Venerable Sister Maria Margit Bogner, VHM of Erd, Hungary (1905-1933) has been presented to the Holy See and her cause for beatification is in process. In a private audience June 2012, with prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of the Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato, Pope Benedict XVI approved the “heroic virtue” of Servant of God Maria Margit Bogner.
Sister Maria Margit lived the liturgical seasons fully, both interiorly and in community. Her interior reflections and prayers were manifested in her diaries and other journal writings. We take these excerpts from the book “Une Tombe Pres du Danube”by Elemer Csavossy SJ, in French, translated here.
Sister Maria Margit’s ardor grew throughout Advent. She also prayed in conjunction so very intimately with the Blessed Mother.
Sunday December 8
““O Blessed Virgin, I am close to you, I press up against you in silence, without uttering a word. It is Advent. Our heart quivers. My Mother, I take refuge with you, this Advent is also for me a true Advent, you know it. Put your hand on my heart, o holy Virgin. Do you feel it? Isn’t it so, this poor machine will not be able to go well much farther, anymore? My holy Mother, I wait with you.”
Monday December 9
“We listen to the palpitations of His Heart. However, O Holy Virgin, I die of desire to really hold Him in my arms with you. “
Tuesday December 10
“My Holy Mother, forgive my boldness, I am dust, I know it, but I am driven irresistibly; I ardently desire His arrival in me. “
Wednesday December 11
“I would hold Him tightly in my arms, to protect him from all offenses, to delight Him with my love, to avoid the wounds caused by the coldness of hearts. “
Thursday December 12
“May He listen to the soft murmur of my lips, the ardent quivering of my heart! “
Friday December 13
“O my little Jesus, I beg you, look at me, plunge your eyes in mine! I cover them with kisses, in order to hide from them all that could cause you sorrow. “
Saturday December 14
“Sleep, Jesus. I, during this time, will beg for you the love of hearts. I will ask of them that they will let themselves be filled with your graces, to receive your spirit so that you can come back to life in them.”