by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 10, 2014 | Visitation Saints
When St. Francis de Sales spoke of martyrdom, he probably had no idea that nearly 400 years later Sisters of the Order he founded would have the privilege of dying for their faith. But indeed this did happen to seven Spanish Vistandines in 1936, who were beatified in...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 8, 2014 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Visitation Saints
The times we are living in are trying. In fact it has been remarked that it is as if we are living during “World War 111” geographically spread out throughout the globe. How do we maintain our spirits in such an era as this? St Claude de la Colombiere SJ, the...
by Sister Susan Marie | Sep 7, 2014 | Events, Sacred Heart, Visitation News, Visitation Outreach, Visitation Saints
The film-in-progress, “Cor Jesus Mecum Est “by Roberto Luis Garay will be shooting in Rosolini Italy, September 28th, the same day of the grand celebration of the Sacred Heart there. This is so important to the Order of the Visitation because part of the...
by Sister Susan Marie | Aug 31, 2014 | Guard of Honor, Visitation Saints
Dear Friends, September is synonymous with back … it means new facilities and new academic challenges for many young, professional constraints for others, complicated organizations to juggle a multitude of activities … even the volunteers are no exception...
by Sister Susan Marie | Aug 22, 2014 | MYSTIC OF THE MONTH, Visitation Saints
This month we begin a series on Visitation Nuns who were not only mystics, but stigmatics. One of the earliest for whom we have a short biography is the Sister we feature this month, Sister Marie-Clemence Mourade who entered her heavenly reward just 5 years after our...
by Sister Susan Marie | Aug 4, 2014 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Salesian Spirituality, St. Jane de Chantal, Visitation Outreach, Visitation Saints
V+J Tuesday August 12th will be the Feast of the Foundress of the Order of the Visitation of Holy Mary, St. Jane Frances de Chantal. The well-known Cardinal Berulle, founder of the French Oratory, once said of St. Jane that she was one of God’s greatest lovers on...