by Sister Susan Marie | Jan 14, 2015 | Discernment with DeSales, St. Francis de Sales, Vocation news, Year of Consecrated Life
As we prepare for St Francis de Sales Feast, January 24th, during this Year of Consecrated Life, we are looking at the Saint’s perspectives on Religious Life. This second post shares his point of view on the aim: “I say, then, my dear daughters, that our only...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jan 13, 2015 | St. Francis de Sales, Vocation news, Year of Consecrated Life
The Feast of St. Francis de Sales is approaching..on Saturday January 24th and our Church has also begun to celebrate the Year of Consecrated Life. As a preparation for St. Francis de Sales’ Feast, we thought it might be good to consider his perspectives on...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jan 5, 2015 | Discernment Sundays - Chat Room, Vocation news, Year of Consecrated Life
Judy K: I picked up a post by Deacon Greg Kandra on the “Deacon’s Bench” in which he introduces some new orders of Sisters. It is exciting to see new orders springing up. H-m-m, that could be a pun–springing up-perhaps signaling the springtime...
by Sister Susan Marie | Jan 1, 2015 | Visitation News, Vocation news, Year of Consecrated Life
The Visitation Monastery of Mobile Alabama is featured in the January/February 2015 issue of CATHOLIC DIGEST, in an article entitled, It’s Never to Late to Answer GOD’S Call, by Lori Hadacek Chaplin. Watch for the magazine on the newstands or in your...
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 30, 2014 | Vocation news, Year of Consecrated Life
The Year of Consecrated Life has begun! Many graces are flowing. If you have been considering a religious vocation, but are unclear about the different charisms and forms of religious life, our Chat Session at the Living Jesus Chat room may help you. Join us Sunday...
by Sister Susan Marie | Dec 18, 2014 | Salesian Spirituality, Year of Consecrated Life
From our archives: Let us propose to ourselves some practices relative to this holy season and which will be proof of our love for this Child, whose Nativity we are about to celebrate. Let all our spiritual exercises be homage and adoration that we render to Jesus...