by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 22, 2023 | Events, Sacred Heart, Visitation History
Source: “Il quadro si muove”, nel 1959 Rosolini invasa da pellegrini per i miracoli del Sacro Cuore » Corriere Elorino “The painting moves”, in 1959 Rosolini invaded by pilgrims for the miracles of the Sacred Heart A weathered binder full of yellowed newspaper pages....
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 16, 2023 | Events, Sacred Heart, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, Visitation History, Visitation News, Visitation Outreach
Most Reverend Benoît Rivière, Bishop of Autun, has decreed a one-and-a-half-year Jubilee to commemorate the 350e anniversary of the apparitions of the Sacred Heart to Saint Margaret Mary, Visitandine religious of Paray-le-Monial in the XVIIe century. The...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 14, 2023 | Visitation History, Visitation News
“Before the monastery, there was already a farm! And until 1995, the community exploited it. These facilities are our heritage” analyzes Sister Marie-Adrienne, Visitandine nun. A heritage that had been abandoned as the community aged. But the recent arrival of younger...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 9, 2023 | Visitation History, Visitation News
Father François Corrignan was the most recent Assistant General of the Visitation Order of Holy Mary, from 2013- 2023. He died on August 25, in the hospital of Auray, in France. He had retired to the Maison Saint-Joachim a few weeks ago, after having been a canon of...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 5, 2023 | Events, Visitation History
Our community in Bay Ridge is recalling Mother’s visit to our Monastery in 1986. That day is recalled every evening at recreation when one of us sits in the CHAIR that Mother Teresa sat in! The metal plaque on this chair recalls the exact date of Mother Teresa’s...
by Sister Susan Marie | Aug 31, 2023 | Visitation History
7 September 1688 : Blessing of the 1st chapel dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, within the walls of the monastery of the Visitation of Paray-le-Monial, at the request of Saint Margaret Mary. September 14, 1594: Saint Francis de Sales begins the mission of...