What’s in a name? Would a rose by any other name not smell as sweet?Do our names still have meaning today, or was this only something for these major biblical figures?Why is the name “Peter” so important for the first Pope?Isn’t Christ the foundation stone of the Church? Why do we need a pope?What was the reasoning behind your parents’ giving you the name that they did? Were you named after a relative? A saint?Can we have a special relationship with the saint who has the same name as us?
SrSusan (Guest): What kind of relationship would this be? Would this saint be partial to you?What is the significance of the name you chose for your Confirmation?
Nov 21, 6:58 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Sun chat Nov 24 730pm est
Nov 21, 6:59 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat https://visitationspirit.org/2024/11/newsletter-for-sunday-chat-nov-24/

Newsletter for Sunday chat Nov 24 | Visitation Spirit
Nov 24, 4:25 PM
Simone (Guest): Hello Sr. Susan!
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
Nov 24, 4:30 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hello !
Nov 24, 4:31 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Ruth!
Nov 24, 4:31 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hello Sister Susan & Simon!
Nov 24, 4:37 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What’s in a name? Would a rose by any other name not smell as sweet?
Nov 24, 4:37 PM
Simone (Guest): Hi Dawn..
Nov 24, 4:37 PM
Simone (Guest): There’s a lot in a name I find.
Nov 24, 4:37 PM
Ruth (Guest): Hi Dawn.
Nov 24, 4:37 PM
Dawn (Guest): Hello everyone…
Nov 24, 4:37 PM
Simone (Guest): Name equals often identity
Nov 24, 4:38 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Hi Dawn
ov 24, 4:38 PMRuth (Guest): I think that applies only or mainly to people.
Nov 24, 4:38 PMSimone (Guest): what do you mean by that?
ov 24, 4:39 PMRuth (Guest): Thinks can have different names in various languages?
ov 24, 4:40 PMSimone (Guest): oh I see.. I don’t think it is a “different name”.. .just a different word.. that is used to express “the name”.. a name is for me somewhat linked with purpose
Nov 24, 4:41 PMSrSusan (Guest): Just like in a religious community one gets a new name or like Native Americans who may do some kind of deed and their name matches that action
ov 24, 4:42 PM
Simone (Guest): yes. How did you receive your name Sister? If that is OK to ask
Nov 24, 4:42 PM
Simone (Guest): I would love to know a little bit about the process of receiving a name in a community. How does it come together? I guess the superior decides in the end.
Nov 24, 4:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I asked for it In the Visitation the original idea was to add to ones baptismal name Since I was born on Aug 15 I thought Marie after our Blessed Mother would be good
Nov 24, 4:43 PM
Simone (Guest): So… my name would be Sr. Simone + a name I choose?
Nov 24, 4:43 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes the Superior decides. Sometimes they give a choice of 3 names.
Nov 24, 4:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes
Nov 24, 4:44 PM
Ruth (Guest): And even within one language may refer to more than one object — perhaps with little resemblance to one another, or only an outward resemblance. Eg Phaffinhut growing in your garden smells very different from the Phaffenhut worn by your husband.
Nov 24, 4:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Does not hold for all Visitation as over the years things changed but then they changed back
Nov 24, 4:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): When i was professing Srs i wrote to Annecy to be sure about the custom
Nov 24, 4:45 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Think about it I believe St jane kept her original name
Nov 24, 4:45 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Jane
Nov 24, 4:45 PM
Dawn (Guest): her Baptismal name?
Nov 24, 4:46 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
Nov 24, 4:46 PM
Simone (Guest): Sister Jane Frances.. right?
Nov 24, 4:46 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes as far as I know anyway
Nov 24, 4:46 PM
SrSusan (Guest): we never really talked about St Jane in this respect
Nov 24, 4:47 PMSrSusan (Guest): q Do our names still have meaning today, or was this only something for these major biblical figures?
Nov 24, 4:47 PMSimone (Guest): I take names very seriously.. I think they are a foreshadowing of the trajectory of a life
Nov 24, 4:49 PMSrSusan (Guest): and God has a new name for us written on the white stone?
Nov 24, 4:49 PM
Simone (Guest): yes.. and no-one knows it.. how exciting!
Nov 24, 4:50 PM
Simone (Guest): Do you all know what your names mean? I have a book downstairs and can look it up if you want.
