Viva † Jesus “To win hearts, Oh, my Divine Jesus! He has fallen from the sky, Born like a child: ¡You will hold out the victory, May your love have come!” (Our Holy Hna. Margarita María Alacoque, VSM) Dearest Mother and Sisters We greet you with great joy, wishing you a blessed Christmas and a new year of the Lord 2025, in which we will receive an abundance of graces in this Jubilee Year and of the 350th anniversary of the apparitions of the Sacred Heart to Our Blessed Sister Margarite-Marie. May this experience of the abundance of his Love inflame our hearts so that we may live in loving fidelity to our Visitandine vocation in order to be “salt of the earth and light of the world”. In the Heart of Jesus and Mary, we embrace you fraternally and remain united in prayer.
Your little sisters of the First Monastery of the Visitation of Saint Mary of Santiago
Dear Mothers and Sisters, Dear Fathers, dear friends, With this video attached, please receive our wishes for a holy Christmas and our best wishes for the new year. The Mass of January 1st will be offered for your intentions.
Your Sisters of the Visitation of Annecy
+J And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth. Jn 1, 14 The Superior and Sisters of the Monastery of the Visitation of Saint Mary of Quito.
Wish all members of the “ORDER OF THE VISITATION” a Holy and Merry Christmas and a New Year filled with blessings from the Child Jesus… D.S.B
Dear Mother and Sisters In the little Holy Child, God gives us Salvation, and the light of the manger in Bethlehem announces once again in our hearts the Good News that we are God’s beloved children. Please accept our warmest wishes that the Nativity of Jesus brings love and peace; joy and hope. May Mary, Mother of hope, guide us safely, pilgrims of this land, into the New Jubilee Year 2025.
With the gift of prayer and our fraternal greetings Visitation Sisters of Jaslo, Poland
Long live + Jesus! Christmas 2024 Dear Mothers and Sisters, we come to you to wish you a holy and fervent Christmas, full of blessings and light to penetrate ever more deeply into the enormity of this ineffable mystery “The Word became flesh” Jn 1, 14. Your little sisters of the Visitation of Saint Mary of San Salvador God be blessed.
Long live Jesus This is the wonder of Christmas: the unprecedented tenderness of God who saves the world by becoming incarnate. Let us look at the Child, let us look at his cradle, let us contemplate the manger, which the angels call the “sign” (Lk 2:12). It is, in fact, the sign that reveals the face of God, who is compassion and mercy, omnipotent always and only in love. (Pope Francis) The Sisters of the Visitation of St. Mary wish you with all our hearts a Christmas full of joy, love and peace. And may the Jubilee of hope 2025 make us capable of discovering and welcoming the presence of God in our lives.
Aguascalientes, Ags. Mexico. God be blessed