by Sister Susan Marie | Feb 23, 2016 | Holy Year of Mercy, LENT, MYSTIC OF THE MONTH, Visitation Saints
This Lent we Visitandines invite you to contemplate the Stations of the Cross according to Mother Angelica Alvarez Icaza, Mystic and Foundress of our Mexican City Monastery, pondering her thoughts about the suffering Face of Jesus. First Station Jesus is Condemned to...
by Sister Susan Marie | Feb 22, 2016 | Holy Year of Mercy, LENT, MYSTIC OF THE MONTH, Saintly Visitandines, Visitation Saints
The Jubilee Year of Mercy which Holy Father Pope Francis has initiated can be experienced in many different ways and we would like to share one of the Visitandine possibilities of living it out during this season of Lent. In older posts we have written about the...
by Sister Susan Marie | Feb 9, 2016 | LENT, MYSTIC OF THE MONTH, Saintly Visitandines, Visitation Saints
This Lent we Visitandines invite you to contemplate the Stations of the Cross according to Mother Angelica Alvarez Icaza, Mystic and Foundress of our Mexican City Monastery, pondering her thoughts about the suffering Face of Jesus. First Station Jesus is Condemned to...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jan 6, 2016 | Saintly Visitandines, Visitation Saints
I thank our Lord for his infinitely merciful action on your soul. Simply put into practice the word of the beloved Venerable Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis that obtained for you so many graces: ” only say yes to His goodness and let him do it.” But...
by Sister Susan Marie | Nov 18, 2015 | Visitation Saints
Pray this prayer to the 7 Blessed Visitation Martyrs of Madrid and notify us if you receive the favor you requested: Jesus, meek and humble of heart, Youcrowned with the palm of martyrdomBlessed Maria Gabriela and hercompanions. We ask You to grant us thegrace to...
by Sister Susan Marie | Nov 17, 2015 | Saintly Visitandines, Visitation Saints, Year of Consecrated Life
Visitandine Martyrs When St. Francis de Sales spoke of martyrdom, he probably had no idea that nearly 400 years later Sisters of the Order he founded would have the privilege of dying for their faith. But indeed this did happen to seven Spanish Vistandines in 1936,...