Nov 24, 4:50 PMSrSusan (Guest): I think Susan means Lily Yes check it out for us
Nov 24, 4:50 PMSimone (Guest): my name Simone – means.. God is hearing.. but a also “listening to God”.. And isn’t it wonderful that this has become the calling of my life? Listening to God.. on behalf of others in Spiritual direction
Nov 24, 4:51 PM
SrSusan (Guest): thats amazing
Nov 24, 4:51 PM
Simone (Guest): my middle name is KRISTINA.. which means ” the one who follows God”
Nov 24, 4:51 PM
Simone (Guest): which is of course so sweet… when God revealed himself to me.. I was tempted for a while to go with Kristina as my first name.
Nov 24, 4:51 PM
Dawn (Guest): that is beautiful Simone. what does Dawn mean?
Nov 24, 4:51 PMSimone (Guest): I quickly get the book Dawn.
Nov 24, 4:53 PMRuth (Guest): That passage impressed me very much when I was on a retreat. My little white stone was grey though, or beige, given to me in a dream, and it was written with a small letter, and I “heard” in the dream, “immer klein geschrieben” — always written small.
Nov 24, 4:54 PM
Nov 24, 4:54 PM
SrSusan (Guest): thats also so interesting
Nov 24, 4:57 PM
Ruth (Guest): Ruth means faithful friend.
Nov 24, 4:57 PM
Simone (Guest): lovely Ruth. I also love that your full name is in the word TRUTH
ov 24, 4:58 PM
Simone (Guest): Dawn.. I found it.. it says ” born at daybreak”… of the day’s first light..
Nov 24, 4:58 PM
Simone (Guest): does it somehow speak to you?
Nov 24, 4:58 PM
Dawn (Guest): I believe it was so
Nov 24, 4:58 PMSimone (Guest): I think… that the Visitation in the bible is in a way a symbol of this..
Nov 24, 4:59 PM
Simone (Guest): cause Mary’s visit to Elisabeth.. was the DAWN of the New Covenant
Nov 24, 4:59 PM
Dawn (Guest): Dawn, awakening
Nov 24, 4:59 PM
Simone (Guest): there was a 400 year of silence before.. God has not spoken.. that sounds like the night to me.. but then Mary comes.. THE DAWN…
Nov 24, 5:00 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Why is the name “Peter” so important for the first Pope?Isn’t Christ the foundation stone of the Church?
Nov 24, 5:00 PM
Ruth (Guest): I’ve noticed Ruth in Truth and it was in searching for THE TRUTH that I came to my Faith, although I was baptized as a child.
Nov 24, 5:01 PM
Dawn (Guest): I believe Peter means rock or foundation
Nov 24, 5:01 PM
Simone (Guest): Sr. Susan.. I took the liberty.. to look up your name too.. it says ” resembling a graceful white lily” … and the lily is such a beautiful image of the bride of Christ I find
Nov 24, 5:02 PM
Ruth (Guest): Great connection, Simone. DAWN!
Nov 24, 5:02 PM
Dawn (Guest): beautiful
Nov 24, 5:02 PM
Simone (Guest): Peter – the Rock.. carries Jesus in Him when the Church starts to be founded
Nov 24, 5:02 PM
Ruth (Guest): Mine Simone?
Thanks Simone!
Nov 24, 5:03 PM
Simone (Guest): Ruth = a beloved companion
Nov 24, 5:03 PM
Simone (Guest): That would also be an amazing name for a Spiritual Director
Nov 24, 5:03 PM
SrSusan (Guest): or a pyschiatrist or social worker
Nov 24, 5:03 PM
Simone (Guest): I know you have accompanied many people in their life.
Nov 24, 5:04 PM
Simone (Guest): your life
Nov 24, 5:04 PM
Ruth (Guest): Susan = white lily, bride of Christ?
Nov 24, 5:04 PM
Simone (Guest): exactly Sr. Susan..
Nov 24, 5:04 PM
Simone (Guest): bride of Christ.. I added
Nov 24, 5:05 PMRuth (Guest): Perfect.
Nov 24, 5:05 PM
Dawn (Guest): a lovely topic
Nov 24, 5:05 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes!!
ov 24, 5:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Were you named after a relative? A saint?
Nov 24, 5:07 PM
SrSusan (Guest): What was the reasoning behind your parents’ giving you the name that they did?
