by Sister Susan Marie | Aug 30, 2015 | Events, Monthly Mystic, MYSTIC OF THE MONTH, Sacred Heart, Salesian Spirituality, Visitation News, Visitation Outreach, Visitation Saints, Year of Consecrated Life
A recent interview with Bishop Ellul, author of the book about about the Visitandine of Marseilles, Ven. Anne Madeleine Remuzat, is very enlightening and interesting about the way the Lord has led him in the process for her beatification....
by Sister Susan Marie | Aug 27, 2015 | St. Francis de Sales, Visitation News, Visitation Saints
It is well known among Visitandines that St. Augustine, whose monastic rule for religious life we follow, is often called our”grandfather” as our Holy Father, St. Francis de Sales, chose St Augustine as a model for our community living. So, therefore our...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jul 13, 2015 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Saintly Visitandines, Visitation Outreach, Visitation Saints
Léonie struggled with poor health her whole life, and it even kept her from remaining as a Visitandine Sister. However, after 12 years of struggles she finally entered and remained in the monastery until death. What can she teach us about perseverance in faith? Léonie...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jul 9, 2015 | Monthly Mystic, Saintly Visitandines, Visitation News, Visitation Saints
Recently, on May 13, 2015 an article was published in the Mexican Catholic weekly paper “Desde la Fe” about our own Visitandine Venerable Madre Angelica Alvarez Icaza and her spiritual director, the late Archbishop of Mexico City, Mon. Luis Maria Martinez...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jul 9, 2015 | Events, Saintly Visitandines, Visitation News, Visitation Outreach, Visitation Saints, Year of Consecrated Life
Another Visitandine Nun’s cause for beatification is moving along! Everything is ready for the closing of the diocesan process for the Servant of God, Visitation Sister Anne-Madeleine Rémuzat. Over 30,000 leaflets have been prepared and several boxes of...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jul 9, 2015 | Photos & videos, Salesian Spirituality, St. Francis de Sales, Visitation News, Visitation Outreach, Visitation Saints
Would you like to learn more about St. Francis de Sales? This brief video highlights the life of this innovative missionary, spiritual writer, bishop, and doctor of the church who is patron saint of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales and Founder of the Order of the...