Live +Jesus II
Gestures and Words of Love
After speaking to us about the importance of our own heart (ch.1), Pope Francis directs our gaze to the Person of Jesus in the Gospels: his gestures, his gaze, his words. This is where his heart is manifested. n° 32: THE Heart of Christ (…) is the living core of the first proclamation. Approaching the Heart of Christ is not a purely intellectual process, it is “drinking from the source that gives life to Christian convictions”. This Heart tells us that He is alive and that we can believe in Him.
Gestures that reflect the Heart n° 33:
Christ does not explain his love for us. He manifests it through his gestures. It is therefore a question of seeking in the Gospel where our faith can recognize it, where He teaches us to see Him at work in our lives. No. 34: Jesus does not treat us as strangers, we are His. He says so Himself (Jn. 1:11; Jn. 15:15). • He offers us the reciprocal belonging of friends. ➢ Am I aware of this desire of Jesus for me? • He came, He crossed all distances, He made Himself close to us (…) that is to say close to our life: Emmanuel, God with us. The Son of God became incarnate, he annihilated Himself. (Phil 2:7) ➢ Do I believe in this closeness of God in my life? #35: Let us consider Jesus at work in the Gospel, “always searching, always close, always open to encounter. Let us note the verbs used by Pope Francis: to see, to contemplate, to admire Jesus in several passages of the Gospel; Jn. 4:5-7; Jn. 3:1-2; Lk. 7:36-50; Jn. 8:11; Mk. 10:51. “Christ shows that God is closeness, compassion and tenderness.”
Let us listen to Pope Francis speak to us about Jesus. #36:
“The Lord knows the beautiful science of caresses. God’s tenderness does not love us with words. He draws near to us and, close to us, He gives us His Love with all possible tenderness. » (Mt.8,3; Mt. 8,15; Mt.7,33) n° 37: « Jesus whispers in our ear: « Have confidence » » (Mt.9,2; Mt.9,22) It is now up to us « to overcome fear and realize that we have nothing to lose with Him. (Mt.14,31) « We can doubt many people, but not Him. » Our sins are not an obstacle. Jesus wants Mercy and not sacrifice. (Mt.9,13; Mt.9,10; Mt.11,19 » n° 38: Jesus is waiting today for you to give him the opportunity to enlighten your existence, to elevate you, to fill you with his strength. » (Jn 14, 18-19) « He always finds a way to manifest himself in your life so that you can meet him. » ➢ Have I experienced it? Take the time to remember these moments of encounter with the Lord.
The gaze of Jesus n° 39:
We must take the time to contemplate the gaze of Jesus fixed on the rich young man, on the two brothers on the shores of the Sea of Galilee. (Mt.10-21; Mt.4, 18-21) We must also become aware that this same gaze of Jesus is fixed on each of us in particular. Let us listen to Pope Francis tell us: « When He calls you, summons you for a mission, He begins by look, He penetrates to the depths of your being…” n° 40: Many texts of the Gospel show us how Jesus is attentive to people, to their concerns, to their suffering. (Mt. 9-36; Jn. 1-48) Pope Francis gives us an encouraging remark here: “When we have the impression that everyone ignores us, that no one is interested in what happens to us, that we are of no importance to anyone, He pays attention to us.” n° 41: This attention to the smallest good action that we do is underlined in the Gospel (Lk. 21,2). His attention is such that it is transformed into admiration (Mt. 8,10). Consequently, we can be sure that “Jesus does not ignore our good intentions or the positive things we do, on the contrary, He admires them…”
No. 42: We must consider Jesus as a human being: “He had learned this (cf. No. 41) from Mary his Mother” Pope Francis told us (cf. Lk. 2:19). With Joseph, she taught him from his childhood to be attentive. ➢ Am I attentive like Jesus? The words of Jesus No. 43: Be attentive to the way God speaks to us: ❖ “We have in the Gospels His living and current Word.” ❖ “But it also happens that Jesus speaks to us interiorly and calls us to lead us to the best place. This best place is your heart.” ➢ Do we believe it? • Enter His Heart, “where we can find strength and peace.” (Jn. 15:4; Mt. 11:28). #44: “Jesus’ words show that his holiness does not eliminate feelings.” • “They reveal (…) a passionate love that suffers for us, is moved, is afflicted to the point of tears.” • People’s everyday concerns and anxieties do not leave him indifferent. (Mt. 8,2-3).
No. 45: “The Gospel does not hide the feelings of Jesus…” •
With regard to Jerusalem: “He wept…” (Lk. 19:41-42) • With regard to his friend Lazarus. (Jn. 11:35) • The anguish of Jesus in the face of his violent death: (Mk. 14:33-34) • The cry of Jesus on the Cross. (Mk. 15:34)
No. 46: • The Cross: “The most eloquent word of love”. It is more than a feeling, “it is about love”. • The gift of Christ on the Cross is subordinate to Love: “He loved me and gave himself up for me” writes Saint Paul (Ga 2:10). • Knowing how to look and marvel like Saint Paul at what is greatest and most fundamental: “He loved me”.
No. 47: Conclusion that introduces chapter 3. How the Church reflects on the Holy Mystery of the Heart of the Lord.