an 16, 6:28 AM
SrSusan (Guest): What is prayer that makes it necessary for our lives? How can St. Francis say we can do no good without it?In talking about simple thoughts, St. Francis makes it sound like every part of our lives/days need to be intentional. Is this attainable?There are a lot of things to learn and read and tempt us to devour knowledge. Knowledge is good, but how can we be better focused what should we be filling ourselves with?What is the difference between meditation and contemplation?Why is it important to pray for our
Jan 16, 6:28 AM
SrSusan (Guest): Why is it important to pray for our wills to align with God’s? How do we recognize it? And does it underplay our freewill/agency to want this?When we think of prayer, what comes to mind is the prayer of petition. And yet we know that there are other forms of prayer, as shown in the Catechism of the Catholic Church’s Section on Prayer in the Christian Life. Should we be striving for the higher forms of prayer? How should we feel about “bugging God” for more favors? Sign up for our Living Jesus Chat Room:Come
Jan 16, 6:28 AM
SrSusan (Guest): on Sun Jan 19 730-830 est
Jan 16, 6:29 AM
SrSusan (Guest): newsletter for chat

Newsletter for Sunday chat January 19 | Visitation Spirit
Jan 18, 10:36 AM
Mary gorret (Guest): Hi am.mariagorret am.intersted to.join.nuns in Annecy help with contacts pliz
Welcome to our Living Jesus Chat Room. Just sign in, using any of the methods below.
an 19, 4:42 PMCarol (Guest): Prayer is our conversation with God. If we do not pray, we are not in communication with Him and can’t discern His will
an 19, 4:43 PMSrSusan (Guest): Yes and anything we do may be our will and lead us in the wrong direction away from God
an 19, 4:44 PM
Carol (Guest): And if we stay in His will, He will make it happen in spite of us
Jan 19, 4:44 PM
SrSusan (Guest): People do all kinds of things but if not with the right intention, even if a good thing, there is less spiritual value in it
an 19, 4:45 PM
SrSusan (Guest): ?In talking about simple thoughts, St. Francis makes it sound like every part of our lives/days need to be intentional. Is this attainable?
Jan 19, 4:45 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, like the person who gives much to charity and makes sure everyone knows
an 19, 4:45 PMCarol (Guest): Only by grace. It is so easy to lose that focus
an 19, 4:46 PMSrSusan (Guest): St Francis is known for his “Direction of Intention” said every morning in prayer which does give an intententional value to the whole dayJan 19, 4:47 PM
Carol (Guest): Is that prayer on the website anywhere? It would make a wonderful addition to morning prayer
Jan 19, 4:49 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Yes I can find it someplace not sure it is on this website now
Jan 19, 4:49 PM
Carol (Guest): Because I get distracted easily!
an 19, 4:52 PMSrSusan (Guest): here is the prayer: My God, I give you this day. I offer you, now, all of the good that I shall do and I promise to accept, for love of you, all of the difficulty that I shall meet. Help me to conduct myself during this day in a manner pleasing to you. Amen.
Jan 19, 4:54 PMCarol (Guest): That is a beautiful prayer. We must always remember He grows us through struggle
an 19, 4:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): So in that general way at least the whole day is intentional
Jan 19, 4:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): but there is the additional way of asking for grace before each action
Jan 19, 4:55 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Welcome Gloria
Jan 19, 4:55 PM
Carol (Guest): A d the Holy Spirit will make good its defects
Jan 19, 4:55 PM
Carol (Guest): Hi Gloria
Jan 19, 4:55 PM
Gloria (Guest): Good evening
an 19, 4:56 PMSrSusan (Guest): q Knowledge is good, but how can we be better focused what should we be filling ourselves with?
an 19, 4:57 PM
Ruth (Guest): Oh, hello Gloria! I love your name. It makes me want to SING God’s praises.
Jan 19, 4:57 PM
Gloria (Guest): Is it letting Jesus be the focus of attention?
an 19, 4:59 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Jesus will gaze on us yes as we gaze on Him

