by Sister Susan Marie | Apr 29, 2019 | Guard of Honor
Religion for us believers is not a formula, a science or a system, but a family. Since baptism, we are of the family of Jesus, and by Him, of God himself because we have received from his life, from his divinity, the name of children of God. God is our Father, Jesus...
by Sister Susan Marie | Mar 29, 2019 | Guard of Honor, Salesian Spirituality
We would be happy to have a relic of Jesus, only one of his hairs, a thorn in his crown, a shred of his seamless dress to touch to be healed! Yet we have on hand infinitely more precious relics: his words Under his adorable words, of which not one will pass, Christ...
by Sister Susan Marie | Feb 28, 2019 | Guard of Honor, LENT, MYSTIC OF THE MONTH, Salesian Spirituality
Christian courage There reigns in the world a frightful disorder, impiety goes head high and vice spreads everywhere with an outrageous liberty. Yet Jesus reminds us of a basic duty of religious morality: Christian courage!Alas too often by our concessions and our...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jan 29, 2019 | Guard of Honor, Salesian Spirituality
The spirit of faithWe have faith and adhere to the teachings revealed by God and proposed by the Church. The Trinity, the Incarnation of the Word, the Redemption on the Cross, the real presence in the Eucharist, Heaven, purgatory, hell … these are all dogmas on...
by Editor | Jan 2, 2019 | Guard of Honor, Visitation Outreach
At the dawn of this nascent year, when all wishes and all hopes are permitted, there remains a desire that we should all aspire to: that of perfection. The bar may seem high to us, but with the recourse of grace, perseverance in faith, our good will, we can at least...
by Editor | Dec 20, 2018 | Guard of Honor
Dear faithful friends of the Guard of Honor, On the eve of the Nativity and New Year celebrations, I wish to thank you personally for your loyalty, for your messages always kind and for all your testimonials received. Invisible Sentinels, you console the Heart of...