by Sister Susan Marie | Aug 22, 2022 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
Why is it so important to make a good examination of conscience and good preparation for confession? How can we avoid letting this lead to scrupulosity? Discuss this quote from the letter: “This is life, the only real life, the only life we should live for in...
by Sister Susan Marie | Aug 15, 2022 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
What does it mean when St. Francis says that their “vocations differ in rank”?St. Francis says, “Our Lord is a fountain from which our prayer can draw water to cleanse us, to cool us, to make us fruitful and fill us with sweetness.” We often...
by Sister Susan Marie | Aug 10, 2022 | Photos & videos, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
Given July 2022- great series! Francis de Sales: Life and Teaching(day1) by Fr. Joe Boenzi SDB – YouTube Francis de Sales: Life and Teaching(day2) by Fr. Joe Boenzi SDB – YouTube Francis de Sales: Life and Teaching(day3) by Fr. Joe Boenzi SDB –...
by Sister Susan Marie | Aug 8, 2022 | Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales, St. Jane de Chantal, Visitation Outreach
“I have clearly recognized, conferring with our Blessed, that he has received from God a tasty, tender and constant love for the goods promised to us in the other life, which I have known that he hoped with humble confidence in God’s mercy and in the merit...
by Sister Susan Marie | Aug 5, 2022 | Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
St. Francis de SalesOn the TRANSGIFURATIONSermon for the 2nd Sunday of Lent — February 23, 1614Oeuvres de St. François de SalesÉdition complète, Annecytome IX, pages 27-31(translated by Thomas F. Dailey, OSFS)On the first Sunday of Lent, the Church shows us the...
by Sister Susan Marie | Aug 1, 2022 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales
Related to the opening paragraph in this letter, discuss this quote from Mother Teresa: “God doesn’t require us to succeed, he only requires that you try.”What exactly is humility?St. Paul tells us that one of the main...