Jan 19, 5:00 PM
Gloria (Guest): That is beautiful.
Jan 19, 5:00 PMSrSusan (Guest): and we can fill ourselves with Him as He pours His Love into us
Jan 19, 5:01 PM
Carol (Guest): And if He fills us, there is no room for anything harmful
Jan 19, 5:01 PM
Gloria (Guest): The hard part is to not let distraction get in the way.
Jan 19, 5:03 PM
Gloria (Guest): Is this called contemplation?
Jan 19, 5:03 PM
Ruth (Guest): I like the simplicity of that morning prayer.
Jan 19, 5:04 PMSrSusan (Guest): Yes it is contemplation when we fix our inner eyes and being on the Lord. Meditation usually uses words of Scripture for ex
Jan 19, 5:04 PM
Ruth (Guest): I heard one recently by St. Cardinal Newman, I think it was, that I thought worth memorizing.
Jan 19, 5:06 PM
SrSusan (Guest): how did it go
Jan 19, 5:07 PMRuth (Guest): I wish I knew. I think I HEARD it but did not read it.
Jan 19, 5:08 PMSrSusan (Guest): We can try to find it
Jan 19, 5:08 PM
Gloria (Guest): So, meditation should lead me to contemplation.
Jan 19, 5:08 PM
SrSusan (Guest): yes
Jan 19, 5:09 PMCarol (Guest): There is a place in each person’s soul where only God can be. Let Him take you there
an 19, 5:09 PMRuth (Guest): Ah, maybe it was on the Ascension ap, Fr. Michal Schmid’s sermon for this Sunday. After the chat I’ll look it up, write it down and post it here.
Jan 19, 5:10 PM
SrSusan (Guest): q Why is it important to pray for our wills to align with God’s? How do we recognize it?
Jan 19, 5:12 PM
Gloria (Guest): We need God more than we realize it. Humility will help.
Jan 19, 5:12 PM
Carol (Guest): Because He has the perfect plan for us already and we need that
an 19, 5:13 PM
Ruth (Guest): I think one way of recognizing it is that PEACE flows from choosing to DO or at least BE IN His will. We were made for Him, and it makes us truly happy to choose HIM, His will.
Jan 19, 5:13 PM
SrSusan (Guest): I think there is peace in the soul to help us recognize the alignment of our will with God’s Holy Will
Jan 19, 5:15 PMRuth (Guest): Yes, even when it is hugely challenging.
an 19, 5:16 PM
SrSusan (Guest): does it underplay our freewill/agency to want this?
Jan 19, 5:16 PMRuth (Guest): Or when it SEEMS trivial.
Jan 19, 5:17 PMCarol (Guest): No, because we are freely choosing Him
Jan 19, 5:17 PMRuth (Guest): No. LOVE aid impossible without freedom. And choosing Gods will is part of our expression of love.
an 19, 5:18 PM
Gloria (Guest): “Our heart are restless until it rest on Him”. St Augustine.
Jan 19, 5:18 PM
Ruth (Guest): LOVE is
an 19, 5:20 PMRuth (Guest): But even if we feel confused or unsettled, and offer that to Him, while seeking his will, we ca. still be in his will.
Jan 19, 5:22 PM
SrSusan (Guest): Should we be striving for the higher forms of prayer? How should we feel about “bugging God” for more favors?
Jan 19, 5:22 PM
Carol (Guest): Yes, because it is actually His to,accomplish–we just cooperate
an 19, 5:22 PMRuth (Guest): good answer Carol
an 19, 5:22 PMRuth (Guest): good answer Carol
an 19, 5:24 PMSrSusan (Guest): I think the Lord brings us to that higher level when He wants
an 19, 5:25 PMCarol (Guest): We cannot attain it on our own
Jan 19, 5:26 PM
Gloria (Guest): Confidence on Him might help.
Jan 19, 5:26 PM
Ruth (Guest): But “bugging, I’m not so sure. Unless it is by hearing about it from others we might not even know that there is such a thing”level” and should’ve we be content with what God chooses to give us, and when he chooses to give it to us?
Jan 19, 5:27 PMSrSusan (Guest): I guess I beg, not bug

Jan 19, 5:16 PM
Jan 19, 4:44 PM
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