by Sister Susan Marie | Oct 29, 2023 | Guard of Honor
November 2023 Departed souls With what impatience the souls still waiting for Heaven await our prayers! This devotion is intimately linked to devotion to the Sacred Heart. Saint Margaret Mary practiced it to a heroic degree. She understood that one of the sweetest...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 30, 2023 | Guard of Honor, MYSTIC OF THE MONTH, Sacred Heart, Saintly Visitandines, Salesian Spirituality, Visitation History
Mother Serafina Lemery, founder and first superior of the Monastery of the Visitation of Santa María de Burgos Our community of Burgos was founded in 1892, responding to a request from the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which gradually manifested itself to Sister. María...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 28, 2023 | Guard of Honor
Forgiveness This is a very difficult exercise – to forgive those who have hurt us! Yet our serenity and our spiritual survival are at stake! It is impossible to go through life without one day being deeply hurt, upset, even bruised, by a parent, a friend, a...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 26, 2023 | Guard of Honor, Sacred Heart, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Visitation History
1er October 1792: The Sisters of the Visitation of Nantes are expelled for refusing to sign the revolutionary constitution. The monastery was transformed into a prison. October 4: Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, heavenly patron of the Guard of...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 19, 2023 | Guard of Honor
Glory, Love, Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! We inform you that our new Director General has been officially appointed by the Dicastery. This is Father Christian CATAYEE domiciled in Martinique. We are very grateful to Father Infantes Barroso who has assumed...
by Sister Susan Marie | Aug 31, 2023 | Guard of Honor, Visitation History
The adoring angels The Heart of Jesus is the sanctuary of Most Holy Trinity. He therefore deserves all men be in perpetual worship before Him. Alas, few are true worshipers in spirit and in truth, as He seeks them. During our times of Adoration, we are far too often...