Sun chat Mar 10

 What does it mean that the love of God is known by obedience? Are we supposed to blindly do whatever anyone tells us to do?How do we “do nothing without love”?Why is it important to try to emulate a particular Saint, and perhaps focus on just one at a time in the aid...

Sun chat Feb 25

Why was it important that Jesus experienced temptation?Is Jesus’ experience of temptation an unfair comparison to our experience of temptation since we are subject to a fallen nature and concupiscence?How can we be better prepared for times of temptation, especially...

Sun chat Feb 18

What does it mean that St. Paul was snatched up to the third heaven? What is the third heaven? Are people in varying degrees of “achievement” in heaven?In light of this reflection, discuss this Scripture verse: “no eye has seen, nor ear...