by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 22, 2023 | Events, Sacred Heart, Visitation History
Source: “Il quadro si muove”, nel 1959 Rosolini invasa da pellegrini per i miracoli del Sacro Cuore » Corriere Elorino “The painting moves”, in 1959 Rosolini invaded by pilgrims for the miracles of the Sacred Heart A weathered binder full of yellowed newspaper pages....
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 16, 2023 | Events, Sacred Heart, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Visitation History, Visitation News, Visitation Outreach
Most Reverend Benoît Rivière, Bishop of Autun, has decreed a one-and-a-half-year Jubilee to commemorate the 350e anniversary of the apparitions of the Sacred Heart to Saint Margaret Mary, Visitandine religious of Paray-le-Monial in the XVIIe century. The...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 1, 2023 | Events, Sacred Heart
RETURNING LOVE FOR LOVE: A PILGRIMAGE TO THE HEART OF JESUS France | May 31, 2024 – Jun 09, 2024 You’re invited to join Bishop Earl Fernandes, Fr. Jonathan Wilson, and Emily W. Jaminet on a Jubilee pilgrimage to France to commemorate the 350th anniversary...
by Sister Susan Marie | Aug 19, 2023 | Sacred Heart, Visitation History
St John Eudes was a deep promoter of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, not unlike the Sisters of the Visitation, especially those in Paray le Monial, where Jesus appeared to St Margaret Mary. But the relationship between St Eudes and the Visitation Order went even deeper....
by Sister Susan Marie | Aug 3, 2023 | Events, Sacred Heart, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Visitation History, Visitation News, Visitation Outreach, Visitation Saints
THE MESSAGE OF JESUS The Sisters of the Visitation of Paray perpetuate the memory and the heritage of Saint Margaret Mary. They are actively working on republishing the account of the apparitions and messages of Jesus that she received. They speak to us of the love of...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jul 19, 2023 | Guard of Honor, Sacred Heart
The Three Great Wounds of Jesus The main purpose of the Honor Guard is the Sacred Heart of Jesus, everything converges towards Him and for him. As you know, members registrants undertake to bring honour, glory and reparation to his Heart visibly wounded by the spear,...