by Sister Susan Marie | Mar 28, 2017 | Guard of Honor, Monthly Mystic
By Him, with Him and in Him! Jesus offers us a pleasant home in his Sacred Heart, He invites us to live His life by deifying all our acts and accomplishing them by Him, with Him and in Him! Souls wishing to glorify their Creator wish to make love for love. And we, the...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jan 31, 2017 | Guard of Honor, Salesian Spirituality, YEAR OF FAITH
“Faith is the lighted torch of our soul” reminds our founder. In this month, which begins with the Feast of the Presentation, “the feast of the Light”, could we not, symbolically, each morning rekindle the blessed candle received that day and...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jan 3, 2017 | Guard of Honor, Sacred Heart, Saintly Visitandines, Uncategorized
Dear friends, Guards of Honor and dear faithful readers, Holy Year to each and all your families! As with every new year, we extend our best wishes to our loved ones and to all those we meet … But dare we say to them: “This year put all your trust in God,...
by Sister Susan Marie | Nov 29, 2016 | Guard of Honor
Holy Advent to all! This is the favorite month of children! Will we be able to regain our childlike heart and marvel at the manger? But who says “child” also says … obedience! It is to this spirit of obedience that Sister Mary of the Sacred Heart...
by Sister Susan Marie | Oct 28, 2016 | Guard of Honor
Reaching the goal! What is the real goal that everyone must pursue and achieve? A Question we sometimes ask on several occasions but the answer is an answer of Life or death for eternity! If the question is fearsome for those who lack the light of faith, for us who...
by Sister Susan Marie | Oct 1, 2016 | Guard of Honor, Sacred Heart
Month of the Rosary: In recent months, many parishes and communities organized prayers, rosaries and consecration to the Virgin Mary, many websites also offer daily meditations … Signs of the times? Still in the storms of life, crises of all kinds, Christians...