Nov 24, 5:07 PM
Ruth (Guest): Yes, and the name also prefigures, “Bride of Christ” in the Song of Songs.
Nov 24, 5:08 PM
Simone (Guest): and I think I shared that here.. that I always found it interesting.. that Peter and I “share a name”… Simon Peter — Simone + Peter.. and yesterday we prayed over several people in our church together.. The Holy Spirit came.. as Peter prayed with the authority of the Church..and God used me humbly in speaking truth into the life of these people.. Together we were “the rock” and “listening to God…
Nov 24, 5:08 PM
SrSusan (Guest): amazing is all I can say!
Nov 24, 5:08 PM
Simone (Guest): exactly Ruth.. that’s what I meant.. lovely that you picked up on that
Nov 24, 5:08 PM
SrSusan (Guest): amazing is all I can say!
Nov 24, 5:08 PM
Simone (Guest): exactly Ruth.. that’s what I meant.. lovely that you picked up on that
Nov 24, 5:09 PM
Ruth (Guest): wonderful ministry!
Nov 24, 5:09 PM
Dawn (Guest): is this a charismatic church?
Nov 24, 5:09 PMSimone (Guest): the reason why my parents gave me the name.. My Dad wanted a name that was not “usual”.. Simone was VERY unusual in my generation and my area. my Mom had a nurse colleague who was given this name as her “nurse name” – and they liked the sound of the name
ov 24, 5:10 PMRuth (Guesov 24, 5:10 PMRuth (Guest): The Beloved we have come to know as the Church Christ founded.
Nov 24, 5:11 PMDawn (Guest): I do not know why my parents chose this name..
Nov 24, 5:11 PMSimone (Guest): Dawn.. as for your question.. no .. not a charismatic church. We had the Holy Spirit weekend at RCIA. and Peter and I like to minister sometimes in that way together.
Nov 24, 5:12 PMSrSusan (Guest): q Can we have a special relationship with the saint who has the same name as us?
SrSusan (Guest): What kind of relationship would this be?
Nov 24, 5:12 PM
Simone (Guest): and KRISTINA.. which is my middle name.. was the name of my God parent. it was very usual in our area that the first name of the Godparent becomes the middle name for the child
Nov 24, 5:12 PM
Dawn (Guest): thanks Simone. it sounds amazing…
Nov 24, 5:13 PM
Simone (Guest): Since I do not know a female Saint – named Simone.. I never really developed a relationship with a Saint.. I did not really connect with St. Peter in that way.. although his ability to act without thinking and being quite impulsive.. should relate to me
Nov 24, 5:15 PM
Ruth (Guest): That seems to me such progress in your (pleural) relationship with one another and with the Community. (Before you seemed to think that people would not accept a married Catholic priest’s wife, even though it is completely legit.)
Nov 24, 5:16 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Susanna
Nov 24, 5:17 PM
Simone (Guest): do you know what she is famous for.. or what cause?
Nov 24, 5:17 PM
Ruth (Guest): Old Testament Saint; a great great grandmother in David’s line.
Nov 24, 5:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): a martyr
Nov 24, 5:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): The beautiful daughter of Gabinius, a priest, and niece of Pope Caius, Susanna refused Emperor’s Diocletian request that she marry his son-in-law, Maximian and converted two of her uncles, Claudius and Maximus who were court officers sent by Diocletian to persuade her to marry, to Christianity. Diocletian was so enraged by what she had done that he sent one of his favorites, Julian, to deal with the matter. Julian had Maximus, Claudius and his wife, Praepedigna, and their two sons, burned to death at Cumae,
Nov 24, 5:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): Ruth, there is an entire book in OT
Nov 24, 5:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and then had Susanna and her father beheaded.
Nov 24, 5:16 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Susanna
Nov 24, 5:17 PM
Simone (Guest): do you know what she is famous for.. or what cause?
Nov 24, 5:17 PM
Ruth (Guest): Old Testament Saint; a great great grandmother in David’s line.
Nov 24, 5:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): a martyr
Nov 24, 5:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): The beautiful daughter of Gabinius, a priest, and niece of Pope Caius, Susanna refused Emperor’s Diocletian request that she marry his son-in-law, Maximian and converted two of her uncles, Claudius and Maximus who were court officers sent by Diocletian to persuade her to marry, to Christianity. Diocletian was so enraged by what she had done that he sent one of his favorites, Julian, to deal with the matter. Julian had Maximus, Claudius and his wife, Praepedigna, and their two sons, burned to death at Cumae,
Nov 24, 5:17 PM
Dawn (Guest): Ruth, there is an entire book in OT
Nov 24, 5:17 PM
SrSusan (Guest): and then had Susanna and her father beheaded.
