by Sister Susan Marie | Jul 27, 2023 | Guard of Honor
August 2023 Joy On this land sometimes called the vale of tears, can the heart meet the joy ? Yes without a doubt! pessimists who only believe in pain misunderstand the Heart of God. On the first day of the world, opening his hand, God dropped seeds of joy. Surely sin...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jul 19, 2023 | Guard of Honor, Sacred Heart
The Three Great Wounds of Jesus The main purpose of the Honor Guard is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, everything converges towards Him and for him. As you know, members registrants undertake to bring honour, glory and reparation to his Heart visibly wounded by the spear,...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jul 19, 2023 | Guard of Honor
It is with great joy that we announce the appointment of Fr. Olivier BARNAY, as National Director of the Honor Guard In France. Priest of the diocese of Belley-Ars, he is pastor of the parish of Pont de Veyle, near Bourg-en Bresse, cradle of our Association.Since he...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jul 13, 2023 | Guard of Honor
Saint Mary Magdalene If Mary Magdalene is mentioned a few rare times in the Gospels, it appears however in the most terrible and dramatic moment in the life of Jesus. Unlike the disciples who fled in fear, and of Peter who denied the Master, she neither denied nor...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jun 28, 2023 | Guard of Honor
The True Friends of Jesus The Heart of Jesus has called us to become members of the Guard of honor and we responded generously. Sometimes discouragement awaits us. But who has never been tempted? What would be the reality of a love if this one was never tested? The...
by Sister Susan Marie | May 30, 2023 | Guard of Honor, Uncategorized
Little Child of the Sacred Heart of Jesus“If you do not become like little children, you will not enter theKingdom of Heaven ! The little child does not foresee anything, does not worry about anything, does not calculatenothing: his tender mother does all this for...