14 PM
Kim (Guest): Simone, do you believe you can love without it also being an action of the intellect and will?
ov 3, 5:14 PM
SImone (Guest): I am not sure I understand your question Kim
Nov 3, 5:15 PM
SImone (Guest): can you maybe say it with other words?
Nov 3, 5:16 PM
Kim (Guest): Do you think intellect and will must always be present in order to love?
Nov 3, 5:17 PM
SImone (Guest): I think the will must be present.. otherwise it would be forced… the intellect can have different levels.. but the understanding of the “other” should be present.
ov 3, 5:17 PM
Guest (Guest): I don’t think so. Has there ever been times you feel love for another but don’t use your intellect. Like seeing the innocence of a baby.
Nov 3, 5:18 PM
SImone (Guest): that is using the intellect Guest.. I recognize that the baby is not me. That is using the intellect.
Nov 3, 5:19 PM
SImone (Guest): using the intellect – does not make it less love.
Nov 3, 5:19 PM
Guest (Guest): I don’t use the intellect when I see a new born smile I just feel love. It’s hard to explain.
Nov 3, 5:19 PM
Kim (Guest): Yes it’s apontaneous
Nov 3, 5:19 PM
Kim (Guest): Spontaneous
Nov 3, 5:19 PM
SImone (Guest): well.. I think we have to agree that we understand the word intellect differently
Nov 3, 5:20 PM
SImone (Guest): that’s ok
Nov 3, 5:20 PM
Guest (Guest): Of course it doesn’t make it less love but there are times I don’t use my intellect and then their are
ov 3, 5:20 PMDawn (Guest): there can only be one truth. you are speaking of relativeism
Nov 3, 5:21 PM
Guest (Guest): Don’t understand.
Nov 3, 5:21 PM
SImone (Guest): Dawn – where is this coming from?
ov 3, 5:21 PM
Kim (Guest): I love this conversation! I think it’s both/and! I think God also gives the grace of this kind of infused love. Intellect I would agree is present
Nov 3, 5:21 PM
Dawn (Guest): my intellect lol
Nov 3, 5:22 PMSImone (Guest): but even infused love… has the faculty of the will involved.
Nov 3, 5:22 PMGuest (Guest): Maybe not always.
Nov 3, 5:22 PMKim (Guest): But not always an action
Nov 3, 5:23 PM
Guest (Guest): What do you mean by infused love
Nov 3, 5:23 PM
SrSusan (Guest): But in the case of God’s love in His sacred heart, all these elements would be present, no?
ov 3, 5:23 PM
Dawn (Guest): yes Sr
Nov 3, 5:23 PM
Guest (Guest): Yes
Nov 3, 5:23 PMSImone (Guest): All of these elements are present in the Sacred Heart Sister. All of them.. and brought into eternity
times I do.
Nov 3, 5:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Instead of running after superficial satisfactions and playing a role for the benefit of others, we would do better to think about the really important questions in life. Who am I, really? What am I looking for? What direction do I want to give to my life, my decisions and my actions? Why and for what purpose am I in this world? How do I want to look back on my life once it ends? What meaning do I want to give to all my experiences? Who do I want to be for others? Who am I for God? All these questions lead
Nov 3, 5:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): us back to the heart.
Nov 3, 5:25 PM
SrSusan (Guest): How do you think this will mesh with the discussion later on about the Sacred Heart? See the encyclical, Dilexit Nos.
Nov 3, 5:26 PM
SrSusan (Guest): That was a repeat of the number 8 in the encyclical and the last q
Nov 3, 5:27 PM
Kim (Guest): The encyclical is larger than its words… it’s a forwarding of the devotio
Nov 3, 5:28 PM
Kim (Guest): Into our timesNov 3, 5:29 PM
Kim (Guest): I would love to further this conversation! Anyone interested email me at kim@fourcoeurs.org!
Nov 3, 5:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): we will continue a few chats on the encyclical if you want and then go back to St Francis de Sales There is a section on him in the encyclical
Nov 3, 5:29 PM
SImone (Guest): Thanks Kim
Nov 3, 5:30 PM
Guest (Guest): Great
Nov 3, 5:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I hope you all have a good week God bless!
Nov 3, 5:30 PM
Kim (Guest): Thank you sister and all! This was great!
ov 3, 5:30 PM
SImone (Guest): oh my word.. it is already so late! This was the fastest chat ever!
Nov 3, 5:30 PM
SImone (Guest): Good night everyone!
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