Nov 24, 5:18 PMSimone (Guest): And Ruth.. is of course a wonderful person in the Old Testament.
Nov 24, 5:19 PMDawn (Guest): Susanna, brave
Nov 24, 5:21 PMSimone (Guest): interestingly.. when I prayed over a man yesterday whose name was Francis.. I did pray that the love for God… as lived in our beloved St. Francis will mark his soul too
Nov 24, 5:21 PM
Ruth (Guest): I am glad my parents did not name me Ralphina! I think Ruth was the. Lowest they could find to Ralph. they wanted to name their third child after a friend of my father who died in WW II.
Nov 24, 5:21 PM
Simone (Guest): so.. I connected his name with a Saint
Nov 24, 5:21 PMSimone (Guest): Ralphina.. I have never heard that name..
Nov 24, 5:22 PM
Simone (Guest): I would have been a “Dominik” if I would have been a boy
Nov 24, 5:22 PM
Ruth (Guest): Closest, not Lowest.
Nov 24, 5:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I would have been Paul
Nov 24, 5:22 PM
Simone (Guest): a big name too Sister
Nov 24, 5:23 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Dont know why my parents chose these names tho
Nov 24, 5:23 PM
Dawn (Guest): my parents did not share much information…
Nov 24, 5:23 PM
Simone (Guest): Until recently we had an official list in Austria. and the name you wanted to give your child had to be on this list
Nov 24, 5:23 PM
Simone (Guest): It was to protect children from ridiculous names
Nov 24, 5:23 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q What is the significance of the name you chose for your Confirmation?
Nov 24, 5:23 PM
Simone (Guest): I am so sad, that I did not choose a confirmation name..
Nov 24, 5:24 PM
Simone (Guest): I think, we were not encouraged to do so
Nov 24, 5:24 PM
Simone (Guest): I only heard that for the first time.. when my daughter was confirmed
Nov 24, 5:24 PM
Dawn (Guest): I chose Teresa of Avila , for her ability to pray deeply
Nov 24, 5:25 PM
Simone (Guest): I was so sad that she chose Sara – from Abraham’s wife.. Sara is for me a little bit a picture of someone who struggles with doubts.. I mean. she LAUGHED at God’s messengers
Nov 24, 5:25 PM
Ruth (Guest): In college, a professor recommended Teresa of Avila to me.
Nov 24, 5:25 PM
Simone (Guest): Oh wow Dawn.. even as a young woman.. you had such a deep spirit already
Nov 24, 5:25 PM
Simone (Guest): and Ruth.. it would have fit to you perfectly too I think
Nov 24, 5:25 PM
Simone (Guest): what did you choose?
Nov 24, 5:26 PM
Simone (Guest): or.. did you actually choose it too?
Nov 24, 5:26 PM
Dawn (Guest): I allso wanted St Therese, and at my Confirmation ( a late Sacrament for me) the woman there combined both names for my name tag
Nov 24, 5:27 PMSimone (Guest): how did that look written Dawn?
Nov 24, 5:28 PMSrSusan (Guest): I took Veronica. I was 10 years old and I don’t think there were deep spiritual reasons
ov 24, 5:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): This Wed I am having ambulatory surgery. Please pray for me if you can.
Nov 24, 5:29 PM
Simone (Guest): I think – at the age where children are confirmed they are often overwhelmed with a deep meaningful choice. Sara was one of the suggestions Victoria got.. I think because she laughed so much
Nov 24, 5:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I hope you all have a blessed last week in this liturgical year before Advent!!
Nov 24, 5:29 PM
Dawn (Guest): she spelled it Theresa
Nov 24, 5:29 PM
Ruth (Guest): And in St. Mary’s H.S. The Sister they assigned to teach Chemistry was a Spanish teacher. She asked me to teach a lot of the Chemistry class. (I was always just a chapter ahead.) I didn’t take Spanish but she introduced me to poetry in translation of St. John of the Cross.
Nov 24, 5:29 PM
SrSusan (Guest): God bless!
Nov 24, 5:29 PM
Simone (Guest): That said..I do like Veronica..
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