Sun chat Jan 26

Jan 25, 4:24 AM SrSusan (Guest): Reflections:We can all admit that temptations will always be with us throughout our lives. Do we grow stronger in virtue as time goes by in resisting the temptations of our youth? Are there any advantages in growing...

Sun chat Jan 19

an 16, 6:28 AM SrSusan (Guest): What is prayer that makes it necessary for our lives? How can St. Francis say we can do no good without it?In talking about simple thoughts, St. Francis makes it sound like every part of our lives/days need...

Sun Chat Jan 12

 How do we balance between desiring something but not inordinately?Religious life is a “higher” calling than marriage simply because it reflects how we will be in heaven. Then why would it be wrong for a married person to hope for and long for religious...